MPA Scientific Preprints issued in 2008:
J-MPA-Number: to be published in Journals
P-MPA-Number: published in Proceedings
- "Progenitor mass of the type IIP supernova 2005cs"
- Utrobin, V. and N. Chugai
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 491, 507--513)
- "Properties of the ultraviolet flux of type Ia supernovae: an analysis with synthetic spectra of SN 2001ep and SN 2001eh."
- Sauer, D., P. Mazzali, S. Blondin et al.:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 391, 1605--1618)
- "The impact of type Ia supernovae on main sequence binary companions."
- Pakmor, R., F. Roepke, A. Weiss and W. Hillebrandt:
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 489, 943--951)
- "Exploring the relativistic regime with Newtonian hydrodynamics - II. An effective gravitational potential for rapid rotation."
- Mueller, B., H. Dimmelmeier and E. M\"uller:
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 489, 301--314 )
- "Chemical similarities between galactic bulge and local thick disk red giant stars."
- Melendez, J., M. Asplund, A. Alves-Brito et al.:
- ( Astron. and Astrophys. Lett. 484, L21--L25)
- "Another forbidden solar oxygen abundance: the [O I] 5577 A line"
- Melendez, J. and M. Asplund:
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 490, 817--821)
- "A calibration of the relation between the abundance of close galaxy pairs and the rate of galaxy mergers."
- Kitzbichler, M. and S. White:
- ( Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 391, 1489-1498)
- "The fine-grained phase-space structure of cold dark matter haloes."
- Vogelsberger M., S. White, A. Helmi and V. Springel:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 385, 236--254)
- "Bayesian reconstruction of the cosmological large-scale structure: methodology, inverse algorithms and numerical optimization."
- Kitaura, F. and T. Ensslin:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 389, 497--544)
- "Strong-lensing optical depths in a CDM universe – II. The influence of the stellar mass in galaxies."
- Hilbert, S., S. White, J. Hartlap and P. Schneider:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 386, 1845--1854)
- "Missing baryons, bulk flows, and the E-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background."
- Hernandez-Monteagudo, C. and R. Sunyaev:
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 490, 25--29)
- "Understanding the halo-mass and galaxy-mass cross-correlation functions"
- Hayashi, E. and S. White:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 388, 2--14)
- "Spectral luminosity indicators in type Ia supernovae - understanding the R(Si II) line-strength ratio and beyond."
- Hachinger, S., P. Mazzali, M. Tanaka et al.:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 389, 1087--1096)
- "On the backwards difference filter"
- Garcia R., and J. Ballot:
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 477, 611--613)
- "HE 1327−2326, an unevolved star with [Fe/H]<−5.0. - II. New 3D−1D corrected abundances from a Very Large Telescope UVES spectrum."
- Frebel, A., R. Collet, K. Eriksson et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 684, 588--602)
- "The impact of Spitzer infrared data on stellar mass estimates - and a revised galaxy stellar mass function at 0 < z < 5"
- Elsner, F., G. Feulner and U. Hopp
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 477, 503--512)
- "SN 2002cv: a heavily obscured type Ia supernova."
- Elia-Rosa, N., S. Benetti, M. Turatto et al.:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 384, 107--122)
- "Soft X-ray components in the hard state of accreting black holes"
- D'Angelo, C., D. Giannios, C. Dullemond et al.:
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 488, 441--450)
- "Measuring the non-thermal pressure in early-type galaxy atmospheres: a comparison of X-ray and optical potential profiles in M87 and NGC 1399. "
- Churazov, E., W. Forman, A. Vikhlinin et al.
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 388, 1062--1078)
- "The kinematic properties of the extended disks of spiral galaxies: a sample of edge-on galaxies."
- Christlein, D., and D. Zaritsky
- (Astrophys. J. 680, 1053--1071)
- "Full-sky maps for gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background"
- Carbone, C., V. Springel, C. Baccigalupi et al.:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 88, 1618--1626)
- "Possible evidence for an inverted temperature–density relation in the intergalactic medium from the flux distribution of the Ly alpha forest"
- Bolton, J., M. Viel, T. Kim et al.:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 386, 1131--1144)
- "Unresolved emission and ionized gas in the bulge of M31."
- Bogdan, A., and M. Gilfanov
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 388, 56--66)
- "Lines in the cosmic microwave background spectrum from the epoch of cosmological helium recombination"
- Rubino-Martin, J., J. Chluba and R. Sunyaev
- (Astron. Astrophys. 485, 377-393)
- "Pre-recombinational energy release and narrow features in the CMB spectrum"
- Chluba, J. and R. Sunyaev
- (Astron. Astrophys.)
- "The Richness and Beauty of the Physics of Cosmological Recombination: The Contributions from Helium"
- Sunyaev R.A., and J. Chluba
- (proceedings of the conference: "A Century of Cosmology: Past, Present and Future")
- "Missing baryons, bulk flows, and the E-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background"
- C. Hernandez-Monteagudo and R. Sunyaev
- (Astron. Astrophys. 490, 25-29)
- "Implementation of a Fourier matched filter in CMB analyses. Application to ISW studies"
- C. Hernandez-Monteagudo
- (Astron. Astrophys. 490, 15-23)
- "Carbon monoxide line emission as a CMB foreground: tomography of the star-forming universe with different spectral resolutions"
- Righi, M., C. Hernandez-Monteagudo and R. Sunyaev
- (Astron. Astrophys. 489, 489-504)
- "A linear filter to reconstruct the ISW effect from CMB and LSS observations"
- Barreiro, R. B., P. Vielva, C. Hernandez-Monteagudo and E. Martinez-Gonzalez
- (accepted by IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing)
- "Southern Cosmology Survey I: Optical Cluster Detections and Predictions for the Southern Common-Area Millimeter-Wave Experiments"
- Menanteau, F., J.P. Hughes et al. (incl. C. Hernandez-Monteagudo)
- (submitted to Astrophys. J.)
- "Gravitational wave burst signal from core collapse of rotating stars"
- Dimmelmeier, H., C. Ott, A. Marek and H.-T. Janka
- (Physical Review D, vol. 78, Issue 6, id. 064056)
- "Equation-of-State Dependent Features in Shock-Oscillation Modulated Neutrino and Gravitational-Wave Signals from Supernovae"
- Marek, A., H.-T. Janka and E. Mueller
- (submitted to Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Supernova Explosions and the Birth of Neutron Stars"
- Janka, H.-T., A. Marek, B. Mueller and L. Scheck
- (40 YEARS OF PULSARS: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 983, pp. 369-378, 2008)
- "Collisional interaction limits between dark matter particles and baryons in `cooling flow' clusters"
- Hu, Jian and Y.-Q. Lou
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 384, 814-820)
- "The black hole mass-stellar velocity dispersion correlation: bulges versus pseudo-bulges"
- Hu, Jian
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 386, 2242-2252)
- "The core helium flash revisited. I. One and two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations"
- Mocak, M., E. Mueller, A. Weiss and K. Kifonidis
- (Astron. Astrophys. 490, 265-277)
- "Hydrodynamic simulations of the core helium flash"
- Mocak, M., E. Mueller, A. Weiss and K. Kifonidis
- (The Art of Modeling Stars in the 21st Century, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 252, p. 215-221)
- "X-Ray Observations of the Coma Cluster in a Broad Energy Band with the INTEGRAL, RXTE, and ROSAT Observatories"
- Lutovinov, A. A., A. Vikhlinin, E. Churazov et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 687, 968-975)
- "Low-mass X-ray binaries in the bulge of the Milky Way"
- Revnivtsev, M., A. Lutovinov, E. Churazov, et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 491, 209-217)
- "Optical identifications of five INTEGRAL hard X-ray sources in the Galactic plane"
- Bikmaev, I. F., R.A. Burenin, M.G. Revnivtsev
- (Astronomy Lett. 34, 653-663)
- "Diagnostics of the Early Explosion Phase of a Classical Nova Using Its X-ray Emission: A Model for the X-ray Outburst of CI Camelopardalis in 1998"
- Filippova, E. V., M.G. Revnivtsev and. A.A. Lutovinov
- (Astronomy Lett. 34, 797-819)
- "Optical identification of hard X-ray source IGRJ18257-0707"
- Burenin, R. A., I.F. Bikmaev, M. Revnivtsev et al.
- (accepted by Astronomy Lett.)
- "Optical identification of a new cataclysmic variable from integral all sky survey: IGR J08390--4833"
- Revnivtsev, M., A. Kniazev, R. Sazonov et al.
- (accepted by Astronomy Lett., to appear in Volume 35)
- "Universal X-ray emissivity of the stellar population in early-type galaxies: unresolved X-ray sources in NGC 3379"
- Revnivtsev, M., E. Churazov, S. Sazonov et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 490, 37-43)
- "Properties of the Galactic population of cataclysmic variables in hard X-rays"
- Revnivtsev, M., S. Sazonov, R. Krivonos et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 489, 1121-1127)
- "Short term aperiodic variability of X-ray binaries: its origin and implications"
- Revnivtsev, M.
- (COOL DISCS, HOT FLOWS: The Varying Faces of Accreting Compact Objects. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1054, pp. 143-153 (2008))
- "Discovery of heavily-obscured AGN among seven INTEGRAL hard X-ray sources observed by Chandra"
- Sazonov, S., M. Revnivtsev, R. Burenin et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 487, 509-517)
- "New active galactic nuclei among the INTEGRAL and SWIFT X-ray sources"
- Burenin, R. A., A.V. Mescheryakov, M. Revnivtsev et al.
- (Astronomy Letters, Volume 34, Issue 6, pp.367-374)
- "Cumulative hard X-ray spectrum of local AGN: a link to the cosmic X-ray background"
- Sazonov, S., R. Krivonos, M. Revnivtsev et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 482, 517-527)
- "Semi-global simulations of the magneto-rotational instability in core collapse supernovae"
- Obergaulinger, M., P. Cerda-Duran, E. Mueller and M. Aloy
- (submitted to Astron. Astrophys.)
- "An improved constrained scheme for the Einstein equations: an approach to the uniqueness issue"
- Cordero-Carrion, I., P. Cerda-Duran, H. Dimmelmeier et al.
- (submitted)
- "A new general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code for dynamical spacetimes"
- Cerda-Duran, P., J.A. Font, L. Anton and E. Mueller
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Can We Constrain Solar Interior Physics by Studying the Gravity-Mode Asymptotic Signature?"
- García, R. A., S. Mathur, J. Ballot et al.
- (Solar Phys. 251, 135-147)
- "Influence of Low-Degree High-Order p-Mode Splittings on the Solar Rotation Profile"
- García, R. A., S. Mathur, J. Ballot et al.
- (Solar Phys., 251, 119-133)
- "On deriving p-mode parameters for inclined solar-like stars"
- Ballot, J., T. Appourchaux, T. Toutain and M. Guittet
- (Astron. Astrophys. 486, 867-875)
- "Halo stochasticity in global clustering analysis"
- Bonoli, S., and U.-L. Pen
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Modelling the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies"
- Marulli, F., S. Bonoli, E. Branchini et al.
- (Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on AGN, held in Torino, Italy, May 19-22, 2008. Edited by L. Lanteri, C.M. Raiteri, A. Capetti, and P. Rossi.)
- "The Galaxy and its stellar halo: insights on their formation from a hybrid cosmological approach"
- De Lucia, G. and A. Helmi
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 391, 14-31)
- "Quenching of Star Formation"
- Wild, V., T. Budavari, J. Blaizot et al.
- (Conference proceedings in "Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys")
- "The environments of starburst and post-starburst galaxies at z=0.4-0.8"
- Poggianti, B., A. Aragon-Salamanca, et al (incl. G. De Lucia)
- (accepted by Astrophys. J.)
- "On the common mass scale of the Milky Way satellites"
- Li, Y.-S., A. Helmi, G. De Lucia and F. Stoehr
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. Lett.)
- "The Relation between Star Formation, Morphology, and Local Density in High-Redshift Clusters and Groups"
- Poggianti, B. V. Desai, et al (incl. G. De Lucia)
- (Astrophys. J. 684, 888-904)
- "The evolution of the brightest cluster galaxies since z ~ 1 from the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS)"
- Whiley, I. M., A. Aragon-Salamanca, G. De Lucia et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 387, 1253-1263)
- "Spectroscopy of clusters in the ESO distant cluster survey (EDisCS). II.. Redshifts, velocity dispersions, and substructure for clusters in the last 15 fields"
- Milvang-Jensen, B., S. Noll et al (incl. G. De Lucia)
- (Astron. Astrophys. 482, 419-449)
- "The relation between Lyman α absorbers and gas-rich galaxies in the local Universe"
- Pierleoni, M., E. Branchini and M. Viel
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 388, 282-292)
- "A test of the nature of cosmic acceleration using galaxy redshift distortions"
- Guzzo, L., M. Pierleoni, B. Meneux et al.
- (Nature, Volume 451, 541-544)
- "Probability for chance coincidence of a gamma-ray burst with a galaxy on the sky"
- Campisi, M. A. and L.-X. Li
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 391, 935--941)
- "Probability for a gamma-ray burst to be coincident with a galaxy on the sky"
- Campisi, M.-A.
- (Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1000, 68-71)
- "Kink instabilities in jets from rotating magnetic fields"
- Moll, R., H. Spruit and M. Obergaulinger
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Prospects for detecting supersymmetric dark matter in the Galactic halo"
- Springel V., S. White, C. Frenk et al.
- (Nature 456, 73-76)
- "Simulations of AGN Feedback in Galaxy Clusters and Groups: Impact on Gas Fractions and the LX-T Scaling Relation"
- Puchwein, E., D. Sijacki and V. Springel
- (Astrophys. J. 687, L53-L56)
- "An Ideal Mass Assignment Scheme for Measuring the Power Spectrum with Fast Fourier Transforms"
- Cui, W., L. Liu, et al (incl. V. Springel)
- (Astrophys. J. 687, 738-744)
- "Lensed CMB temperature and polarization maps from the Millennium Simulation"
- Carbone, C., C. Baccigalupi, M. Bartelmann et al.
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "The Diversity and Similarity of Cold Dark Matter Halos"
- Navarro, J., A. Ludlow, V. Springel et al.
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Effects of supernova feedback on the formation of galaxy discs"
- Scannapieco, C., P. Tissera, S. White and V. Springel
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 389, 1137-1149)
- "The impact of Early Dark Energy on non-linear structure formation"
- Grossi, M. and V. Springel
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 394, 1559)
- "The Aquarius Project: the subhalos of galactic halos"
- Springel, V., J. Wang, M. Vogelsberger et al.
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Simulations of cosmic-ray feedback by active galactic nuclei in galaxy clusters"
- Sijacki, D., C. Pfrommer, V. Springel and T. Ensslin
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 387, 1403-1415)
- "The redshift dependence of the structure of massive Λ cold dark matter haloes"
- Gao, L., J. Navarro, et al (incl. S. White)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 387, 536-544)
- "Modeling the Dust Properties of z ~ 6 Quasars with ART2-All-Wavelength Radiative Transfer with Adaptive Refinement Tree"
- Li, X., P. Hopkins et al (incl. V. Springel)
- (Astrophys. J., 678, 41-63)
- "Modelling the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies - I. BH scaling relations and the AGN luminosity function"
- Marulli, F., S. Bonoli, E. Branchini et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 385, 1846-1858)
- "Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - II. A unified scheme for radio haloes and relics with predictions of the γ-ray emission"
- Pfrommer, C., T. Ensslin and V. Springel
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 385, 1211-1241)
- "Cosmic ray feedback in hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation"
- Jubelgas, M., V. Springel, T. Ensslin and C. Pfrommer
- (Astron. Astrophys. 481, 33-63)
- "The evolution of the colour-magnitude relation and of the star formation activity in galaxy clusters since z~0.8"
- De Lucia, G., and B. Poggianti
- (ASP Conference Series (Proceedings of the 1st Subaru International Conference "Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution")
- "Galaxy morphology, kinematics and clustering in a hydrodynamic simulation of a LambdaCDM universe"
- Croft, R., T. Di Matteo, V. Springel and L. Hernquist
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "The Origins and the Early Evolution of Quasars and Supermassive Black Holes"
- Djorgovski, S.G., M. Volonteri, V. Springel et al.
- (Proc. XI Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, eds. H. Kleinert, R.T. Jantzen and R. Ruffini, Singapore: World Scientific, 2008)
- "Lyman-alpha Emitters and Lyman-break Galaxies at z=3-6 in Cosmological SPH Simulations"
- Nagamine, K., M. Ouchi, V. Springel and L. Hernquist
- (Astrophys. J.)
- "The Unorthodox Orbits of Substructure Halos"
- Ludlow, A., J. Navarro, V. Springel et al.
- (Astrophys. J. in press)
- "The Metamorphosis of Supernova SN 2008D/XRF 080109: A Link Between Supernovae and GRBs/Hypernovae"
- Mazzali, P., S. Valenti, M. Della Valle et al.
- (Science, Volume 321, Issue 5893, pp. 1185- ()
- "Asphericity in Supernova Explosions from Late-Time Spectroscopy"
- Maeda, K., K. Kawabata, P. Mazzali et al.
- (Science, Volume 319, Issue 5867, pp. 1220)
- "Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium - I. Type Ibn (SN 2006jc-like) events"
- Pastorello, A., S. Mattila, L. Zampieri et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 389, 113-130)
- "SN 2006gy: was it really extra-ordinary?"
- Agnoletto, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro et al.
- (accepted by Astrophys. J.)
- "Quintessence cosmologies with a growing matter component"
- Amendola, L., M. Baldi and C. Wetterich
- (Physical Review D, vol. 78, Issue 2, 023015)
- "CRASH2: colored packets and other updates"
- Maselli, A., B. Ciardi and A. Kanekar
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Foreground simulations for the LOFAR-epoch of reionization experiment"
- Jelic, V., S. Zaroubi et al (incl. B. Ciardi)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 389, 1319-1335)
- "Detection and extraction of signals from the epoch of reionization using higher order one-point statistics"
- Harker, G., S. Zaroubi et al (incl. B. Ciardi)
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Fast Large-Scale Reionization Simulations"
- Rajat, T., S. Zaroubi, B. Ciardi et al.
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "The search for Population III stars"
- Sperello, A., K. Jaron, B. Ciardi et al.
- (Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 255 on "Low-Metallicity Star Formation: From the First Stars to Dwarf Galaxies)
- "Feedback From the First Stars and Galaxies and its Influence on Structure Formation"
- B. Ciardi
- (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 990, pp. 353-363 (2008))
- "Cooling in Primordial Structure Formation"
- Maio, U., B. Ciardi, K. Dolag and L. Tornatore
- (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 990, (2008) pp. 33-35)
- "Dynamical friction and galaxy merging time-scales"
- M. Boylan-Kolchin, C.-P. Ma and E. Quataert
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 383, 93-101)
- "Primordial non-Gaussianities in the Intergalactic Medium"
- Viel, M., E. Branchini, K. Dolag et al.
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Reconstructing mass profiles of simulated galaxy clusters by combining Sunyaev-Zeldovich and X-ray images"
- S. Ameglio, S. Borgani et al. (incl. K. Dolag)
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "The complex galaxy cluster Abell 514: New results obtained with the XMM-Newton satellite"
- J. Weratsching, M. Gitti, S. Schindler and K. Dolag
- (Astron. Astrophys. 490, 537-545)
- "The effect of gas dynamics on semi-analytic modelling of cluster galaxies"
- A. Saro, G. De Lucia, K. Dolag and S. Borgani
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "The mass density field in simulated non-Gaussian scenarios"
- M. Grossi, E. Branchini, K. Dolag et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 390, 438-446)
- "Simulating the formation of a proto-cluster at z~2"
- A. Saro, S. Borgani et al. (incl. G. De Lucia and K. Dolag)
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "UHECR observations and lensing in the magnetic field of the Virgo cluster"
- K. Dolag, M. Kachelriess and D. Smikoz
- (submitted)
- "Substructures in hydrodynamical cluster simulations"
- K. Dolag, S. Borgani, G. Murante and V. Springel
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "An MHD Gadget for cosmological simulations"
- K. Dolag and F. Stasyszyn
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Evolution of the metal content of the intracluster medium with hydrodynamical simulations"
- Fabjan, D., L. Tornatore et al (incl. K. Dolag)
- ((Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 386, 1265-1273)
- "On the dynamical origin of the ICM metallicity evolution"
- S. Cora, L. Tornatore et al (incl. K. Dolag)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 386, 96-104)
- "Statistical properties of SZ and X-ray cluster detections"
- F. Pace, M. Mature, M. Bartelmann et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 483, 389-400)
- "Structural Properties of Pseudo-Bulges, Classical Bulges and Elliptical Galaxies: an SDSS Perspective"
- D.A. Gadotti
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Milky Way type galaxies in a LCDM cosmology"
- De Rossi, M., P. Tissera, G. De Lucia and G. Kauffmann
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Halo masses for optically-selected and for radio-loud AGN from clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing"
- Mandelbaum, R., Cheng Li, G. Kauffmann and S. White
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Narrow associated quasi-stellar object absorbers: clustering, outflows and the line-of-sight proximity effect"
- V. Wild, G. Kauffmann, S. White et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 388, Issue 1, pp. 227-241. )
- "The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey (GASS)"
- B. Catinella, D. Schiminovich and G. Kauffmann
- (Conference Proceedings, The Evolution of galaxies, Vol. 1035, pp. 252-255 (2008)
- "Evolution of the Radio Loud Galaxy Population"
- E. Donoso, P.N. Best and G. Kauffmann
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Constraints on the star formation histories of galaxies from z~1 to z~0"
- Y.-M. Chen, V. Wild, G. Kauffmann et al.
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Environmental Effects on Satellite Galaxies: The Link Between Concentration, Size and Colour Profile"
- S. Weinmann, G. Kauffmann, F. van den Bosch et al.
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "The Lopsidedness of Present-Day Galaxies: Connections to the Formation of Stars, the Chemical Evolution of Galaxies, and the Growth of Black Holes"
- T. Reichard, T. Heckman, et al. (incl. G. Kauffmann)
- (accepted by Astrphys. J.)
- "Radio-loud active galactic nuclei and the LX-σ relation of galaxy groups and clusters"
- S. Shen, G. Kauffmann, A. von der Linden et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 389, Issue 3, pp. 1074-1086.)
- "LCDM predictions for galaxy protoclusters I: the relation between galaxies, protoclusters and quasars at z~6"
- R. Overzier, Guo Qi, G. Kauffmann et al.
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Why are AGN found in high-mass galaxies?"
- Wang Lan and G. Kauffmann
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "The growth of supermassive black holes in pseudo-bulges, classical bulges and elliptical galaxies"
- D. Gadotti and G. Kauffmann
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Hinode, Trace, Soho and ground based observations of a quiescent prominence"
- P. Heinzel, B. Schmieder, U. Anzer et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 686, 1383-1396)
- "On Lyman-line asymmetries in quiescent prominences"
- S. Gunar, P. Heinzel U. Anzer and B. Schmieder
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Formation and Evolutin of Cataclysmic Variables"
- Hans Ritter
- (to appear in Mem. Soc. Astron. Italiana,
Proceedings of the School of Astrophysics "Francesco Lucchin")
- "Stable magnetic equilibria and their evolution in the upper main sequence, white dwarfs, and neutron stars"
- Andreas Reisenegger
- (submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics)
- "Reionization bias in high-redshift quasar near-zones"
- Wyithe, J.S; J.S. Bolton and M. Haehnelt
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. 383, 691-704)
- "The dependence of galaxy formation on cosmological parameters: can we distinguish between the WMAP1 and WMAP3 parameter sets?"
- Wang, J., G. De Lucia, M. Kitzbichler, S. White
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. 384, 1301-1315)
- " Camouflaged Galactic cosmic microwave background polarization foregrounds: total and polarized contributions of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect"
- Waelkens, A. M. Maturi, and T. Ensslin
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. 383, 1425-1430)
- "How Cold Is Cold Dark Matter? Small-Scales Constraints from the Flux Power Spectrum of the High-Redshift Lyman-alphaForest"
- Viel, M., G. Becker, J. Bolton et al.
- (Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 100, 041304 (4pages)
- "The Carbon-rich Type Ic SN 2007gr: The Photospheric Phase"
- Valenti, S., N. Elias de la Rosa, S. Taubenbreger et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 673, L155-L158)
- "The broad-lined Type Ic supernova 2003jd"
- Valenti, S. Benetti, S. et al. (incl. P. Mazzali)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. 383, 1485-1500)
- "The underluminous Type Ia supernova 2005bl and the class of objects similar to SN 1991bg"
- Taubenberger, S.; Hachinger, S.; Pignata, G. et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 385, 75-96)
- "The Outermost Ejecta of Type Ia Supernovae"
- Tanaka, M., P. Mazzali, S. Benetti et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 677, 448-460.)
- "Radio observational constraints on Galactic 3D-emission models"
- Sun, X. H.; Reich, W.; Waelkens, A.; Ensslin, T. A.
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 477, 573-592)
- "On the Gamma-ray emission of Type Ia supernova "
- S. Sim and P. Mazzali
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 385, 1681-1690)
- "The clustering of merging star-forming haloes: dust emission as high frequency arcminute CMB foreground"
- Righi, M., C. Hernandez-Monteagudo and R. Sunyaev
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 478, 685-700)
- "X-MAS2: Study Systematics on the ICM Metallicity Measurements"
- E. Rasia, P. Mazzotta, et al. (incl. K. Dolag)
- (Astrophys. J. 674, 728-741)
- "Hubble Space Telescope Morphologies of Local Lyman Break Galaxy Analogs. I. Evidence for Starbursts Triggered by Merging"
- R. Overzier, T. Heckman, G. Kauffmann et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 677, 37-62)
- "Simulating polarized Galactic synchrotron emisssion at all frequencies the Hammurabi code"
- A. Waelkens, T. Jaffe, M. Reinecke, F. Kitaura and T. Ensslin
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Optimal ISW detection and joint likelihood for cosmological parameter
- M. Frommert, T. Ensslin and F.S. Kitaura
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "On the properties of inner cool disks in the hard state of black hole X-ray transient systems"
- Ronald E. Taam, B.F. Liu, F. Meyer, E. Meyer-Hofmeister
- (accepted by Astrophys. J.)
- "Clusters of Galaxies: Beyond the Thermal View"
- Kaastra, J. S., A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler et al.
- (Space Science Reviews, 134, 1-6)
- "A Fitting Formula for the Merger Timescale of Galaxies in Hierarchical Clustering"
- Jiang, C. Y., Y.P.Jing, A. Faltenbacher et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 675, 1095-1105)
- "The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: Dependence of galaxy clustering on stellar mass"
- Meneux, B., L. Guzzo, B. Garilli et al. (incl. G. De Lucia)
- (Astron. Astrophys. 478, 299-310)
- "The Effect of Primordial Non--Gaussianity on the Topology of
Large-Scale Structure"
- Hikage, C., P. Coles, M. Grossi et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 385, 1613-1620)
- "ESC Supernova spectroscopy of non-ESC targets"
- Harutyunyan, A.H., P. Pfahler, A. Pastorello et al
- (Astron. Astrophys. 488, 383-399)
- "Probing the intrinsic shape and alignment of dark matter haloes
using SDSS galaxy groups"
- Yougang Wang, Xiaohu Yang, H.J. MO et al.
- (Mon. Not. Astron. Soc. 385, 1511-1522)
- "Interactions, star formation and AGN activity"
- Cheng Li, G. Kauffmann, T. Heckman et al.
- (Mon. Not. Astron. Soc. 385, 1915-1922)
- "Interaction-induced star formation in a complete sample of 10^5
nearby star-forming galaxies"
- Cheng Li, G. Kauffmann, T. Heckman et al.
- (Mon. Not. Astron. Soc. 385, 1903-1914)
- "Spatial and kinematic alignments between central and satellite halos"
- A. Faltenbacher, Y.P. Jing, Cheng Li et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 675, 146-155)
- "Modelling the excitation of acoustic models in alpha Cen A"
- F. Kupka
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Information field theory for cosmological perturbation reconstruction
and non-linear signal analysis"
- T. A. Ensslin, M. Frommert and F. S. Kitaura
- ()
- "Detecting gravitational wave emission from the known accreting
neutron stars"
- A. Watts, B. Krishnan, L. Bildsten and B. Schutz
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Astron. Soc.)
- "Realistic simulations of gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters: extracting arc parameters from mock DUNE images"
- Meneghetti, M., P. Melchior, A. Grazian, G. De Lucia et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 482, 403-418)
- "Influence of light nuclei on neutrino-driven supernova outflows"
- Arcones, A., G. Martinez-Pinedo, E. O'Connor et al.
- (submitted to Phys. Rev. C.)
- "R-process nucleosynthesis in hot accretion disk flows from
black hole - neutron star mergers"
- Surman R., McLaughlin G.C. Ruffert M., Janka H.-Th., Hix R.
- (Astrophys. Journal Letters, accepted )
- "Dynamics of shock propagation in O-Ne-Mg core collapse
supernovae and nucleosynthesis conditions"
- Janka H.-Th., Mueller B., Kitaura F.S., Buras R.
- (Astron. Astrophys., in press)
- "Nucleosynthesis in O-Ne-Mg Supernovae"
- Hoffman R.D., Mueller B. and Janka H.-Th.
- (Astrophys. Journal 676, L127)
- "Galaxy growth in the concordance LambdaCDM cosmology"
- Guo, Q. and S.D.M. White
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 384, 2-10)
- "Prompt GRB emission from gradual energy dissipation"
- Giannios, D.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 480, 305-312)
- "Barred Galaxies: an Observer's Perspective"
- D.A. Gadotti
- (Proceeding contribution)
- "Image decomposition of barred galaxies and AGN hosts"
- D.A. Gadotti
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 384, 420-439)
- "Virial Scaling of Massive Dark Matter Halos: Why Clusters Prefer a High Normalization Cosmology"
- Evrard, A.E., J. Bialek et al. (incl. V. Springel)
- (The Astrophysical Journal, 672, 122-137)
- "Variability in the cycle length of the supersoft source RX J0513.9-6951"
- V. Burwitz, K. Reinsch, et al. (incl. E. Meyer-Hofmeister)
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Low heat conduction in white dwarf boundary layers?"
- F.K. Liu, F. Meyer, E. Meyer-Hofmeister and V. Burwitz
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Understanding the spectra of few electrons confined in a
quasi-one-dimensional nanostructure"
- T. Sako and G.H.F. Diercksen
- (submitted to J. Phys.)
- "Virial Scaling of Massive Dark Matter Halos: Why Clusters Prefer a
High Normalization Cosmology"
- Evrard, A.~E., J. Bialek, M. Busha et al
- (Astrophys. J.)
- "Non-thermal processes in cosmological simulations"
- Dolag, K., A. Bykov and A. Diaferio
- (Space Science Reviews. 134, 311-335)
- "Simulation techniques for cosmological simulations"
- Dolag, K., S. Borgani, S., Schindler et al.
- (Space Science Reviews 134, 229-268)
- "Clusters of galaxies: setting the stage."
- Diaferio, A., S. Schindler and K. Dolag
- (Space Science Reviews. 134, 7-24)
- "The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey - II. A HI view of the Abell
cluster 1367 and its outskirts"
- Cortese, L., R.F Minchin, et al. (incl. B. Catinella)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Earth X-ray albedo for CXB radiation in the 1-1000 keV band."
- Churazov, E., S. Sazonov, R. Sunyaev and M. Revnivtsev
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 385, 719-727)
- "Is there a need and another way to measure the Cosmic Microwave Background
temperature more accurately?"
- Chluba, J. and R.A. Sunyaev
- (Astron. Astrophys. Lett. 478, L27-L30)
- "Two-photon transitions in hydrogen and cosmological recombination"
- Chluba, J. and R.A. Sunyaev
- (Astron. Astrophys. 480, 629-645)
- "Cosmological schock Waves"
- A.M. Bykov, K. Dolag and F. Durret
- (Space Science Reviews)
- "Ram-pressure histories of cluster galaxies."
- M. Brueggen and G. De Lucia
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 383, 1336-1342)
- "The chemical enrichment of the ICM from hydrodynamical simulations"
- Borgani, S., D. Fabjan et al. (incl. K. Dolag)
- (Space Science Reviews 134, 379-403)
- "Thermodynamical properties of the ICM from hydrodynamical
- Borgani, S., A. Diaferio, K. Dolag and S. Schindler
- (Space Science Reviews 134, 269-293)
- "Numerical simulations of the warm-hot intergalactic medium"
- Bertone, S., J. Schaye and K. Dolag
- (Space Science Reviews 134, 295-310)
- "Is irradiation important for the secular evolution of low-mass
X-ray binaries?"
- H. Ritter
- (submitted to Elsevier)
- "Prominence modelling: from observed emission measures to
temperature profiles"
- U. Anzer and P. Heinzel
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 480, 537--542 )
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Last modified: 2009-11-11