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MPA Scientific Preprints issued in 2007:
J-MPA-Number: to be published in Journals
P-MPA-Number: published in Proceedings
- "Collisional interaction limits between dark matters and baryons
in `cooling flow' clusters"
- Hu, J., and Y.-Q. Lou.
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Physical interpretation of the near-infrared colours of low redshift
- Eminian C., G. Kauffmann, S. Charlot et al.
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Bursty stellar populations and obscured AGN in galaxy bulges"
- Wild V., G. Kauffmann, T. Heckman et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 381, 543--572)
- "An improved measurement of the flux distribution of the Lyman-alpha forest in
QSO absorption spectra: the effect of continuum fitting, metal contamination
and noise properties"
- Kim, T.-S., Bolton, J.S., Viel, M. et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 382, 1657)
- "The observed ionization rate of the intergalactic medium and the ionizing
emissivity at z >5: Evidence for a photon starved and extended epoch of
- Bolton J.S. and Haehnelt M.G.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 382, 325)
- "A closer look at using quasar near-zones as a probe of neutral hydrogen in the
intergalactic medium"
- Bolton J.S., Haehnelt M.G.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 381, L35-L39)
- "INTEGRAL observations of the cosmic X-ray background in the 5-100
keV range via occultation by the Earth"
- Churazov, E., R. Sunyaev, M. Revnivtsev et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 467, 529-540)
- "Fundamentalist physics: why Dark Energy is bad for astronomy"
- White, S.D.M.
- (Reports on Progress in Physics, 70, 883-897)
- "Luminosity dependence of the spatial and velocity distributions
of galaxi es: semi-analytic models versus the Sloan Digital Sky Survey"
- Cheng, L., Y.P. Jing, G. Kauffmann et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 376, 984-996)
- "Modelling and interpreting the dependence of clustering on the spectral energy distributions of galaxies"
- Wang, L., L. Cheng, G. Kauffmann and G. De Lucia
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 377, 1419-1430)
- "Hydrogen-like nitrogen radio line from hot interstellar and warm-hot intergalactic gas"
- Sunyaev, R. and D. Docenko
- (Astronomy Letters, Volume 33, Issue 2, pp.67-79)
- "Strong lensing optical depths in a LCDM universe"
- Hilbert, S., S.D.M. White, J. Hartlap and P. Schneider
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 382, 121-132)
- "Direct observational test rules out small MgII absorbers"
- Pontzen, A., P. Hewett, R. Carswell, and V. Wild
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. Lett. 381, L99-L103)
- "Evolved stars suggest an external origin of the enhanced metallicity in planet-hosting stars"
- Pasquini, L., M.P. Doellinger, A. Weiss et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 473, 979-982 )
- "On the relativistic iron line and soft excess in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 335"
- O'Neill, P. M., K. Nandra, et al. (incl. S. Sim)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. Lett. 381, L94-L98)
- "Evolution of Dust in Primordial Supernova Remnants: Can Dust Grains Formed in the Ejecta Survive and Be Injected into the Early Interstellar Medium?"
- Nozawa, T., T. Kozasa, et al. incl. (K. Maeda)
- (Astrophys. J. 666, 955-966)
- "High-resolution models of solar granulation: the two-dimensional case"
- Muthsam, H. J., B. Loew-Baselli et al (incl. F. Kupka)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 380, 1335-1340)
- "The Aspherical Properties of the Energetic Type Ic SN 2002ap as Inferred from Its Nebular Spectra"
- Mazzali, P. A., K.S. Kawabata, K. Maeda et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 670, 592-599)
- "Quantifying the Cosmic Web I: The large-scale halo ellipticity-ellipticity and ellipticity-direction correlations"
- Lee, J., V. Springel, U.L. Pen, G. Lemson
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 389, 1266 Lett.)
- "The fine-grained phase-space structure of Cold Dark Matter halos"
- Vogelsberger, M., S.D.M. White, A. Helmi, and V. Springel
- (submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Modeling the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black
holes and galaxies: I. BH scaling relations and the AGN luminosity function"
- Marulli, F., S. Bonoli, E. Branchini et al.
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Simulated all-sky maps of the weak gravitational lensing distortion of the CMB"
- Carbone, C., V. Springel, C. Baccigalupi et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 388, 1618 (2008)
- "The actual Rees-Sciama effect from the local universe"
- Maturi, M., K Dolag, A. Waelkens, V. Springel and T. Ensslin
- (Astron. Astrophys. 476, 83-88)
- "The statistics of LCDM halo concentrations"
- Neto, A.F., L. Gao, et al. (incl. V. Springel)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 381, 1450-1462)
- "The speed of the `bullet' in the merging galaxy cluster 1E0657-56"
- V. Springel and G.R. Farrar
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 380, 911-925)
- "Pulsational pair instability as an explanation for the most
luminous supernovae"
- S. Woosley, S. Blinnikov and A. Heger
- (Nature)
- "Multidimensional Simulations for Early-Phase Spectra of Aspherical Hypernovae: SN 1998bw and Off-Axis Hypernovae"
- Tanaka, M., K. Maeda, P. Mazzali and K. Nomoto
- (Astrophys. J., 668, L19-L22)
- "Direct cosmological simulations of the growth of black holes and galaxies"
- Di Matteo, T., J. Colberg, V. Springel et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 676,33)
- "A unified model for AGN feedback in cosmological simulations of structure formation"
- Sijacki, D., V. Springel, T. di Matteo and L. Hernquist:
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 380, 877-900)
- "Flame-driven Deflagration-to-Detonation Transitions in Type Ia Supernovae?"
- Roepke, F. K
- (Astrophys. J. 668, 1103-1108)
- "A Three-Dimensional Deflagration Model for Type Ia Supernovae Compared with Observations"
- Roepke, F. K., W. Hillebrandt, W. Schmidt et al.:
- (Astrophys. J. 668, 1132-1139)
- "Delayed detonations in full-star models of type Ia supernova explosions"
- Roepke, F. K. and J.C. Niemeyer
- (Astron. Astrophys. 464, 683-686)
- "Off-Center Ignition in Type Ia Supernovae. I. Initial Evolution and Implications for Delayed Detonation"
- Roepke, F. K., S.E. Woosley and W. Hillebrandt
- (Astrophys. J. 660, 1344-1356)
- "GRB 070311: a direct link between the prompt emission and the afterglow"
- Guidorzi, C., S.D. Vergani, S. Sazonov et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 474, 793-805)
- "INTEGRAL observations of the gamma-ray burst on March 11, 2007"
- Sazonov, S., S. Molkov and R. Sunyaev
- (Astron. Lett. 33, 656-659)
- "New Kinds of Acoustic Solitons"
- Sazonov, S. V. and N.V. Ustinov
- (J. of Phys. A. Mathematical General 40, 551-560)
- "Hard X-ray emission of the Earth's atmosphere: Monte Carlo simulations"
- Sazonov, S., E. Churazov, R. Sunyaev and M. Revnivtsev
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 377, 1726-1736)
- "IGR J17098-3628: an X-ray Nova discovered by INTEGRAL"
- Grebenev, S. A., S.V. Molkov, M.G. Revnivtsev and R.A. Sunyaev
- (Proceedings of the 6th INTEGRAL Workshop "The Obscured Universe"
(July 2-8, 2006, Moscow), ESA SP-622)
- "Large-scale variations of the cosmic X-ray background and the X-ray emissivity of the local Universe"
- Revnivtsev, M., S. Molkov and S. Sazonov
- (submitted to Astron. Astrophys.)
- "On the contribution of point sources to the Galactic ridge X-ray emission"
- Revnivtsev, M. and S. Sazonov
- (Astron. and Astrophys. 471, 159-164)
- "Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - II. A unified
model for radio halos and relics with predictions of the gamma-ray emission"
- Pfrommer, C., T. Ensslin and V. Springel
- (accepted Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - I. Effects on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and the X-ray emission"
- Pfrommer, C., T. Ensslin, V. Springel et al.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 378, 385-408)
- "ESC and KAIT observations of the transitional Type Ia SN 2004eo"
- Pastorello, A., P. Mazzali, G. Pignata et al.:
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 377, 1531-1552)
- "Why does the clustering of haloes depend on their formation history?"
- Sandvik, H. B., O. Möller, J. Lee and S.D.M. White
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 377, 234-244)
- "A multi-wavelength study of z = 3.15 Lyman-alphaemitters in the
GOODS South Field"
- Nilsson, K. K., P. Moller, O. Möller et al.:
- (Astron. and Astrophys., 471, 71-82)
- "Strong lensing statistics in large, z <~ 0.2, surveys: bias in
the lens galaxy population"
- Moeller, O., M. Kitzbichler, Natarajan, P.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 379, 1195-1208)
- "Distribution of Damped Lyman alpha Absorbers in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter Universe"
- Nagamine, K., A.M. Wolfe, L. Hernquist and V. Springel
- (Astrophys. J. 660, 945-958)
- "The importance of mergers for the origin of intracluster stars in cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters"
- Murante, G., M. Giovalli et al. (incl. K. Dolag)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 377, 2-16)
- "High-resolution imaging of the cosmic mass distribution from gravitational lensing of pre-galactic HI"
- Metcalf, R. B. and S.D.M. White
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 381, 447-468)
- "Arc sensitivity to cluster ellipticity, asymmetries, and substructures"
- Meneghetti, M., R. Argazzi et al. (incl. K. Dolag)
- (Astron. Astrophys. 461, 25-38)
- "Testing the reliability of weak lensing cluster detections"
- Pace, F., M. Maturi et al. (incl. K. Dolag)
- (Astron. Astrophys. 471, 731-)
- "The importance of merging activity for the kinetic polarization
of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signal from galaxy clusters"
- Maturi, M., L. Moscardini, P. Mazzotta, K. Dolag and G. Tormen:
- (Astron. Astrophys. 475, 71-81)
- "A linear-filter approach to extracting the Rees-Sciama effect in merging clusters of galaxies"
- Maturi, M., T. Enßlin, C. Hernandez-Monteagudo and J.A. Rubino-Martin:
- (Astron. Astrophys. 467, 411-419)
- "Metal and molecule cooling in simulations of structure formation"
- Maio, U., K. Dolag, B. Ciardi and L. Tornatore:
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 379, 963-973)
- "Formation of z ~ 6 quasars from hierarchical galaxy mergers"
- Li, Y.X., L. Hernquist et al. (incl. V. Springel)
- (Astrophys. J., Volume 665 187-208)
- "Gamma-ray burst precursors as the remnant of the thermal radiation initially trapped in the fireball"
- Li, L.-X.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 380, 621-636)
- "Variation of the Amati relation with cosmological redshift: a selection effect or an evolution effect?"
- Li, L.-X.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 379, L55-L59)
- "Simulations of Cosmic Chemical Enrichment"
- Kobayashi, C., V. Springel and S. White
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 376, 1465-1479)
- "The high-redshift galaxy population in hierarchical galaxy formation models"
- Kitzbichler, M. and S. White
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 376, 2-12)
- "Cosmic rays and the primordial gas"
- Jasche, J., B. Ciardi and T. Ensslin
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 380, 417-429)
- "K-band imaging of strong CaII-absorber host galaxies at z ~ 1"
- Hewett, P. and V. Wild
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 379, 738-754)
- "Understanding the shape of the halo-mass and galaxy-mass
cross-correlation functions"
- Hayashi, E. and S. White
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "The shape of the gravitational potential in cold dark matter haloes"
- Hayashi, E., J. Navarro and V. Springel
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 377, 50-62)
- "The first observation of AX J1749.1-2733 in a bright X-ray state--Another fast transient revealed by INTEGRAL"
- Grebenev, S. and R. Sunyaev
- (Astronomy Lett., 33, 149-158)
- "Is the Lack of Pulsations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries due to Comptonizing Coronae?"
- Goegues E., A. Alpar and M. Gilfanov
- (Astrophysical J., 659, 580-584)
- "AMRVAC and relativistic hydrodynamic simulations for gamma-ray
burst afterglow phases"
- Meliani, Z., R. Keppens, F. Casse and D. Giannios
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 376, 1189-1200)
- "Neutron-rich gamma-ray burst flows: dynamics and particle
creation in neutron-proton collisions"
- Koers, H. B. J. and D. Giannios
- (Astron. Astrophys. 471, 395-408)
- "On the existence of a reverse shock in magnetized GRB ejecta"
- Giannios, D., P. Mimica and M. A. Aloy
- (submitted to Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Spectral and timing properties of a dissipative Gamma-ray burst photosphere"
- Giannios, D. and H. Spruit
- (Astron. Astrophys. 469, 1-9)
- "Discreteness effects in simulations of hot/warm dark matter"
- Wang, J. and S. White
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 380, 93-103)
- "Assembly bias in the clustering of dark matter haloes"
- Gao, Liang and S.D. M. White
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 377, L5-L9)
- "The first generation of stars in the cold dark matter cosmology"
- Gao, L., N. Yoshida et al. (incl. V. Springel)
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 378, 449-468)
- "Filaments, Bubbles, and Weak Shocks in the Gaseous Atmosphere of M87"
- Forman, W., C. Jones, E. Churazov et al.
- (Astrophysical Journal, Volume 665, 1057-1066)
- "SN 2002cv: A Heavily Obscured Type Ia Supernova"
- N. Elias-Rosa, S. Benetti, M. Turatto et al.
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Limb Prominences Seen in UV, EUV and SXR"
- P. Heinzel, F. Farnik and U. Anzer
- (New Solar Phys., ASP Conference Series, Vol. 369)
- "AMR simulations of the low T/W bar mode instability of neutron stars"
- P. Cerda-Duran, V. Quilis and J.A. Font
- (Comp. Phys. Comm. 177, 288--297)
- "Delayed neutrino-driven supernova explosions aided by the
standing accretion-shock instability"
- Marek A. and H.-Th. Janka
- (Astrophys.~Journal, submitted )
- "Effects of inelastic neutrino-nucleus scattering on supernova
dynamics and radiated neutrino spectra"
- Langanke K., Martinez-Pinedo G., Mueller B.
- (Phys. Rev. Lett., in press)
- "Generic gravitational wave signals from the collapse of rotating
stellar cores"
- Dimmelmeier H., Ott C.D., Janka H.-Th., Marek A. and Mueller E.
- (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 251101)
- "Collapse of rotating stellar iron cores with microphysics
in 3+1 general relativity"
- Ott C.D., Dimmelmeier H., Marek A. et al.
- (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 261101)
- "Radio Jets in Galaxies with Actively Accreting Black Holes: new
insights from the SDSS"
- G. Kauffmann, T. M. Heckman and P.N. Best
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "HST morphologies of local Lyman break galaxy analogs I: Evidence
for starbursts triggered by merging"
- R. A. Overzier, T. M. Heckman, G. Kauffmann et al.
- (submitted to Astrophys. J.)
- "The Lopsidedness of Present-Day Galaxies: Results from the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey"
- T.A. Reichard, T. M. Heckman et al. (incl. G. Kauffmann)
- (accepted by Astrophys. J.)
- "The dynamical formation of LMXBs in dense stellar environments:
globular clusters and the inner bulge of M31"
- Voss, R. and M. Gilfanov
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "High Mass X-ray Binaries and Recent Star Formation History of the
Small Magellanic Cloud"
- Shtykovskiy, P. and M.Gilfanov
- (Astronomy Lett. 33, 437)
- "ESC observations of SN 2005cf: II. Optical Spectroscopy and the
high velocity features"
- G. Garavini, S. Nobili, S. Taubenberger et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 471, 527-535)
- "The early spectral evolution of SN 2004dt"
- G. Altavilla, M. Stehle et al. (incl. W. Hillebrandt)
- (accepted for Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Supernova rates from the Southern inTermediate Redshift ESO
Supernova Search (STRESS)"
- M.T. Botticella, M. Riello et al. (incl. S. Taubenberger)
- (accepted for Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Detection of circumstellar material in a normal type Ia supernova"
- Patat, F.; Chandra, P.; Chevalier et al. (incl. W. Hillebrandt)
- (Science 317, 924-926)
- "Simulations of star formation in a gaseous disc around Sgr A* a
failed active galactic nucleus"
- Nayakshin, S., J. Cuadra and V. Springel
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 379, 21-33)
- "X-rays from cusps of compact remnants near galactic centres"
- Nayakshin, S. and R. Sunyaev
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 377, 1647-1651)
- "Instability of a stalled accretion shock: evidence for the
advective-acoustic cycle"
- T. Foglizzo, P. Galletti, L. Scheck, H.-Th. Janka
- (Astrophys. J. 654, 1006-1021)
- "The joint large-scale foreground-CMB posteriors of the 3-year WMAP data"
- H. K. Eriksen, C. Dickinson, J. B. Jewell, A. J. Banday et al.
- (submitted to Astrophys. J. Lett.)
- "Bayesian analysis of the low-resolution polarized 3-year WMAP sky maps"
- H. K. Eriksen, Greg Huey, A. J. Banday,
- (Astrophys. J. Lett. 665, L1-L4)
- "A Scaling Index Analysis of the WMAP three year data: Signatures of non-Gaussianities and Asymmetries in the CMB"
- C. Raeth, P. Schuecker, A. J. Banday
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "Hemispherical power asymmetry in the three-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe sky maps"
- H. K. Eriksen, A. J. Banday, K. M. Gorski et al.
- (Astrophys. J. 660, L81--L84)
- "Satellite Galaxies and Fossil Groups in the Millennium Simulation"
- L. V. Sales, J. F. Navarro, D. G. Lambas, S. D. M. White and D. J. Croton
- (accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.)
- "INTEGRAL/IBIS all-sky survey in hard X-rays"
- R. Krivonos, M. Revnivtsev, A. Lutovinov et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 475, 775-784)
- "X-ray emission from the stellar population in M32"
- M. Revnivtsev, E. Churazov, S. Sazonov et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 473, 783-789)
- "4U 0115+63 from RXTE and INTEGRAL Data: Pulse Profile and Cyclotron Line Energy"
- S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Lutovinov
- (Astronomy Lett. 33, 368--384 )
- "Cosmic ray confinement in fossil cluster bubbles"
- M. Ruszkowski, T.A. Ensslin, M. Brueggen et al.
- (submitted)
- "Cumulative hard X-ray spectrum of local AGN: a link to the cosmic X-ray background"
- S. Sazonov, R. Krivonos, M. Revnivtsev et al.
- (submitted to Astron. Astrophys.)
- "On the width of cold fronts in clusters of galaxies due to conduction"
- F. Xiang, E. Churazov, K. Dolag,
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 379, 1325-1332)
- "Complex X-ray morphology of Abell 3128: A distant cluster behind
a disturbed cluster"
- N. Werner, E. Churazov, A. Finoguenov et al.
- (accepted by Astron. Astophys.)
- "The double Compton emissivity in a mildly relativistic thermal plasma
within the soft photon limit."
- Chluba, J., Sazonov, S. Yu., and R.A. Sunyaev
- (Astron. Astrophys. 468, 785--795)
- "The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects from a cosmological hydrodynamical
- Roncarelli, M., Moscardini, L., Borgani, S. and K. Dolag
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 378, 1259)
- "New scaling relations in cluster radio haloes and the
re-acceleration model44."
- Cassano, R., Brunetti, G., Setti, G., Govoni, F., Dolag, K.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 378, 1565)
- "SZ profiles and scaling relations: modelling effects and
observational biasses. "
- Bonaldi, A.V., Tormen, G., Dolag, K., Moscardini, L.
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 378, 1248)
- "How special are brightest group and cluster galaxies?"
- von der Linden, A., P. Best, G. Kauffmann and S.D.M. White
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 379, 867--893)
- "On the prevalence of radio-loud active galactic nuclei in brightest cluster
galaxies: implications for AGN heating of cooling flows."
- Best, P., A. von der Linden, G. Kauffmann et al.:
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 379, 894-908 (2007).)
- "The recycling of gas and metals in galaxy formation: predictions of a
dynamical feedback model."
- Bertone, S., De Lucia, G., Thomas, P.A.:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 379, 1143-1154 )
- "Broad Lyman-alpha emission from Supernova remnants in young galaxies"
- K. Heng and R. Sunyaev
- (submitted to Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Probing elemental abundances in SNR 1987A using XMM-Newton"
- K. Heng, F. Haberl, B. Aschenbach and G. Hasinger
- (accepted by Astrophys. J.)
- "The Transition zone in balmer-dimonated shocks"
- K. Heng, M. van Adelsberg, R. McCray and J.C. Raymond
- (published in Astrophys. J., 668, 275-284)
- "On the backwards difference filter (RN)"
- R.A. García and J. Ballot
- (submitted to Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Simulations of turbulent
convection in rotating young solar-like stars: Differential rotation and
meridional circulation"
- J. Ballot, A.S. Brun and S. Turck-Chièze
- (accepted by Astrophys. J.)
- "Tracking solar gravity modes: the dynamics of the solar core"
- R. A. García, S. Turck-Chièze et al. (incl. J. Ballot)
- (published in Science 316, 1591)
- "Double-detonation supernovae of sub-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs"
- M. Fink, W. Hillebrandt and F.K. Roepke
- (submitted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "The Existence of Inner Cool Disks in the Low Hard State of
Accreting Black Holes"
- B.F. Liu, R.E. Taam, E. Meyer-Hofmeister and F. Meyer
- (accepted by Astrophys. J.)
- "Properties of prominence fine-structure threads derived from
SOHO/SUMER hydrogen Lyman lines"
- S. Gunar, P. Heinzel et al. (incl. U. Anzer)
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Ignition latitude and the shape of Type I X-rays bursts"
- I. Maurer and A. Watts
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.)
- "Gravitational waves from relativistic neutron star mergers with
microphysical equations of state"
- R. Oechslin and H.-Th. Janka
- (Physical Review Letters, 99, 121102)
- "Prominence fine structures
in a magnetic equilibrium.III Lyman continuum in 2D configurations"
- Gunar, S., P. Heinzel and U. Anzer:
- (Astron. Astrophys. 463, 737--743)
- "Evolution of MAssive Haloes in non-Gaussian Scenarios"
- M. Grossi, K. Dolag, E. Branchini, et al.
- (submitted to Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.)
- "Cosmic ray physics in calcualtions of cosmological structure
- T. Ensslin, C. Pfrommer, V. Springel and M. Jubelgas
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "Prominences on the Limb: Diagnostic with UV-EUV Lines and the
Soft X-Ray Continuum"
- U. Anzer, P. Heinzel and F. Farnik
- (Solar Physics 242, 43-52)
- "Neutrino-driven explosions twenty years after SN1987A"
- H.-Th. Janka, A. Marek and F.-S. Kitaura
- (Supernova 1987A: 20 Years After: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters
Proceedings, AIP, New York, eds. S. Immler, K.W. Weiler, and R. McCray)
- "The Peculiar SN2005hk: Do some type Ia Supernovae explode as
deflagrations ?"
- Phillips, M. M., W. Li, et al. (incl. S. Blinnikov)
- (Astron. Soc. of the Pacific, 119, Issue 854, 360-387)
- "Is the magnetic field in quiescent prominences force-free?"
- U. Anzer and P. Heinzel
- (Astron. Astrophys. 467, 1285-1288)
- "Heat transport in giant (EXO)Planets: A new perspective"
- G. Chabrier and I. Baraffe
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- T. Sako and G. Diercksen
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- "Spectral Diagnostics of the Magnetic Field Orientation in a
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- B. Schmieder, S. Gunar, P. Heinzel and U. Anzer
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- "Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamical Simulations of Surface
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- R. Collet, M. Asplund and R. Trampedach
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- "Magnetar oscillations pose challenges for strange stars"
- A.L. Watts and S. Reddy
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- "Hypervelocity stars and the environment of Sgr A*"
- A. Sesana, F. Haardt and P. Madau
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- "Interaction of massive black hole binaries with their stellar
environment: II. Loss-cone depletion and binary orbital decay"
- A. Sesana, F. Haardt and P. Madau
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- J. Diemand, M. Kuhlen and P. Madau
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- L. Scheck, H.-Th. Janka, T. Foglizzo and K. Kifonidis
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- "A common Explosion Mechanism for Type Ia Supernovae "
- P. Mazzali, F. Roepke, S. Benetti and W. Hillebrandt
- (to appear in Science 315, 825)
- "TypeIa Supernova Light Curves"
- S. E. Woosley, D. Kasen, S. Blinnikov and E. Sorokina
- (accpeted by Astrophys. J.)
- "On the size of H II regions around high-redshift quasars"
- A. Maselli, S. Gallerani, A. Ferrara and T.Choudhury
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 376, L34-L38)
- "How rapidly do supermassive black hole ``seeds'' grow at early times?"
- F. Pelupessy, T. Di Matteo and B. Ciardi
- (Astrophys. J. 665, 107-119)
- "ESC observations of SN2005cf -I. Photometric evolution of a
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- A. Pastorello, S. Taubenberger, N. Elias-Rosa et al.
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- "Off-center explosions of Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs: an
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- W. Hillebrandt, S. Sim and F. Roepke
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- "Light curves for off-centre ignition models of type Ia supernovae"
- S. Sim, D. Sauer, F. Roepke and W. Hillebrandt
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- "Towards relativistic simulations of magneto-rotational core collapse"
- P. Cerda-Duran and J.A. Font
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- "New Constraints on Macroscopic Compact Objects as Dark Matter
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- B. Metcalf
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- R. Voss and M. Gilfanov
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- M. Ruszkowski, T. Ensslin, M. Brueggen et al.
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- "Accretion rate and the occurrence of multi-peaked X-ray bursts"
- A. Watts and I. Maurer
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- "The star formation rate of CaII and damped Lyman alpha absorbers"
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- "Statistical properties of the energy levels and the electric
dipole moments of all bound vibrational states."
- Spirko, V., O. Bludsky, and W.P. Kraemer:
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- "Multi-dimensional simulations of radiative transfer in Type Ia
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- "High-mass X-ray binaries and spiral structure in galaxies."
- Shtykovskyi, P. and M. Gilfanov:
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- "Spectroscopic Evidence of Interstellar Solid Hydrogen."
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- "Hard X-ray luminosity function and absorption distribution of
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- "Colour-colour diagrams and extragalactic globular cluster ages. Systematic
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- Salaris, M. and S. Cassisi:
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- "Metal mixing by buoyant bubbles in galaxy clusters. "
- Roediger, E., Brueggen, M., P. Rebusco et al.:
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- "Resolving the Galactic X-ray background."
- Revnivtsev, M., A. Vikhlinin and S. Sazonov:
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- "Substructures in lensing clusters and simulations."
- Natarajan, P., De Lucia, G., Springel:
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- "CMB signal in WMAP 3yr data with FastICA. "
- Maino, D., S. Donzelli, A. J. Banday et al.:
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- "Evidence for relativistic features in the X-ray spectrum of Mrk 335. "
- Longinotti, A.L., Sim, S.A., Nandra K. and Cappi M.:
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- "Redshift Degeneracy in the $E_{\rm iso}$--$E_{\rm peak}$ Relation of
Gamma-Ray Bursts."
- Li, L.-X.:
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- "Shock Breakout in Type Ibc Supernovae and Application to GRB
060218/SN 2006aj. "
- Li, L.-X.:
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- "On the effects of coherent structures on
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- Kupka, F., and F.J. Robinson:
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 374, 305--322)
- "Hard X-ray emission from the Galactic ridge"
- Krivonos, R., Revnivtsev, M., Churazov, E., et al.
- (Astron. Astrophys. 463, 957)
- "Ongoing Formation of Bulges and Black Holes in the Local Universe:
New Insights from GALEX. "
- Kauffmann, G., T.M. Heckman, T. Budavari et al.:
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- "The Diverse Properties of the Most Ultraviolet Luminous Galaxies
Discovered by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer. "
- Hoopes, C.G., T.M. Heckman et al. (incl. G. Kauffmann)
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- "Is the lack of pulsations in low
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- Gogus E., A. Alpar and M. Gilfanov:
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- "Neutrino-driven convection versus advection in core
collapse supernovae."
- Foglizzo, T., L. Scheck and H.-Th. Janka:
- (Astrophys. Journal. 652, 1436-1450)
- "A re-analysis of the three-year WMAP temperature power spectrum
and likelihood."
- Eriksen, H. K., G. Huey, et al (incl. A. J. Banday):
- (Astrophys. J. 656, 641-652)
- "The hierarchical formation of the brightest cluster galaxies,"
- De Lucia, G. and J. Blaizot:
- (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 375, 2-14)
- "The build-up of the colour-magnitude relation in galaxy clusters
since z~0.8"
- De Lucia, G., B. Poggianti et al. (incl. S. White)
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- "Asteroseismological coinstrains on the pulsating planetary nebula
nucleus (PG1159-type) RX J2117+3412."
- Corsico, A.H., L.G. Althaus, M.M. Miller Bertolami and K. Werner:
- (Astron. Astrophys.)
- "A large stellar evolution database for population synthesis studies. III,
Inclusion of the full Asymptotic Giant Branch phase and web tools for
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- Cordier D., A. Pietrinferni, S. Cassisi and M. Salaris
- (Astrophys. J.)
- "Cosmological hydrogen recombination: populations of the
high-level substates"
- Chluba, J. and J.A. Rubino-Martin and R.A. Sunyaev
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 374, 1310-1320)
- "Solar abundances and helioseismology: fine structure spacings and
separation ratios of low-degree p modes."
- Basu, S., W.J. Chaplin et al. (incl. A. Serenelli)
- (Astrophys. J.)
- "Smooth Particle Lensing"
- Aubert, D., A. Amara, A. and R.B. Metcalf
- (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.)
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Letzte Änderung: 25.11.2008