Negative temperature negated
December 2013 |
D³PO: Denoising, Deconvolving, and Decomposing Photon Observations
December 2013 |
Why do the most massive galaxies in the local Universe stand still?
November 2013 |
Planck space telescope now turned off
October 2013 |
Two Kippenhahn laureates this year
October 2013 |
Massimo Gaspari receives Livio Gratton Prize
October 2013 |
Planck maps of the cosmic microwave background test the fundamental
symmetry of space-time during cosmic inflation
October 2013 |
Day of the Open House 2013
Saturday, Oktober 19th, 11:00-18:00 |
European funding for simulating stellar explosions
September 2013 |
Metals in galaxies: Is what we see what we expect?
September 2013 |
Searching for Type Ia Supernovae Progenitors through Circumstellar Material
August 2013 |
Hunting for hints on galaxy formation in stellar spectra
July 2013 |
The Violent Birth of Neutron Stars
June 2013 |
Diederik Kruijssen receives Christiaan Huygens Prize
June 2013 |
Otto Hahn Medal of MPG for Irina Zhuravleva
June 2013 |
A New Gauge of the Origin of Type Ia Supernovae: Searching for He II Recombination Lines in Elliptical Galaxies
June 2013 |
Hands-on astronomy on the Girls' Day
June 2013 |
The vicissitudes of the cold dark matter model of cosmogony
May 2013 |
Rashid Sunyaev elected as Einstein Professor by the Chinese Academy of Sciences
May 2013 |
The Bluedisk project: searching for clues about how disk galaxies form
May 2013 |
MPA new building now officially opened
April 2013 |
A new director at MPA
April 2013 |
The Fine Art of Cooking an Exquisite Stellar Banquet
April 2013 |
Planck measures the universe - detailed all-sky map of the cosmic
background radiation confirms standard cosmological model but also
finds deviations
March 2013 |
Stellar lithium abundances support standard Big Bang scenario
March 2013 |
Karin Lind (MPA), Jorge Melendez (Department of Astronomy, University
of Sao Paulo, Brasil), Martin Asplund (Mount Stromlo Observatory,
Australian National University, Australia), Remo Collet (Mount
Stromlo Observatory, Australian National University, Australia),
Zazralt Magic (MPA)
Magnetic fields in astrophysics: an electronic 'textbooklet'
February 2013 |
Asteroseismology of magnetars
February 2013 |
NIFTY: Numerical information field theory for everyone
January 2013 |
Eiichiro Komatsu receives Lancelot Berkeley Prize
January 2013 |
Distances in the Galaxy: where are those metal-poor stars?
January 2013 |