Eiichiro Komatsu
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Eiichiro Komatsu has been a member of the WMAP Team since 2001 and is
lead author of the papers presenting the cosmological interpretation
of their five- and seven-year WMAP datasets. The WMAP satellite
mission has mapped the nearly uniform Cosmic Microwave Background
(CMB) radiation across the whole sky, making an image of tiny
variations in temperature which reflect small density
fluctuations. From these data, the cosmological parameters can be
deduced with very high accuracy – they are in fact so precise that
they now form the Standard Cosmological Model.
The Lancelot M. Berkeley New York Community Trust Prize for
Meritorious Work in Astronomy was recently established and is now
awarded annually for highly meritorious work in advancing the science
of astronomy published in a peer-reviewed journal during the previous
year. No restrictions are placed on a candidate's citizenship or
country of residency. In 2010, the prize was awarded jointly to
William J. Borucki and David G. Koch from the NASA Ames Research
Center and in 2011 to Linda Tacconi from the MPE.
Original publication:
Komatsu, E., et.al.,
"Seven-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Cosmological Interpretation",
2011, ApJS, 192, 18