MPA Scientific Preprints issued in 2001:
available under the URL: http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de
MPA-Number with "e" = available only as electronic file and with "p" = printed as greenreport
- " Nodal and Periastron Precession of Inclined Orbits
in the Field of a Rotating Black Hole"
- Sibgatullin N.
- (published in Astronomy Letters,)
- "Tracing the Remnants of Powerful Quasars to Probe the IGM"
- T. A. Ensslin, R.A. Sunyaev and M. Brueggen
- (Proceedings of Lighthouses of the Universe)
- "Chandra ACIS-S Observations of Abell 4059: Signs of Dramatic
Interaction Between a Radio Galaxy and a Galaxy Cluster"
- S. Heinz, Y.-Y. Choi, C. S. Reynolds and M. C. Begelman
- (accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letters)
- "Two-temperature coronal flow above a thin disk"
- B.F. Liu, S. Mineshige, F. Meyer and E. Meyer-Hofmeister
- (accepted by Astrophys. Journal)
- "Evolution and structure of magneitic fields in simulated galaxy clusters"
- K. Dolag, M. Bartelmann and H. Lesch
- (accepted by Astron. and Astrophys.)
- "Simulating the dynamics of relativistic stars via a light-cone approach"
- F. Siebel, J.A. Font-Roda, E. Mueller, P. Papadopoulos
- (submitted to Phys. Rev. D, gr-qc/0111093)
- "Galaxy Cores as Relics of Black Hole Mergers"
- M. Milosavljevic, D. Merritt, A. Rest and F.C. van den Bosch
- (submitted to Astrophys. Journal, astro-ph/0110185)
- "The Impact of Cooling and Feedback on Disk Galaxies"
- F.C. van den Bosch
- (M.N.R.A.S. v.332, Issue 2, pp. 456-472)
- "The Universal Mass Accretion History of CDM Haloes"
- F.C. van den Bosch
- (M.N.R.A.S. V. 331, Issue 1, pp. 98-110.)
- "The Origin of the Density Distribution of Disk Galaxies:
A New Problem for the Standard Model of Disk Formation"
- F.C. van den Bosch
- (M.N.R.A.S., 327, 1334-1352)
- "The Angular Momentum Content of Dwarf Galaxies:
New Challenges for the Theory of Galaxy Formation"
- F.C. van den Bosch, A. Burkert and R.A. Swaters
- (M.N.R.A.S., 326, 1205-1215)
- "Dusty Nuclear Disks and Filaments in Early-Type Galaxies"
- H.D. Tran, Z. Tsvetanov, F.C. van den Bosch et al.
- (Astrophys. Journal, 121, 2928-2942)
- "WFPC2 Images of the Central Regions of Early-Type Galaxies -- I. The Data"
- A. Rest, F.C. van den Bosch, W. Jaffe et.al.
- (Astrophys. Journal, 121, 2431-2482)
- "Dwarf Galaxy Rotation Curves and the Core Problem of Dark Matter Halos"
- F.C. van den Bosch and R.A. Swaters
- (MNRAS, 325, 1017-1038)
- "Spectral transition for ULXs - super-Eddington luminosity from
rapidly spinning moderate mass BHs?"
- F. Meyer and E. Meyer-Hofmeister
- (Conference Proceedings "Lighthouses of the Universe", Garching 2001.)
- "Coexistence of Corona and Disk in AGN?"
- B.F. Liu, S. Mineshige, E. Meyer-Hofmeister and F. Meyer
- (Conference Proceedings "Lighthouses of the Universe", Garching 2001.)
- "Gravitational waves from relativistic rotational core collapse in
- H. Dimmelmeier, J.A. Font, and E. Mueller
- (Proceedings of the 4th Amaldi Conference, Perth 2001 - accepted
by Class. Quantum Gravity)
- "Non-LTE line formation for Mg I/II: abundances and stellar
parameters - Model atom and first results on A-type stars"
- N. Przybilla, K. Butler, S.R. Becker, and R.P. Kudritzki
- (accepted by Astron. and Astrophys.)
- "Non-LTE line-formation for neutral and singly-ionized carbon -
Model atom and first results on BA-type stars"
- N. Przybilla, K. Butler, and R.P. Kudritzki
- (accepted by Astron. and Astrophys.)
- "Analytical approximation for post-shock physical conditions in
the type II supernova shells"
- D.K. Nadyozhin and and A.Yu. Deputovich
- (Astron. and Astrophys.)
- "Spatial correlation functions and the pairwise peculiar velocity
dispersion of galaxies in the PSCz survey: implications for the galaxy
biasing in cold dark matter models"
- Y.P. Jing, Gerhard Boerner and Yasushi Suto
- (Shanghai Astr. Obs., Partner Group of MPA)
- "The change from accretion via a thin disk to a coronal flow:
dependence on the viscosity of the hot gas"
- E. Meyer-Hofmeister and F. Meyer
- (accepted by Astron. and Astrophys.)
- "Simulation of radio plasma in clusters of galaxies"
- M. Brueggen, C. Kaiser, E. Churazov and T. Ensslin
- ()
- "Broad-band photometric evolution of star clusters"
- Leo Girardi
- (IAU Symposium Extragalactic Star Clusters, Vol. 207)
- "Scalar field induced oscillations of neutron stars and
gravitational collapse"
- Florian Siebel, Jose A. Font, Philippos Papadopoulos
- (submitted to Phys. Rev. D.)
- "Correlation of the magnetic field and the intra-cluster gas
density in galaxy clusters"
- K. Dolag, S. Schindler, P.Govoni and L. Feretti
- (submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics)
- "Coupling emitted light and chemical yields from stars:
a basic constraint to population synthesis models of galaxies"
- Paola Marigo and Leo Girardi
- (accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics)
- "Synchrotron Self-Comptonized Emission of Low Energy Cosmic Ray
Electrons in the Universe: I) Individual Sources"
- Torsten A. Ensslin and Rashid A. Sunyaev
- (accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics)
- "On the X--ray time lags in the black hole candidates"
- O.Kotov, E.Churazov, M.Gilfanov
- (accepted by Mon. Not. of R. Astron. Soc)
- "Local characteristic algorithms for relativistic
- Jose A. Font
- (Proceedings of the Workshop on
"The conformal structure of spacetimes: Geometry, Analysis, Numerics.)
- "A contribution of 26A1 to the O-A1 anticorrelation in globular
cluster red giants"
- P.A. Denissenkov and A. Weiss
- (submitted to ApJ Letters)
- "Prominence fine structures in a magnetic equilibrium:
Two-dimensional models with multilevel radiative transfer"
- P. Heinzel and U. Anzer
- (submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics)
- "Advection Dominated Accretion Flows around a Rotating Compact Object"
- A.R. Prasanna and B. Mukhopadhyay
- (submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics)
- " Cluster Mergers and Diffuse Radio Emission in Abell 2256 and Abell 754"
- T. E. Clarke and T. A. Ensslin
- (Proceedings of XXI Moriond Astrophysics Meeting)
- "Coalescing neutron stars - a step towards physical
models. III. Improved numerics and different neutron star masses and spins"
- M. Ruffert and H.-Th. Janka
- (to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics)
- "Cosmic ray protons accelerated at cosmological shocks and their
impact on groups and clusters of galaxies"
- Francesco Miniati, Dongsu Ryu, Hyesung Kang and T.W. Jones
- (to appear in The Astrophys. Journal)
- "Evolution of Planetary Nebulae I. An improved synthetic model"
- P. Marigo, L. Girardi, M.A.T. Groenewegen and A. Weiss
- ()
- "On the Formation of Cluster Radio Relics"
- Torsten A. Ensslin and Marcus Brueggen
- (accepted by Mon. Not. of R. Astron. Soc.)
- "Fossil Radio Plasma in Cluster Merger Shock Waves"
- Torsten A. Ensslin and Marcus Brueggen
- (Proceedings of 'Galaxy Clusters and the High Redshift)
- "New class of lwo frequency QPOs: signature of nuclear burning or
accretion disk instabilities?
- M. Revnivtsev, E. Churazov, M. Gilfanov and R. Sunyaev
- (accepted by Astron. and Astrophys.)
- "Atomic diffusion in metal-poor stars II. Predictions for the
Spite plateau"
- M. Salaris and A. Weiss
- ()
- "Low Frequency VLA Observations of Abell 754: Evidence for a Cluster Radio Halo
and Possible Radio Relics"
- Namir E. Kassim, Tracy E. Clarke, Torsten A. Ensslin et al.
- (accepted by Astrophys. J.)
- "Stability of an accretion disc threaded by a strong magnetic field"
- R. Stehle and H.C. Spruit
- (accepted by Mon. Not. of R. Astron. Soc.)
- "Circumbinary Disks and Cataclysmic Variable Evolution"
- H.C. Spruit and R.E. Taam
- (Astrophys. J. 548, 900)
- "Spherical collapse of supermassive stars: neutrino emission
and gamma-ray bursts"
- F. Linke, J.A. Font, H.-T. Janka, E. Mueller and P. Papadopoulos
- (submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics)
- "Gravitational waves from relativistic rotational core collapse"
- H. Dimmelmeier, J.A. Font, E. Mueller
- (Astrophys. J. 560, L163-L166, 2001)
- "Supernova Explosions and Neutron Star Formation"
- H.-T. Janka, K. Kifonidis and M. Rampp
- (Proc. Int. Workshop on Physics of Neutron Star Interiors, ECT* Trento)
- "On the Effect of Constraint Enforcement on the Quality of
Numerical Solutions in General Relativity"
- F. Siebel and P. Huebner
- (submitted to Physical Review D)
- "Solar models and electron screening"
- A. Weiss, M. Flaskamp and V.N. Tsytovich
- (accepted by Astron. & Astrophys.)
- "Evolution of Buoyant Bubbles in M87"
- E.Churazov, M.Brueggen, C.R.Kaiser, H. Boehringer, W.Forman
- (accepted by Astrophys. Journal)
- "On the helium flash in low-mass Population III Red Giant stars"
- H. Schlattl, S. Cassisi, M. Salaris and A. Weiss
- (submitted to: The Astrophys. Journal)
- "A Self-Regulating Braking Mechanism in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries"
- F. Meyer and E. Meyer-Hofmeister
- (ASP Conference Series, Vol. 229, 2001, "Evolution of Binary and
Multiple Star Systems")
- "Detectable Signals from Mergers of Compact Stars"
- H.-T. Janka and M. Ruffert
- (Proc. Int. Conf. on Stellar Collisions and Mergers)
- "Cluster Mass Profiles from Weak Lensing II"
- L. King and P. Schneider
- (accepted by Astron. Astrophys.)
- "A new test for the stable clustering hypothesis"
- Y.P. Jing
- (Shanghai Astr. Obs., Partner Group of MPA)
- "The Scaling of the Redshift Power Spectrum: Observations from the
Las Campanas Redshift Survey"
- Y.P. Jing and G. Boerner
- (Shanghai Astr. Obs., Partner Group of MPA)
- "Episodic accretion in magnetically layered protoplanetary discs"
- P.J. Armitage, M. Livio and J.E. Pringle
- (accepted by Mon. Not. of R. Astron. Soc)
- "Radio Plasma as a Cosmological Probe"
- Torsten A. Ensslin
- (to appear in the Proc. of the `4th China-Germany Workshop on Cosmology)
- "Axisymmetric Modes of Rotating Relativistic Stars in the Cowling Approximation"
- J.A. Font, H. Dimmelmeier, A. Gupta and N. Stergioulas
- (submitted to Mon. Not. of R. Astron. Soc)
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Last modified: 2003-7-11