We are pleased to announce the release of the results and data from 7 years of WMAP observations. See the WMAP misson page as well as the LAMBDA site for more details about WMAP itself, the fourth data release, the delivered data, and the 7-year papers. This is the happiest moment as always, as we don't have to work so crazy at least for a month or so after each release. Still, I can't wait to work on/digest/struggle with/get science out of/write papers about more years of WMAP data! The next one will be the final release from WMAP.
Abstract: We have announced the results from 7 years of observations of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) on January 26. In this talk we will present the cosmological interpretation of the WMAP 7-year data, including the detection of primordial helium, images of polarization of microwave background around temperature peaks, and new limits on inflation and properties of neutrinos. We also report a significant detection of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and discuss implications for the gas pressure in clusters of galaxies.
Abstract: We show that the existence of the bullet cluster, 1E0657-56, is incompatible with the prediction of the standard Lambda CDM cosmology. The probability of finding the large infall velocity (3000 km/s) necessary for explaining the X-ray and weak lensing data of 1E0657-56 is between 3.3x10^{-11} and 3.6x10^{-9}. The existence of the bullet cluster poses a serious challenge to LCDM cosmology, unless a lower infall velocity solution for 1E0657-56 with <1800 km/s is found. The video of my talk is available here.
By the way, this is not the end for us just yet - we are working on the 9-year data analysis, and preparing for one last data release. So, stay tuned.