We are very happy about and proud of what we can announce/deliver today. I believe that many of us (if not all) are also extremely happy that we don't have to do three telecons per week. (Boy, I don't even remember how long we have been doing this!) Well, perhaps, we don't do telecons so often at least for a few months, until we start to get back to the WMAP fourth-year data that we already have at our hand. Then fifth year, and then sixth year. The WMAP continues to observe. We continute to work. Day after day. Night after night. Beer after beers.
See the WMAP misson page as well as the LAMBDA site for more details about WMAP itself and the second data release.
Finally, I would like to thank my father, Hidenori Komatsu, who passed away just about one year ago (March 12, 2005), for allowing me to go abroad and continue to do what I really want to do: Cosmology. Without your continuous help and understanding, father, I could not contribute to this exciting scientific achievement. I am your son, and shall never give up anything, just like you have never given up, no matter what it takes, for what I love. I am also truly grateful to my wife, my mother and my sisters for their understanding and kindness. (I am writing this here because this type of acknowledgement is not allowed in the scientific papers.)