Place: MPA New Seminar Room
9:00-9:30: IGM simulation by Ken Nagamine
9:30-10:45: Responses to the comments and questions from the Red Team [75]
- Cosmology [10+discussion]
- Galactic Archeology [10+discussion]
- Galaxy Evolution [10+discussion]
10:45-11:00: Break [15]
11:00-12:30: Closed door session by the Steering Committee and Red Team (Room TBD)
12:30-14:00: Lunch at Canteen [90] (Steering committee will have a working lunch in Room 006)
14:00-16:00: All-hand session to discuss the way forward [120]
- Summary and inputs from the Steering Commitee
- How to improve the science programs based on the feedback from the Red Team?
- Action items and schedule
16:00-16:15: Break [15]
16:15-18:00: Parallel discissions by working groups (Rooms TBD)