- "Galaxy redshift surveys with sparse sampling and its application to Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment," Chi-Ting Chiang, MPA, Germany
- "Correcting for non-linear distortions in clustering statistics using local transformations and reconstruction," Jan Niklas Grieb, MPE, Germany
- "Weak lensing mass constraints and mass-observable relations for Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters," Daniel Grün, USM/LMU, Germany
- "Strong gravitational lensing: a new standard ruler," Inh Jee, MPA, Germany
- "Halo/void abundances in modified gravity model," Tsz Yan Lam, MPA, Germany
- "Probing dark sector perturbations with the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect," Björn Sörgel, USM/LMU, Germany
- "Weak lensing shape biases and cluster parameter and mass biases," Julia Young, USM/LMU, Germany
- "How baryons trace dark matter when dark matter is coupled to dark energy: linear analysis," Philipp Wullstein, MPA, Germany