Stars and latte macchiato
December 2010 |
When space and time are moving
November 2010 |
A deep look at the Milky Way in hard X-rays
November 2010 |
Chinese Friendship award for Gerhard Börner
October 2010 |
Cluster Promotion prize for MPA student
October 2010 |
Exploring the history of the Milky Way
October 2010 |
Planck's first glimpse at galaxy clusters and a new supercluster
September 2010 |
Solving the mystery of the Sun's low lithium abundance - and its
relation to extrasolar planets
September 2010 |
Magnetic fields in merging neutron stars
August 2010 |
Planck delivers first all-sky image
July 2010 |
What is the matter with dwarf galaxies?
July 2010 |
Rashid Sunyaev receives German Federal Cross of Merit
July 2010 |
Problem of spectral diversity in supernovae solved with asymmetric
explosions — SN Ia are standard candles after all
July 2010 |
Kippenhahn Prize 2010
June 2010 |
LOFAR - Birth of a European Radio Telescope
June 2010 |
Are the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae less massive than previously thought?
June 2010 |
Biermann lectures 2010
June 2010 |
Details in the Structure of a distant Quasar
June 2010 |
Café & Kosmos — The Big Bang in a tunnel
May 2010 |
Demise of a star under surprising circumstances
May 2010 |
Supernovae, gigantic stellar explosions, are not only used as cosmic
yardsticks by cosmologists, they are also important chemical element
factories in our Universe. So far, astrophysicists know of two
physical processes giving rise to these bursts: one is the core
collapse of a massive star at the end of its lifetime, the other the
thermonuclear detonation of an old white dwarf star. An international
team of researchers, including scientists from the Max Planck
Institute for Astrophysics, have now identified a third type of these
stellar explosions, arising from a helium-rich, old stellar system.
(Nature, 20 May 2010)
How a supernova obtains its shape
May 2010 |
Iron peak elements in metal-poor stars
May 2010 |
Planck highlights the complexity of star formation
April 2010 |
Federal Cross of Merit for Guinevere Kauffmann
April 2010 |
Polarization as a way to measure transverse gas motions in galaxy clusters
April 2010 |
Successful Girls’ Day in Garching
April 2010 |
Clouds in the Milky Way as seen by Planck
March 2010 |
Imaging the surface of massive stars
March 2010 |
First all sky radio image with LOFAR antennas near Garching
February 2010 |
Fuse for key cosmic explosions found
February 2010 |
Gerhard Börner wins CAS Award
February 2010 |
The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey
February 2010 |
Violent explosions in space
January 2010 |
Massive, Dense Nuclei in Young Starbursts: Progenitors of Early Type Galaxy Cusps?
January 2010 |