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LOFAR, which is shorthand for Low Frequency Array, is a new radio
telescope under construction by ASTRON in the Netherlands. The Max
Planck Institute of Astrophysics (MPA) in Garching is one of the German
Institutions participating in the European LOFAR Project and is
currently building up a LOFAR remote station. This consists of an
antenna field in the vicinity of Garching, which will operate as a node
within the distributed LOFAR radio telescope.
The frequency range covered by LOFAR, between 30 and 240 MHz, is largely
unexplored and LOFAR will be the dominant telescope over the next
decade. The large improvement in sensitivity and resolution compared
with present-day telescopes will open a new window on the Universe.
Research areas served by LOFAR range from highly redshifted light from
the early universe, one billion years after the Big Bang, to low energy
emission from our own Sun.
The LOFAR project at MPA