At MPA the girls could - among other activities - watch the Cosmic Cinema
in 3D and observe the solar surface.
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Like in the past years, the two institutes offered a juicy and varied
programme on 22. 4. 2010, ranging from lectures, discussions with women
astrophysicists, a cosmic cinema in 3D, to observations and workshops,
where the girls could experience different aspects related to astronomy
first hand.
The Girls’ Day is an initiative throughout Germany to encourage girls to
learn more about occupational areas that are still male dominated and that
girls consider only seldom when it comes to choosing a career path. And
even if some girls probably participated because it amounted to a day out
of the classroom, most of the group was very interested in the work of the
female scientists.
Apart from questions about the various research areas and instruments, this
year some of the girls were also interested in alternative career paths,
e.g. technician - without studying physics. This probably reflects the
wider scope of schools the girls attended, not only the "Gymnasium" (8-
years secondary school) but also the "Realschule" (6-years secondary
school). It is not clear yet if some of the girls will come back for an
internship - but the scientist might well see a known face again in
November, when the German Women Phycisists Conference is being held in
PS: A similar project for boys, "Neue Wege für Jungs", supports since 2005
initiatives and institutions who organise activities to broaden the boys’
view of study topics and career paths, to introduce more flexible male role
models and to further develop social skills, both inside and outside the
class room.
Pictures from Girls’ Day 2010 at MPA
Pictures from Girls’ Day 2010 at MPE
More Information:
German Girls’ Day
Deutsche Physikerinnentagung
Neue Wege für Jungs