The VIRGO project: Cosmological N-body Simulations
We have carried out the following 3 sets of
intermediate-size (not quite appropriate, as they are
still large enough!) N-body
The page here gives you some information of our work.
Pictures and movies here.
VIRGO simulations
sim. parameters/
Four different cosmological models were simulated in
large boxes. The simulations contain
2563 particles each and represent different cosmological
The calculations were done by the parallel version of
AP3M N-body
code on two large Cray T3D parallel supercomputers
at the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center and at the Computing Centre
of the Max Planck Society in Garching.
Shown in the left panels are projected mass distibutions
in a sliced region in the simulation box. Low-density regions
which look like "voids" are dark, while red (and yellow)
parts are high-density regions. The pictures were created using an adaptive
smoothing scheme which assigns to each particle an individual smoothing length.
Thus, high density regions are not smoothed at all whereas low density regions
are smoothed. (Pictures created by Joerg Colberg)
Standard CDM
Boxsize 239.5 Mpc/h | 2563 particles |
OMEGA = 1.0 | LAMBDA = 0.0 |
H0 = 50 km/(Mpc sec) | Sigma8 = 0.51 |
Mass per particle 22.7 1010M_sun/h | |
Lambda CDM
Boxsize 239.5 Mpc/h | 2563 particles |
OMEGA = 0.3 | LAMBDA = 0.7 |
H0 = 70 km/(Mpc sec) | Sigma8 = 0.9 |
Mass per particle 6.86 1010M_sun/h | |
Open CDM
Boxsize 239.5 Mpc/h | 2563 particles |
OMEGA = 0.3 | LAMBDA = 0.0 |
H0 = 70 km/(Mpc sec) | Sigma8 = 0.85 |
Mass per particle 6.86 1010M_sun/h | |
tau CDM
Boxsize 239.5 Mpc/h | 2563 particles |
OMEGA = 1.0 | LAMBDA = 0.0 |
H0 = 50 km/(Mpc sec) | Sigma8 = 0.51 |
Mass per particle 22.7 1010M_sun/h | |
(Virgo-simulation selected publications):
Evolution of Structure in Cold Dark Matter Universes,
A. Jenkins, C.S.Frenk, F.R.Pearce, P.A.Thomas, J.M.Colberg,
S.D.M.White, H.M.P Couchman, J.A.Peacock, G.Efstathiou, and A.H.Nelson
(The Virgo Consortium), 1998, Astrophysical Journal,499,20-40.
The structure of galaxy clusters in various cosmologies,
P.A.Thomas,J.M.Colberg,H.M.P Couchman, G.Efstathiou, C.S.Frenk,
A. Jenkins, A.H.Nelson, R.M.Hutchinhgs, J.A.Peacock, F.R.Pearce,
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Last modified: Wed Oct 31 13:26:23 MET 2001
by Virgo Administrator