We have done
Very Large Simulations

introduction/ sim. parameters/ data download/ references


Two cosmological models were simulated in larger boxes (479 Mpc/h for LCDM and 321 Mpc/h for tCDM) than those of the Virgo simulations, while keeping a high mass resolution. We find many clusters in the box, which are still well resolved and thus suitable for re-simulation. The main projects associated with these simulations are:

Simulation parameters

Shown in the left panels are projected mass distibutions in a sliced region in the simulation box. Low-density regions which look like "voids" are dark, while blue and red parts are high-density regions. The pictures were created using an SPH smoothing scheme which assigns to each particle an individual smoothing length.

Boxsize 479 Mpc/h 5123 particles
OMEGA = 0.3LAMBDA = 0.7
H0 = 70 km/(Mpc sec)Sigma8 = 0.9
Mass per particle 6.86 x 1010M_sun/h 

Boxsize 320.6 Mpc/h 5123 particles
OMEGA = 1.0LAMBDA = 0.0
H0 = 50 km/(Mpc sec)Sigma8 = 0.51
Mass per particle 6.86 x 1010M_sun/h 


  1. Non-Gaussian CMB Temperature Fluctuations from Peculiar Velocities of Clusters
    N. Yoshida, R. Sheth, and A. Diaferio, 2001, MNRAS, 328, 669
  2. The mass functions of dark matter halos
    A. Jenkins, C. S. Frenk, S. D. M. White, J. M. Colberg, S. Cole, A. E. Evrard, H.M.P. Couchman, and N. Yoshida, 2001, MNRAS, 321, 372
  3. A New Parallel P3M Code Very Large Cosmological Simulations
    T. MacFarland, H. M. P. Couchman, F. R. Pearce, J. Pichlmeier, 1998, New Astronomy, 3, 687

  4. Last modified: Thu Jan 13 13:10:50 MET 2000 by
    Virgo Administrator