December 23–February 3
- 12/23-24: MUC(10:15)-HND(6:55)
- 12/24-26: Kavli IPMU
- 12/27-1/3: Takarazuka
- 1/4-2/2: Okayama University for the RECTOR program and the secondment of CMB-INFLATE.
- 1/31: 理学部特別講演会, "宇宙マイクロ波背景放射で探る初期宇宙"
- Abstract: かつて、宇宙は灼熱の火の玉であった。灼熱の宇宙を満たしていた光は消え去ることなく、今も宇宙を満たしている。この光の波長は宇宙膨張によってマイクロ波まで引き延ばされており、 宇宙マイクロ波背景放射(CMB)と呼ばれている。CMBの詳細な測定と最新の理論計算とを比べると、宇宙の組成や進化に関する情報を得られる。これまでの研究により、銀河、星、惑星などの宇宙の構造は、初期宇宙の小さな量子力学的揺らぎから生まれたという驚くべき結論に至った。しかし、これは真実なのだろうか? 本講演では、CMBの物理学と最近の観測から得られた主要な結果を概観し、我々の起源を探るCMBの研究の今後の展望について述べる。
- 2/2: OKJ(14:05)-HND(15:20)
- 2/3: HND(10:45)-MUC(17:15)
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
- 11/26: MUC(16:05)-MRS(17:45)
- 11/27: MRS(18:30)-MUC(20:10)
(remote participation) Perspektivenkommission@MPI f. Radioastronomie, Bonn
WE-Heraeus-Symposium on "550 years of the Copernican Universe: our place in the Cosmos", Humboldt Carré, Berlin
- 11/9: München Hbf(11:56)-Berlin Hbf(15:53)
- 11/10: Give a talk on "Parity Violation in Cosmology: Does the Universe distinguish between left and right?"
- Abstract: Copernicus showed that there is no special place in the Universe. Taking this further, we ask, “Is there a special handedness in the Universe?”, the question of parity symmetry. Parity symmetry is known to be violated in the weak interaction. Do the physical laws behind the unsolved problems of modern cosmology - cosmic inflation, dark matter, and dark energy - also violate parity symmetry? In this talk, we will discuss theoretical and observational possibilities of parity violation in cosmology, a topic that has received much attention in recent years.
- 11/11: Berlin Hbf(12:04)-München Hbf(16:01)
October 30
(remote participation) Give a talk on "The Temperature of Hot Gas in the Universe" at the 14th RESCEU International Symposium on "From Large to Small Structures in the Universe"
October 25–27
CPTS Sektionssitzung, Harnack Haus, Berlin-Dahlem
- 10/25: München Hbf(11:56)-Berlin Südkreuz(15:45)
- 10/27: Berlin Südkreuz(16:11)-München Hbf(20:02)
Perspektivenkommission (remote)
28–October 1
(remote participation) LiteBIRD Collaboration Meeting@Elba
(remote participation) CMB-INFLATE Midterm Review@Roma La Sapienza
Group retreat@Harnack Haus!
- 9/25: MUC(17:00)-BER(18:05)
- 9/28: BER(10:50)-MUC(12:00)
September 19
Perspektivenkommission (remote)
CERN, to attend Cosmology, Quantum Gravity, and Holography: the Interplay of Fundamental Concepts
- 9/11: MUC(7:40)-GVA(8:50)
- 9/13: Give a talk at Theory Colloquium on "Parity Violation in Cosmology" [video]
- 9/15: GVA(17:35)-MUC(18:45)
XXV SIGRAV Conference, Trieste, Italy
- 9/3: MUC(11:00)-FRA-TRS(14:05)
- 9/4: Give a talk on "Parity Violation in Cosmology" (45+15 min)
- Abstract: Parity symmetry is known to be violated in the weak interaction. Do the physical laws behind the unsolved problems of modern cosmology – cosmic inflation, dark matter, and dark energy – also violate parity symmetry? In this talk, we will discuss theoretical and observational possibilities of parity violation in cosmology, a topic that has received much attention in recent years.
- 9/8: TRS(14:45)-FRA-MUC(18:10)
August 7–27
Urlaub! Keine Arbeit, kein Laptop, keine E-Mail.
- 8/22: München Hbf(13:34)-Innsbruck Hbf(15:18)
- 8/24: Innsbruck Hbf(12:40)-München Hbf(14:27)
July 13
Perspektivenkommission, München
June 20–22
(remote participation) The 4th CCAT-prime Collaboration Meeting, Cornell University
June 2–July 3
Nagoya, Japan, for the secondment of CMB-INFLATE. I will deliver a series of lectures. The syllabus is available here.
- 6/2-3: MUC(11:15)-HND(6:55); take a train to Nagoya
- 6/6,8: Lectures
- 6/12,14: Lectures
- 6/16: Give a physics colloquium on “The Temperature of Hot Gas in the Universe”.
- 6/26,28,30: Lectures
- 7/2: move to HND
- 7/3: HND(9:40)-MUC(17:10)
June 1
Perspektivenkommission (online)
May 23,24
Universität Innsbruck
- 5/23: München Hbf(9:34)-Innsbruck Hbf(11:18)
- 5/23: Give an Innsbruck Physics Colloquium on “Finding Gravitational Waves from the Early Universe”
- 5/24: Innsbruck Hbf(16:40)-München Hbf(18:27)
Black Hole and Gravitational Wave Day
Perspektivenkommission (online)
Workshop on “Present and Future of Line-Intensity Mapping” at MPA, Garching
April 6-10
Urlaub. Keine Arbeit, keine E-mail, kein Laptop. Frohe Ostern!
April 4,5
- 4/4: München Hbf(9:28; Gl.18)-Mannheim-Mainz Hbf(13:18)
- 4/5: Mainz Hbf(10:17; Gl.4a/b)-München Hbf(14:10)
Perspektivenkommission (online)
February 28–March
- 2/28-3/1: MUC(12:35)-HND(9:05)
- 3/2,3: External Evaluation Committee for Division of Science, NAOJ
- 3/6,7: 学術変革シンポジウム「ダークマター」, Kavli IPMU
- 3/8: HND(11:30)-MUC(18:10)
February 23-26
Potsdam and Berlin
- 2/23: München Hbf(10:42)-Berlin Hbf(15:29)
- 2/24: 第7回ドイツ物理学・応用物理学セミナー at MPI f. Gravitationsphysik, Potsdam
- 2/25: ドイツ研究者ネットワーク交流会@在ドイツ日本国大使館 (Botschaft von Japan in Deutschland, Berlin)
- 2/26: Berlin Hbf(10:29)-München Hbf(15:20)
CPTS Sektionssitzung, Harnack Haus, Berlin-Dahlem
- 2/16: München Hbf(8:36)-Berlin Südkreuz(13:22)
- 2/17: Berlin Südkreuz(16:11)-München Hbf(20:13)
Perspektivenkommission (online)
January 31-February
CCA, Flatiron Institute, NY
- 1/31: MUC(15:55)-EWR(19:05)
- 2/3: Give a CCA colloquium on “The Temperature of Hot Gas in the Universe” [video]
- Abstract: How hot is the Universe today? How hot was it before? In this talk, we report on the result of the observational determination of the mean temperature of hot gas in the Universe. We find that the mean gas temperature has increased ten times over the last 8 billion years, to reach about 2 million Kelvin today. As cosmic structures form, matter density fluctuations collapse gravitationally and baryonic matter is shock-heated and thermalized. We therefore expect a connection between the mean gravitational potential energy of collapsed halos and the mean thermal energy of baryons. Our result provides quantitative verification of such a connection via cosmic shock-heating.
- 2/4-5: EWR(17:30)-MUC(7:20)
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- 1/26: MUC(10:55)-FMO(12:05)
- 1/27: Give a colloquium of Graduiertenkolleg 2149 on
Birefringence: A New Probe of Dark Matter and Dark
- Abstract: Polarised light of the cosmic microwave background is sensitive to physics violating parity symmetry under inversion of spatial coordinates. In this presentation we report on a measurement of parity violation from polarisation data of two satellite missions, WMAP and Planck. The statistical significance of the measured signal is 3.6 sigma. If confirmed with higher statistical significance in the future, it would have important implications for the elusive nature of dark matter and dark energy.
- 1/28: FMO(12:50)-MUC(14:00)