We make available some of the computer codes that we have developed in our group and with our collaborators. Enjoy!
- Cosmology Routine Library (CRL) in Fortran: Library of useful routines for cosmological quantities
- Julia code repository
- CleanCMB.jl: Algorithm to remove foreground emission and obtain clean maps of the cosmic microwave background
- Application to the simulated data of Simons Observatory’s Small Aperture Telescope (SO-SAT) and CCAT-prime’s Prime-Cam on the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope (FYST), Section 6 of arXiv:2107.10364
- HaloMF.jl: Halo multiplicity functions needed to compute the number density of collapsed structures (halos) in the Universe
- MatterPower.jl: Linear growth factor, linear and non-linear power spectra, and variance of cosmological matter density fluctuation fields
- OmegaGrav.jl: Gravitational binding energy in large-scale structure of the Universe
- Reference: Y.-K. Chiang, R. Makiya, E. Komatsu, and B. Ménard, arXiv:2007.01679
- CleanCMB.jl: Algorithm to remove foreground emission and obtain clean maps of the cosmic microwave background
- Cosmic birefringence
- The code to reproduce the measurements of cosmic birefringence reported in arXiv:2205.13962.
- Log-normal simulations
- lognormal_galaxies: Log-normal simulation of the distribution of galaxies in real and redshift space
- Reference: A. Agrawal, R. Makiya, C.-T. Chiang, D. Jeong, S. Saito, and E. Komatsu, arXiv:1706.09195
- Applications: Interlopers, Interlopers II, Fiber assignment, Covariance matrix I, Covariance matrix II, Bispectrum, Gravitational wave sources I, Gravitational wave sources II, Gravitational wave sources III, Harmonic-space power spectrum, Galaxy-lensing cross correlation, New 2-point correlation function estimator, Constrained realisations, pylognormal, Spherical Fourier-Bessel power spectrum I, Spherical Fourier-Bessel power spectrum II, Spherical Fourier-Bessel power spectrum III, Spherical Fourier-Bessel power spectrum IV, ALFALFA, Cosmic homogeneity, Dark sirens, Line intensity mapping, BAO with blue galaxies, Wide-Angle effect, Cosmic Cartography, Clustering of blue galaxies
- lognormal_lens: Log-normal simulation of the weak lensing convergence fields, which can be used to cross-correlate with the distribution of galaxies generated by lognormal_galaxies
- Reference: R. Makiya, I. Kayo, and E. Komatsu, arXiv:2008.13195
- Applications: Fiber assignment
- SIMPLE: Log-normal simulation of the line intensity mapping
- Reference: M.L. Niemeyer, J.L. Bernal, and E. Komatsu, arXiv:2307.08475
- Applications: One-point statistics, Interlopers, Radiative transfer effect
- lognormal_galaxies: Log-normal simulation of the distribution of galaxies in real and redshift space
- Codes for the auto and cross-correlation power spectra of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
- class_sz: Angular power spectrum of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, which supersedes the “szfast” code in the CRL. This code is an add-on to a public Boltzmann solver CLASS
- Reference: B. Bolliet, B. Comis, E. Komatsu, and J. F. Macías-Pérez, arXiv:1712.00788
- pysz: Python wrapper for the “szfast” code in the CRL with various improvements documented in this repository
- References: R. Makiya, S. Ando, and E. Komatsu, arXiv:1804.05008; R. Makiya, C. Hikage, and E. Komatsu, arXiv:1907.07870
- class_sz: Angular power spectrum of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, which supersedes the “szfast” code in the CRL. This code is an add-on to a public Boltzmann solver CLASS
- Primodial gravitational waves
- SGWBProbe: Compute sensitivity curves for detecting the primordial gravitational waves by the CMB, pulsar timing arrays (PTA) and laser interferometers
- Reference: P. Campeti, E. Komatsu, D. Poletti, and C. Baccigalupi, arXiv:2007.04241
- Spectrum Reconstructor: Web tool to compute the covariance matrix of the initial tensor power spectra in bins of wavenumbers, given observational specifications of the CMB B-mode polarisation
- Reference: T. Hiramatsu, E. Komatsu, M. Hazumi, and M. Sasaki, arXiv:1803.00176
- SGWBProbe: Compute sensitivity curves for detecting the primordial gravitational waves by the CMB, pulsar timing arrays (PTA) and laser interferometers
This material is based upon work supported in part by NSF under Grant AST-0807649 and PHY-0758153, NASA under Grant NNX08AL43G, and Alfred P. Sloan Research Foundation via a Sloan Fellowship. This work is also supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP15H05896, JP20H05850 and JP20H05859, and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy - EXC-2094 - 390783311.