Dates: November 5–8, 2012
Place: MPA Lecture Hall
(Confirmed speakers are shown with bold faces.)
Opening Talk
Matias Zaldarriaga [40+5]
Session 1: Data
BOSS, Shirley Ho [20+5]
Expectation for large-scale structure, Licia Verde [20+5]
Expectation for Planck, Ben Wandelt [20+5]
Discussion Session 1 [60] Moderator: Eiichiro Komatsu
- What do the current data tell us?
- How comfortable are we with the current results?
- What would be the expectations for the future?
- CMB bispectrum and scale-dependent bias: what else? (Galaxy bispectrum, etc?)
Session 2: What does single-field inflation actually predict?
Single-field consistency relations, Paolo Creminelli [20+5]
Quasi-single field inflation and critical test of multi-field inflation, Xingang Chen [20+5]
Effects of heavy fields, Mark Jackson [20+5]
Non-Bunch-Davies vacuum 1, Sarah Shandera [20+5]
Non-Bunch-Davies vacuum 2, Raphael Flauger [20+5]
Discussion Session 2 [60] Moderator: Xingang Chen
- Are we ready to declare that single-field models are ruled out if the local-form fNL is found?
- To what extend can we declare this, what is the experimental limitation?
- Can we make this statement more precise?
Session 3: Soft limits
Suyama-Yamaguchi inequality, Kendrick Smith [20+5]
Soft limits, Daniel Baumann [20+5]
The Ward identities of cosmological correlation functions, Justin Khoury [20+5]
CMB bispectrum from higher-spin non-Gaussianities, Maresuke Shiraishi [20+5]
Discussion Session 3 [60] Moderator: Marco Peloso
- What are the soft limits good for?
- What kind of underlying physics can we learn from the properties of soft limits, for quasi-single-field and multi-field models?
- What would be general implications for multi-field models?
- How can we use the soft limit properties to rule out or rule in inflation models?
Session 4: Multi field
Curvaton, David Wands [20+5]
Distinctive non-Gaussianity from vector fields coupled to inflaton, Marco Peloso [20+5]
Adiabatic limit and fate of fNL, Jeol Meyes [20+5]
Multifield reheating and the fate of primordial observables, Christian Byrnes [20+5]
Modulated reheating mechanism, Masahide Yamaguchi [20+5]
Non-Gaussianity from adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations, David Langlois [20+5]
Multi-field, David Seery [20+5]
Discussion Session 4 [60] Moderator: Masahide Yamaguchi
- What are the promising (general) ways to produce fNL~O(10)?
- How can we test multi-field models? Can we ever rule them out in general?
- Experimental signatures of different entropy perturbations?
Session 5: Large-scale structure theory
Amplitude and k-dependence of non-Gaussian bias, Vincent Desjacques [20+5]
The non-Gaussian signal in the galaxy bispectrum, Donghui Jeong [20+5]
The halo bispectrum in N-body simulations with non-Gaussian initial conditions, Emiliano Sefusatti [20+5]
Mass Function, Marilena Loverde [20+5]
Discussion Session 5 [60] Moderator: Sarah Shandera
- What more do we need to do on the scale-dependent bias (if any)?
- Are we confident about the size of the error bars?
- What else should we be looking? Bispectrum? Trispectrum?
Session 6: Contamination and Data analysis issues
ISW-lensing bispectrum, Jaiseung Kim [20+5]
Second-order Boltzmann 1, Nicola Bartolo [20+5]
Squeezing the CMB bispectrum, Filippo Vernizzi [20+5]
Second-order induced non-Gaussianity in the CMB, Christian Fidler [20+5]
CMB bispectrum measurements and foreground contamination, Michele Liguori [20+5]
Non-Gaussianity in CMB: analysis issues, James Fergusson [20+5]
Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity from current and future LSS data: results and open issues, Tommaso Giannantonio [20+5]
Discussion Session 6 [60] Moderator: Shirley Ho
- Are we ready for more data?
- Issues with foreground cleaning and other contaminations of the primordial signals?
Concluding remarks
Sabino Matarrese [25+5]