The corona time… Farewell party for Giovanni Aricó, which has been visiting for two months. Where are the group members from? 15 countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina (D. Huterer), Brazil (E. Ferreira), France (L. Blot[1/2, not in the photo]), Germany (C. Byrohl, L. Herold, M. Lujan-Niemeyer [not in the photo], F. Schmidt), India (V. Muralidhara), Italy (L. Blot[1/2], P. Campeti, S. Gasparotto, L. Lucie-Smith[1/2], M. Monelli), Iran (L. Mirzagholi), Israel (I. Wolfson [not in the photo]), Japan (E. Komatsu [taking this photo], I. Obata), Portugal (A. Barreira), Serbia (A. Kostic [not in the photo]), Taiwan (S. Suyu [not in the photo]), UK (L. Lucie-Smith[1/2], S. Young), USA (S. Delos), and Vietnam (M. Nguyen).