Data access

All results and data from the THESAN simulation suite will be publicly available here in mid 2022.
Feel free to contact us if you are interested in using THESAN before the official release!

Available data

  • 80 full snapshots between z=50 and z=5.5, produced approximately every 10 Myr.
  • 80 halo catalogs, coeval with the snapshots, produced using the FOF+SUBFIND codes.
  • 400 render outputs between z=50 and z=5.5, storing a selection of quantities on a Cartesian grid.
  • A variety of post-processing halo catalogs, including spectral energy distributions (SEDs; including emission lines) of resolved galaxies in the simulated volume generated with the SKIRT code and Lyman-alpha (Lyα) intrinsic emission and IGM transmission catalogs calculated with the COLT code.