MPA Scientific Preprints issued in 1995:
available under the URL: http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de
MPA-Number with "e" = available only as electronic file and with "p" = printed as greenreport
- MPA 844
- "Homologous recycling model for hot galactic coronae",
A.G. Kritsuk
- MPA 845
- "Stellar winds and the EUV continuum excess of early B-giants",
F. Najarro, R.P. Kudritzki, J.P. Cassinelli, O. Stahl, D.J. Hiller
- MPA 846
- "An analytic model for the gravitational clustering of dark
matter haloes",
H.J. Mo, S.D.M. White
- MPA 847
- "Tetrad-based perturbative approach to inhomogeneous universes:
a general relativistic version of the Zel'dovich approximation",
M. Kasai
- MPA 848
- "The evolution of correlation functions and power spectra in
gravitational clustering",
H.J. Mo, S.D.M. White
- MPA 849
- "Self-acceleration of nuclear flames in Supernovae",
S.I. Blinnikov, P.V. Sasorov, S.E. Woosley
- MPA 850
- "Properties of nova population models",
U. Kolb
- "The reaction of low-mass stars to anisotropic irradiation and its
implications for the secular evolution of cataclysmic binaries",
H. Ritter, Z. Zhang, U. Kolb
- "On the outburst behaviour of dwarf novae and above the period gap
(P > 3 hours)",
N. Vogt
MPA 851
- "Three-dimensional hydrodynamic Bondi-Hoyle accretion
IV. Specific heat ratio 4/3", M. Ruffert
- MPA 852
- "The dynamical evolution of circumstellar gas around massive stars.
I. The impact of the time sequence O star $\to$ LBV $\to$ WR star",
G. Garcia-Segura, G., M.-M. Mac Low, N. Langer
- MPA 853
- "Nonthermal ionization and excitation in Type IIb supernova 1993J",
V.P. Utrobin
- MPA 854
- "O-star mass-loss and wind momentum rates in the galaxy and the
Magellanic Clouds
Observations and Theoretical Predictions",
J. Puls, R.-P. Kudritzki, A. Herrero, A.W.A. Pauldrach, S.M. Haser,
D.J. Lennon, R. Gabler, S.A. Voels, J.M. Vilchez, S. Wachter, A. Feldmeier
- MPA 855
- "A search for small-amplitude variations in northern R CrB stars",
A. Weiss, R. Fried, E.C. Olson
- MPA 856
- "The Parker-Shearing instability in azimuthally magnetized discs",
T. Foglizzo, M. Tagger
MPA 857
- "Her X-1: Modelling the anomalous and preeclipse dips with the
coronal wind model", S. Schandl
- MPA 858
- "When do supernova neutrinos of different flavors have similar
luminosities but different spectra?",
H.-T. Janka
- MPA 859
- "Convection in type-II supernovae: The first second",
E. Müller, H.-T. Janka
- "Neutron star kicks and multi-dimensional supernova models",
H.-T. Janka, E. Müller
- "Gravitational wave signals from collapsing rotating polytropes",
E. Müller, T. Zwerger
MPA 860
- "Mass transfer cycles in cataclysmic variables", A.R. King, J. Frank, U. Kolb, H. Ritter
- MPA 861
- "Weak lensing by large scale structures in open, flat, and closed
J.V. Villumsen
- MPA 862
- "Cluster lens reconstruction using only observed local data --
an improved finite-field inversion technique",
S. Seitz, P. Schneider
- MPA 863
- "Neutrino heating, convection, and the mechanism of type-II
supernova explosions",
H.-T. Janka, E. Müller
- MPA 864
- "The first second of a type-II supernova: convection, accretion,
and shock propagation",
H.-T. Janka, E. Müller
- MPA 865
- "On the dynamics of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy",
H. Velazquez, S.D.M. White
- MPA 866
- "Self-similar evolution of cosmological density fluctuations",
B. Jain, E. Bertschinger
- MPA 867
- "A model for the space density of dwarf carbon stars",
M. de Kook, P.J. Green
- MPA 868
- "Deep diffusive mixing in globular-cluster red giants",
P.A. Denissenkov, A. Weiss
- MPA 869
- "Morphology and dynamics of highly supersonic relativistic jets",
J. Ma. Marti , E. Müller, J.A. Font, J. Ma. Ibanez
- MPA 870
- "Galaxy dynamics in clusters",
C.S. Frenk, A.E. Evrad, S.D.M. White, F.J. Summers
MPA 871
- "Cataclysmic variable evolution: The role of the white dwarf", U. Kolb
- MPA 872
- "GRAPESPH: Cosmological SPH simulations with the special
purpose hardware GRAPE",
M. Steinmetz
- MPA 873
- "Omega_{baryon} and the geometry of intermediate redshift Lyman
\alpha absorption systems",
M. Rauch, M.G. Haehnelt
- MPA 874
- "Substructures and density profiles of clusters in models of
galaxy formation",
Y.P. Jing, H.J. Mo, G. Börner, L.Z. Fang
- MPA 875
- "A new method for accurate velocity statistics estimation",
F. Bernardeau, R. van de Weygaert
- MPA 876
- "Pressure supported ionized gas in S0 galaxies",
F. Bertola, P. Cinzano, E.M. Corsini, H.-W. Rix, W.W. Zeilinger
- MPA 877
- "Optimizing higher-order Lagrangian perturbation theory for
standard CDM and BSI models",
A.G. Weiss, S. Gottlöber, T. Buchert
- MPA 878
- "Radiation pressure driven magnetic disk winds in Broad
Absorption Line QSOs",
M. de Kool, M.C. Begelman
- MPA 879
- "Planetary nebulae and HII regions in NGC 300",
T. Soffner, R.H. Mendez, G.H. Jacoby, R. Ciardullo, M.M. Roth,
R.P. Kudritzki
- MPA 880
- "Observational evidence for weak gravitational lensing",
J.V. Villumsen
- MPA 881
- "Constraining peaks in Gaussian primordial density fields:
An application of the Hoffman-Ribak method",
R. van de Weygaert, E. Bertschinger
- MPA 882
- "Three-point correlation function of galaxy clusters in cosmological
models: a strong dependence on triangle shapes",
Y.P. Jing, G. Börner, R. Valdarnini
MPA 883
- "Using the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect to determine the
peculiar velocities of clusters and galaxies",
M.G. Haehnelt, M. Tegmark
- MPA 884
- "The structure of cold dark matter halos",
J.F. Navarro, C.S. Frenk, S.D.M. White
- MPA 885
- "Analytical models for galactic nuclei",
H. Zhao
- MPA 886
- "A self-consistent dynamical model for the COBE detected galactic bar",
H. Zhao
- MPA 887
- "The velocity dispersion profiles of clusters of galaxies: a cosmological
test and the sampling effect",
Y.P. Jing, G. Börner
MPA 888
- "An analytic approach to the secular evolution of cataclysmic variables",
R. Stehle, H. Ritter, U. Kolb
MPA 889
- "Coalescing neutron stars -- a step towards physical models
I. Hydrodynamic evolution and gravitational-wave emission",
M. Ruffert, H.-T. Janka, G. Schäfer
- MPA 890
- "Evolution of a magnetic flux tube in a sunspot penumbra",
K. Jahn, Schlichenmaier, H.U. Schmidt
- MPA 891
- "Rare-earth nuclei: Radii, isotope-shifts and deformation properties in
the relativistic mean field theory",
G.A. Lalazissis, M.M. Sharma, P. Ring
MPA 892
- "Three-dimensional hydrodynamic Bondi-Hoyle accretion",
M. Ruffert
- MPA 893
- "On the fundamental properties of dynamically hot galaxies",
A.G. Kritsuk
- MPA 894
- "Vela X-1: how to produce asymmetric eclipses",
A. Feldmeier, U. Anzer, G. Börner, F. Nagase
- MPA 895
- "Morphology and dynamics of relativistic jets",
J.M. Marti , E. Müller, J.A. Font, J.M. Ibanez, A. Marquina
- MPA 896
- "Hydrodynamical Models of stellar convection.
The role of overshoot in DNA White Dwarfs A-type stars, and the sun",
H.-G. Ludwig, B. Freytag, M. Steffen
- MPA 897
- "On the evolution of ejecta fragments in compact supernova remnants",
R. Cio-Fernandes, T. Plewa, M. Rozyczka, R. Terlevich, G. Tenorio-Tagle,
J. Franco, W. Miller
MPA 898
- "Principles of semi-detached binary evolution", H. Ritter
- MPA 899
- "Simulating galaxy formation",
M. Steinmetz
- MPA 900
- "Galaxy formation and large-scale bias",
G. Kauffmann, A. Nusser, M. Steinmetz
- MPA 901
- "Cosmological applications of gravitational lensing",
P. Schneider
- MPA 902
- "Delayed collapse of hot neutron stars to black holes via
Hadronic Phase Transitions",
T.W. Baumgarte, H.-Th. Janka, W. Keil, S.L. Shapiro, S.A. Teukolsky
- MPA 903
- "The hydrodynamic evolution of circumstellar gas around massive stars II.
The impact of the time sequence O star $\to$ RSG $\to$ WR star",
G. Garci a-Segura, N. Langer, M.-M. MacLow
- MPA 904
- "The Zel'dovich-type approximation for an inhomogenous universe
in general relativity: second-order solutions",
H. Russ, M. Morita, G. Börner
- MPA 905
- "^3He in stars of low and intermediate mass",
A. Weiss, J. Wagenhuber, P.A. Denissenkov
- MPA 906
- "The response of tidally heated stars",
P. Podsiadlowski
- MPA 907
- "Adaptive smoothed particle hydrodynamics: Methodology II",
J.M. Owen, J.V. Villumsen, P.R. Shapiro, H. Martel
- MPA 908
- "Clustering of faint galaxies: omega(theta), induced by
weak gravitational lensing",
J.V. Villumsen
MPA 909
- "Can neutrinos from neutron star mergers power gamma-ray bursts?",
H.-Th. Janka, M. Ruffert
MPA 910
- "CIV absorption from galaxies in the process of formation", M.G. Haehnelt,
Steinmetz, M., Rauch, M.
- MPA 911
- "On the propagation of thermonuclear flames in type Ia supernovae",
J.C. Niemeyer
MPA 912
- "Visual light from the eclipsing supersoft X-ray source CAL 87",
S. Schandl, E. Meyer-Hofmeister, F. Meyer
- MPA 913
- "The opacity of an expanding medium",
S.I. Blinnikov