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Constrained Realization Data Download | |
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Constrained Realization Data The constrained simulations of the Local Universe consist mainly of three types of data: (1) the snapshots giving the positions (and velocities) of the DM particles
as obtained after the collisionless runs Please note that so far, data are given at z=0 only. Also, for the purpose of speeding up the download of the large files containing the distribution of the dark matter particles, we only provide the DM distribution randomly sampled at a 10% rate. Finally, all data given here refer to the high resolution zone of the simulations.
Snapshots of Dark Matter: they provide with the positions and peculiar velocities of the dark matter particles, as dumped by GADGET. The positions are given in supergalactic coordinates (SG): [SGX,SGY,SGZ], and are centered on the Milky-Way. They extend in radius to some 8000 km/s. As emphasized, we provide only here a randomly sampled subset of the whole distribution. Halo Catalogues: they contain the physical properties of all the DM haloes. Our groupfinder algorithm (with a linking length of 0.2 times the mean interparticle separation) has also produced a "linked list" of particles (which is used to retrieve all the particles belonging to a halo). However, the linked list is useless without the full particle distribution, and therefore we do not release it. Recall that the haloes we consider contain at least 10 particles. Among the physical properties are the position and velocity of the center of mass, the position of the most bound particle, the total and virial mass, virial radius, and circular velocity. Note that the virial radius is defined as the radius within which the mean DM density is 200 times the critical density of the Universe. Galaxy Catalogues: having constructed a merger tree on the DM skeletton, the semi-analytic (SA) prescription allows us to graft galaxy formation on it. The galaxy catalogues, obtained after running the SA algorithm on the merger trees, are restricted to satellite and central galaxies (we discarded the field galaxies, which are not member of any halo at z=0). One will find in these galaxy catalogues the position and velocity of the DM particle associated with the galaxy, the identity of the galaxy (which is by definition the identity of the particle) and its parent halo (among the haloes given in the halo catalogues), whether it is a satellite or a central galaxy, and most importantly its photometric (total and bulge component luminosities) and baryonic properties (such as stellar mass).
List of the properties in the halo catalogues Note that the haloes are given ordered : the first halo read corresponds to the halo with identity # 1. The units are given in the reading routines.
List of the properties in the galaxy catalogues Note that the galaxies are given fully unordered : if for instance the first galaxy read is the central galaxy of the halo with identity # 26, the second galaxy read can be, e.g., a satellite galaxy of the halo with identity # 219. However, there is of course sufficient information in the galaxy catalogues to reconstruct the full population of a given halo. The units are given in the reading routines.
We define H0=100 h km/s/Mpc. The other parameters follow standard notation. Cosmological parameters
Collisionless simulation parameters The subscripts "hr" and "lr" refer to the high and low resolution regions, respectively. N is the number of (DM) particles, M the mass (units Msun/h) of one particle, and lsoft is the physical softening length (units kpc/h).
Semi-analytic parameters fbar is the baryon fraction: fbar=Omegabar/Omega0 alpha=star formation efficiency, epsilon=SNe feedback efficiency fbulge is the ratio of the satellite galaxy total mass to the central galaxy total mass beyond which a merger is supposed to trigger a starburst and form a bulge component "Feedback" gives the hypothesis that we made for the fate of the cold gas which has been reheated by the SNe (either ejected from the DM halo and later reincorporated or always retained in the halo) MB,lum is the luminosity resolution limit of the simulations (in the B band), defined as the mean B band magnitude of the central galaxy of a 10 particle halo at z=0. MB,morpho the morphology resolution limit, defined as the mean B band magnitude of the central galaxy of a 100 particle halo at z=0.
Masses for Milky-Way look-alikes Milky Way look-alikes are defined as galaxies of type Sb/Sc with a disk circular velocity betwen 200 and 240 km/s. In the table below, masses are given in units of Msun, disk star formation rates in units of Msun/year, and we give our zero-point normalization of the Tully-Fisher realtion.
Note that the units of the fields are given as comments in the routines.
Sampled Dark Matter Distributions
NB : the sizes given refer to the gzipped files.
NB : the sizes given refer to the gzipped files.
We WARN that the use of the galaxy catalogues below, and even around the luminosity resolution limit quoted here requires a lot of caution, and is left to the responsibility of the users ! So as to be complete, we provide here two full catalogues (with and without dust) which are not cut in resolution. Besides, we also give a catalogue cut at the luminosity resolution limit, not including dust correction, e.g. to obtain a Tully-Fisher relation to be compared to that of Giovanelli et al. (1997).
NB : the sizes given refer to the gzipped files.
CATALOGUES FOR TEST VOID POPULATIONS We give in the following table the series of galaxy and halo populations
that we considered for hypothetical void fillers in the LCDM simulation
analysed in For each property, we have separated 7 samples (see preprint). The samples GL and GC are selected above the luminosity resolution limit of the simulation; the sample GM is above the morphology resolution limit. Note that galaxies have been corrected for internal dust extinction. The
Comments to: H. Mathis |
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