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Constrained Realization Images 2 | |
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- Smoothed Density Fields: FK4 - Smoothed Density Fields: SG - & Voids) |
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Constrained Realization Images These pages include:
Smoothed Density Fields To get a more qualitative visual impression, we have smoothed the galaxy distribution with a gaussian filter, and then projected the resulting density field on the sky, in FK4 coordinates and on the supergalactic plane, in SG coordinates
FK4 projections of smoothed number density of galaxies
FK4 relative levels of smoothed number density of galaxies Same parameters as before; the relative level of the smoothed density field can be directly compared here :
Overdensities in number of galaxies in SG plane for LCDM
& TCDM TCDM model at right, LCDM at left. Smoothing radius of 5Mpc/h at top, 10Mpc/h bottom The selected slice is [-50., 50.] Mpc/h in SGX & SGY
Overdense contours are full lines, underdense dash-dotted lines, labels display the overdensity / mean smoothing value over the selected region. Overdensities in number of galaxies in SG plane for LCDM & TCDM for 10 Mpc/h smoothing Same data as before, now LCDM is at top, TCDM at the bottom.
Constrained crealizations of the Local Universe are also
ideal to study the simulated population of galaxies in voids and to evaluate
to which extent semi-analytic models (to their luminosity resolution limit)
successfully reproduce voids as large and as empty as the nearby ones.
We have checked ( Down to MB=-16.3, we came up wih negative conclusions for a possible homogeneous population.
Pictures are available here, and halo and galaxy catalogues
used for the prospection of simulated voids can be downloaded from H. Mathis and S. D. M. White High resolution Figure 1 (3 images) for astro-ph/0201193 In the Void region and the Virgo cluster, we show all galaxies down to MB=-16.3 and MB=-17 respectively. The latter is limited to avoid saturating the cluster region. In the slice extracted from the "full simulation" (thickness 30 Mpc/h in the SGZ direction and centred on the SG plane), we only plot reference, L* spiral galaxies. The colour and size of the symbols scale with the B-V index and the B-band luminosity of the galaxies.
Zoom out : 50 Mpc/h wide and 15 Mpc/h thick region centred on Figure 1 Click above the pictures to expand the image to full size : 1024x1024 pixels, in gif format. Note that the top right corners of the pictures extend to the low-resolution region of the simulation where we did not follow galaxy formation. We caution that although we show the same galaxy population beyond the luminosity resolution limit as before, the colour scale for the symbols used in the following pictures has been modified with respect to the one used in the preprint, for better rendering of the population in the wider slice. We also provide below with a picture of the galaxy distribution in the 24 Mp/h cubic region discussed so far in that new colour scale, for meaningful comparison :
Image 1: Dark matter and galaxies brighter than the luminosity
resolution limit (MB=-16.3) in a slice of thickness 15 Mpc/h and width
50 Mpc/h encompassing the SG plane and projected along SGZ. The slice
is centred on the "void" shown in Section 2 of
Image 2: Distribution of the 70% least luminous galaxies brighter than the luminosity resolution limit in the same slice as above (open circles) compared to the distribution of the remaining most luminous objects (filled symbols).
Image 3: Distribution of galaxies in the 24 Mpc/h cube considered
in Section 2 of ![]() Probing the effect of the density of reference galaxies on nearest neighbour statistics The next plots illustrate the effect of using a denser set of reference galaxies (new sample, with relaxed selection criteria) on the nearest neighbour statistics compared to the results obtained using the astro-ph/0201193 sample (initial sample). Recall that we are computing all statistics in real space. Click the plots to view them in full extent (corresponding .ps.tar.gz files can then be downloaded).
We now focus on the samples associated with the two outermost galaxy property bins : samples #1 and #7, with the exception of the 6th "halo mass" sample for reasons of noise. We also plot the result of randomizing within the simulation the positions of one third of the test objects. -The top (image 1) and bottom (image 2) pictures correspond to the new and old(initial) set of reference galaxies respectively. -Let us compare nearest neighbour distances at a factor of three down from the top of the distribution in both samples. As expected, using more reference galaxies substantially reduces Doo : at this population fraction :
-Distances from test samples to the nearest reference galaxy decrease as well, but the ratios Dto/Doo increase. We quote Dto,new for the first sample of each set:
Because our algorithm does not allow Dto=0, test samples overlapping
in luminosity with the new reference sample will be biased toward higher
distances. However, there is no overlap in luminosity between the new
reference galaxies and the galaxies in our first, faintest luminosity
test sample, where we will therefore gauge the effect of denser sampling
(some 20 times denser). Note the sharp decrease in the plots for Dto in the right
hand side windows of the plots with the new reference population. This
is because a large faction of the test objects in the samples HM6,
GL7 and GC7 are galaxies in massive haloes. They
find their nearest new reference galaxies as satellites or central objects
within the same halo . The same trend was already apparent in the old
sample of reference objects (compare to the corresponding plots in the
Figure in image 2), but was much weaker. Recall that HM6, GL7
and GC7 contain the most massive haloes, the brightest and
the reddest galaxies respectively.
Image 1: The dashed line gives Dto for the extreme bins of each sample (1 and 7, with the exception of HM6). The dash-dotted lines show the corresponding Dto after randomizing the positions of one third of the objects in each test sample, and the solid curve gives Doo for the new set of reference galaxies. The dotted line is the same as in the Figures above.
Image 2: Same as for the top picture, but with the initial set.
Comments to: H. Mathis |
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