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sph_particle_data Struct Reference

#include <allvars.h>

Data Fields

float Entropy
float Density
float Hsml
float Left
float Right
float NumNgb
float Pressure
float DtEntropy
float HydroAccel [3]
float VelPred [3]
float DivVel
float CurlVel
float Rot [3]
float DhsmlDensityFactor
float MaxSignalVel

Field Documentation

float sph_particle_data::CurlVel

local velocity curl

Definition at line 537 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by density(), hydro_evaluate(), and hydro_force().

float sph_particle_data::Density

current baryonic mass density of particle

Definition at line 527 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by density(), density_evaluate(), empty_read_buffer(), fill_write_buffer(), hydro_evaluate(), hydro_force(), init(), and move_particles().

float sph_particle_data::DhsmlDensityFactor

correction factor needed in the equation of motion of the conservative entropy formulation of SPH

Definition at line 539 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by density(), density_evaluate(), hydro_evaluate(), and hydro_force().

float sph_particle_data::DivVel

local velocity divergence

Definition at line 536 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by density(), and density_evaluate().

float sph_particle_data::DtEntropy

rate of change of entropy

Definition at line 533 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_global_quantities_of_system(), density(), fill_write_buffer(), hydro_evaluate(), hydro_force(), init(), and move_particles().

float sph_particle_data::Entropy

current value of entropy (actually entropic function) of particle

Definition at line 526 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_global_quantities_of_system(), density(), empty_read_buffer(), fill_write_buffer(), init(), move_particles(), and read_ic().

float sph_particle_data::Hsml

current smoothing length

Definition at line 528 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by compute_potential(), density(), density_evaluate(), empty_read_buffer(), fill_write_buffer(), force_treeevaluate(), force_treeevaluate_potential(), force_treeevaluate_potential_shortrange(), force_treeevaluate_shortrange(), force_update_node_hmax_local(), force_update_node_recursive(), gravity_tree(), hydro_evaluate(), hydro_force(), init(), move_particles(), ngb_treefind_pairs(), and setup_smoothinglengths().

float sph_particle_data::HydroAccel[3]

acceleration due to hydrodynamical force

Definition at line 534 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_global_quantities_of_system(), fill_write_buffer(), get_timestep(), hydro_evaluate(), hydro_force(), init(), and move_particles().

float sph_particle_data::Left

lower bound in iterative smoothing length search

Definition at line 529 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by density().

float sph_particle_data::MaxSignalVel

maximum "signal velocity" occuring for this particle

Definition at line 540 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by hydro_evaluate(), and hydro_force().

float sph_particle_data::NumNgb

weighted number of neighbours found

Definition at line 531 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by density(), and density_evaluate().

float sph_particle_data::Pressure

current pressure

Definition at line 532 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by density(), hydro_evaluate(), hydro_force(), and move_particles().

float sph_particle_data::Right

upper bound in iterative smoothing length search

Definition at line 530 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by density().

float sph_particle_data::Rot[3]

local velocity curl

Definition at line 538 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by density(), and density_evaluate().

float sph_particle_data::VelPred[3]

predicted SPH particle velocity at the current time

Definition at line 535 of file allvars.h.

Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), density(), density_evaluate(), hydro_evaluate(), hydro_force(), init(), and move_particles().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun May 22 17:33:31 2005 for GADGET-2 by  doxygen