#include <allvars.h>
Definition at line 246 of file allvars.h.
Sets the parameter Definition at line 283 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), hydro_evaluate(), and read_parameter_file(). |
Gives the scale of the long-range/short-range split (in mesh-cells), both for the coarse and the high-res mesh Definition at line 368 of file allvars.h. Referenced by pm_init_periodic(), pmforce_periodic(), and pmpotential_periodic(). |
Boxsize in case periodic boundary conditions are used Definition at line 254 of file allvars.h. Referenced by density(), do_box_wrapping(), fill_write_buffer(), force_treeevaluate_ewald_correction(), hydro_force(), ngb_treeallocate(), pm_init_periodic(), pmforce_periodic(), pmpotential_periodic(), read_parameter_file(), and write_file(). |
size of communication buffer in MB Definition at line 264 of file allvars.h. Referenced by allocate_commbuffers(), begrun(), read_file(), read_parameter_file(), and write_file(). |
number of particles fitting into the communication buffer in the density computation Definition at line 266 of file allvars.h. Referenced by allocate_commbuffers(), begrun(), and density(). |
number of particles fitting into the communication buffer in the domain decomposition Definition at line 268 of file allvars.h. Referenced by allocate_commbuffers(), begrun(), and domain_findExchangeNumbers(). |
number of particles fitting into the buffer in the parallel tree-force algorithm Definition at line 265 of file allvars.h. Referenced by allocate_commbuffers(), begrun(), compute_potential(), gravity_forcetest(), and gravity_tree(). |
number of particles fitting into the communication buffer in the SPH hydrodynamical force computation Definition at line 267 of file allvars.h. Referenced by allocate_commbuffers(), begrun(), and hydro_force(). |
flags that comoving integration is enabled Definition at line 323 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), begrun(), compute_global_quantities_of_system(), compute_potential(), every_timestep_stuff(), fill_write_buffer(), find_next_outputtime(), gravity_forcetest(), gravity_tree(), hydro_evaluate(), hydro_force(), init(), long_range_force(), move_particles(), read_parameter_file(), readjust_timebase(), set_softenings(), and write_file(). |
lower left corner of coarse and high-res PM-mesh |
SPH-Courant factor Definition at line 422 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), and read_parameter_file(). |
accumulated time used for communication, and for collecting partial results, in tree-gravity Definition at line 388 of file allvars.h. Referenced by every_timestep_stuff(), gravity_tree(), and main(). |
cumulative time spent for domain decomposition Definition at line 385 of file allvars.h. Referenced by domain_Decomposition(), every_timestep_stuff(), and main(). |
time needed to iterate on correct neighbour numbers Definition at line 394 of file allvars.h. Referenced by density(), every_timestep_stuff(), and main(). |
cumulative time used for gravity computation (tree-algorithm only) Definition at line 383 of file allvars.h. Referenced by compute_accelerations(), every_timestep_stuff(), and main(). |
cumulative time used for communication in SPH, and for collecting partial results Definition at line 391 of file allvars.h. Referenced by density(), every_timestep_stuff(), hydro_force(), and main(). |
time used for actual SPH computations, including neighbour search Definition at line 390 of file allvars.h. Referenced by density(), every_timestep_stuff(), hydro_force(), and main(). |
cumulative time lost due to work-load imbalance in SPH Definition at line 392 of file allvars.h. Referenced by density(), every_timestep_stuff(), hydro_force(), and main(). |
cumulative time spent for SPH related computations Definition at line 393 of file allvars.h. Referenced by compute_accelerations(), every_timestep_stuff(), and main(). |
cumulative time lost accross all processors as work-load imbalance in gravitational tree Definition at line 389 of file allvars.h. Referenced by every_timestep_stuff(), gravity_tree(), and main(). |
time required to establish Peano-Hilbert order Definition at line 398 of file allvars.h. Referenced by domain_Decomposition(), every_timestep_stuff(), and main(). |
time used for long-range gravitational force Definition at line 397 of file allvars.h. Referenced by compute_accelerations(), every_timestep_stuff(), and main(). |
time used for computing gravitational potentials Definition at line 384 of file allvars.h. Referenced by compute_potential(), every_timestep_stuff(), and main(). |
cumulative time to drift the system forward in time, including dynamic tree updates Definition at line 395 of file allvars.h. Referenced by compute_accelerations(), every_timestep_stuff(), main(), and move_particles(). |
time used for writing snapshot files Definition at line 386 of file allvars.h. Referenced by every_timestep_stuff(), main(), and savepositions(). |
time used for determining new timesteps, and for organizing the timestepping, including kicks of active particles Definition at line 396 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), every_timestep_stuff(), and main(). |
cumulative time spent for domain decomposition Definition at line 387 of file allvars.h. Referenced by every_timestep_stuff(), main(), and run(). |
time spent for constructing the gravitational tree Definition at line 381 of file allvars.h. Referenced by compute_potential(), every_timestep_stuff(), gravity_tree(), and main(). |
actual time spent for pure tree-walks Definition at line 382 of file allvars.h. Referenced by every_timestep_stuff(), gravity_tree(), and main(). |
name of file with cpu-time statistics Definition at line 468 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), open_outputfiles(), and read_parameter_file(). |
cpu-time between regularly generated restart files Definition at line 336 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), read_parameter_file(), and run(). |
Desired number of SPH neighbours Definition at line 280 of file allvars.h. Referenced by density(), read_parameter_file(), and setup_smoothinglengths(). |
name of file with energy statistics Definition at line 467 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), open_outputfiles(), and read_parameter_file(). |
parameter for relative opening criterion in tree walk Definition at line 403 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), force_treeevaluate(), force_treeevaluate_potential(), force_treeevaluate_potential_shortrange(), force_treeevaluate_shortrange(), and read_parameter_file(). |
accuracy tolerance parameter Definition at line 408 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), and read_parameter_file(). |
BH tree opening angle Definition at line 402 of file allvars.h. Referenced by force_treeevaluate_ewald_correction(), gravity_tree(), and read_parameter_file(). |
the same, but multiplied by a factor 2.8 - at that scale the force is Newtonian Definition at line 453 of file allvars.h. Referenced by force_treebuild_single(), force_treeupdate_pseudos(), force_update_node_recursive(), and set_softenings(). |
Gravity-constant in internal units Definition at line 297 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_potential(), gravity_forcetest(), gravity_tree(), pmforce_periodic(), pmpotential_periodic(), and set_units(). |
If set to zero in the parameterfile, the internal value of the gravitational constant is set to the Newtonian value based on the system of units specified. Otherwise the value provided is taken as internal gravity constant G. Definition at line 307 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_units(). |
Hubble-constant in internal units Definition at line 314 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_potential(), drift_integ(), gravity_forcetest(), gravity_tree(), gravkick_integ(), hydro_force(), hydrokick_integ(), init_drift_table(), long_range_force(), and set_units(). |
little `h', i.e. Hubble constant in units of 100 km/s/Mpc. Only needed to get absolute physical values for cooling physics Definition at line 318 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and write_file(). |
selects different versions of IC file-format Definition at line 256 of file allvars.h. Referenced by find_files(), init(), read_file(), read_ic(), and read_parameter_file(). |
name of log-file with a list of the timesteps taken Definition at line 469 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), open_outputfiles(), and read_parameter_file(). |
filename of initial conditions Definition at line 464 of file allvars.h. Referenced by init(), and read_parameter_file(). |
may be used to set the temperature in the IC's Definition at line 284 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_ic(), and read_parameter_file(). |
Table with particle masses for particle types with equal mass. If particle masses are all equal for one type, the corresponding entry in MassTable is set to this value, allowing the size of the snapshot files to be reduced. Definition at line 456 of file allvars.h. Referenced by get_particles_in_block(), read_file(), read_ic(), and write_file(). |
Maximum allowed deviation neighbour number Definition at line 281 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), density(), and read_parameter_file(). |
This gives the maxmimum number of particles that can be stored on one processor. Definition at line 251 of file allvars.h. Referenced by allocate_memory(), density_evaluate(), domain_Decomposition(), domain_findExchangeNumbers(), force_treebuild_single(), force_treeevaluate_ewald_correction(), force_update_node_recursive(), free_memory(), gravity_tree(), hydro_evaluate(), init(), move_particles(), ngb_treefind_pairs(), ngb_treefind_variable(), pmforce_periodic(), pmpotential_periodic(), read_file(), and restart(). |
This gives the maxmimum number of SPH particles that can be stored on one processor. Definition at line 252 of file allvars.h. Referenced by allocate_memory(), domain_Decomposition(), domain_findExchangeNumbers(), free_memory(), read_file(), and restart(). |
this determines a global timestep criterion for cosmological simulations in comoving coordinates. To this end, the code computes the rms velocity of all particles, and limits the timestep such that the rms displacement is a fraction of the mean particle separation (determined from the particle mass and the cosmological parameters). This parameter specifies this fraction. Definition at line 415 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), and read_parameter_file(). |
maximum allowed timestep Definition at line 413 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), and read_parameter_file(). |
the minimum allowed temperature expressed as energy per unit mass Definition at line 286 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), fill_write_buffer(), read_ic(), and set_units(). |
minimum allowed SPH smoothing length Definition at line 435 of file allvars.h. Referenced by density(), move_particles(), and set_softenings(). |
minimum allowed SPH smoothing length in units of SPH gravitational softening length Definition at line 434 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
may be used to set a floor for the gas temperature Definition at line 285 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_units(). |
minimum allowed timestep. Normally, the simulation terminates if the timestep determined by the timestep criteria falls below this limit. Definition at line 411 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), and read_parameter_file(). |
counts the number of system steps taken up to this point Definition at line 340 of file allvars.h. Referenced by every_timestep_stuff(), gravity_tree(), init(), and run(). |
number of files in multi-file snapshot dumps Definition at line 260 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), read_parameter_file(), savepositions(), and write_file(). |
maximum number of files that may be written simultaneously when writing/reading restart-files, or when writing snapshot files Definition at line 261 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), read_ic(), read_parameter_file(), restart(), and savepositions(). |
count particle updates since last domain decomposition Definition at line 292 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), domain_Decomposition(), init(), move_particles(), pmforce_periodic(), pmpotential_periodic(), and savepositions(). |
matter density in units of the critical density (at z=0) Definition at line 315 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_potential(), drift_integ(), gravity_forcetest(), gravity_tree(), gravkick_integ(), growthfactor_integ(), hydro_force(), hydrokick_integ(), long_range_force(), read_parameter_file(), and write_file(). |
baryon density in units of the critical density (at z=0) Definition at line 317 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(). |
vaccum energy density relative to crictical density (at z=0) Definition at line 316 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_potential(), drift_integ(), gravity_forcetest(), gravity_tree(), gravkick_integ(), growthfactor_integ(), hydro_force(), hydrokick_integ(), long_range_force(), read_parameter_file(), and write_file(). |
output directory of the code Definition at line 465 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), gravity_forcetest(), open_outputfiles(), read_parameter_file(), restart(), run(), and savepositions(). |
name of file with list of desired output times Definition at line 473 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), and read_parameter_file(). |
number of output times stored in the table of desired output times Definition at line 476 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), find_next_outputtime(), read_outputlist(), and read_parameter_file(). |
flags that output times are listed in a specified file Definition at line 328 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), and read_parameter_file(). |
table with desired output times Definition at line 475 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), find_next_outputtime(), and read_outputlist(). |
in order to maintain work-load balance, the particle load will usually NOT be balanced. Each processor allocates memory for PartAllocFactor times the average number of particles to allow for that Definition at line 270 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_file(), read_parameter_file(), and restart(). |
flags that periodic boundaries are enabled Definition at line 324 of file allvars.h. Referenced by compute_potential(), init(), and read_parameter_file(). |
end of present long-range timestep Definition at line 361 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_global_quantities_of_system(), fill_write_buffer(), init(), and readjust_timebase(). |
begin of present long-range timestep Definition at line 360 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_accelerations(), compute_global_quantities_of_system(), domain_Decomposition(), fill_write_buffer(), gravity_forcetest(), init(), and readjust_timebase(). |
Gives the maximum radius for which the short-range force is evaluated with the tree (in mesh-cells), both for the coarse and the high-res mesh Definition at line 369 of file allvars.h. Referenced by pm_init_periodic(). |
basename of restart-files Definition at line 471 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), read_parameter_file(), and restart(). |
name of script-file that will be executed for automatic restart Definition at line 472 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), read_parameter_file(), and run(). |
flags that automatic resubmission of job to queue system is enabled Definition at line 325 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), read_parameter_file(), and run(). |
selects different versions of snapshot file-formats Definition at line 258 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), read_parameter_file(), savepositions(), and write_file(). |
basename to construct the names of snapshotf files Definition at line 466 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), read_parameter_file(), and savepositions(). |
number of snapshot that is written next |
comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 5 Definition at line 443 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
maximum physical softening length for type 5 Definition at line 450 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 3 Definition at line 441 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
maximum physical softening length for type 3 Definition at line 448 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 2 Definition at line 440 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
maximum physical softening length for type 2 Definition at line 447 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 0 Definition at line 438 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
maximum physical softening length for type 0 Definition at line 445 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 1 Definition at line 439 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
maximum physical softening length for type 1 Definition at line 446 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
comoving gravitational softening lengths for type 4 Definition at line 442 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
maximum physical softening length for type 4 Definition at line 449 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_softenings(). |
current (comoving) gravitational softening lengths for each particle type Definition at line 452 of file allvars.h. Referenced by compute_potential(), domain_decompose(), and set_softenings(). |
current time on integer timeline Definition at line 354 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), begrun(), compute_accelerations(), compute_global_quantities_of_system(), density(), domain_Decomposition(), fill_write_buffer(), gravity_forcetest(), gravity_tree(), hydro_force(), init(), move_particles(), readjust_timebase(), and run(). |
next output time on integer timeline Definition at line 355 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(). |
current time of the simulation Definition at line 345 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_global_quantities_of_system(), energy_statistics(), every_timestep_stuff(), fill_write_buffer(), force_treebuild(), gravity_forcetest(), gravity_tree(), hydro_force(), init(), read_file(), restart(), run(), set_softenings(), and write_file(). |
factor to convert from floating point time interval to integer timeline Definition at line 353 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), compute_global_quantities_of_system(), density(), fill_write_buffer(), find_next_outputtime(), get_drift_factor(), get_gravkick_factor(), get_hydrokick_factor(), hydro_evaluate(), init(), move_particles(), and readjust_timebase(). |
time of initial conditions of the simulation Definition at line 346 of file allvars.h. Referenced by find_next_outputtime(), init(), init_drift_table(), read_file(), read_parameter_file(), and readjust_timebase(). |
simulation time interval between snapshot files Definition at line 334 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), and read_parameter_file(). |
simulation time interval between computations of energy statistics Definition at line 338 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), init(), read_parameter_file(), and run(). |
cpu-time when last restart-file was written |
simulation time when the energy statistics was computed the last time |
CPU time limit as defined in parameterfile Definition at line 380 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), read_parameter_file(), and run(). |
marks the point of time until the simulation is to be evolved Definition at line 348 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), find_next_outputtime(), init(), init_drift_table(), read_parameter_file(), readjust_timebase(), and run(). |
simulation time of first snapshot files Definition at line 335 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(). |
difference between current times of previous and current timestep Definition at line 347 of file allvars.h. Referenced by every_timestep_stuff(), and gravity_tree(). |
name of file with performance metrics of gravitational tree algorithm Definition at line 470 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), open_outputfiles(), and read_parameter_file(). |
total extension of coarse and high-res PM-mesh |
total gas particle number (global value) Definition at line 249 of file allvars.h. Referenced by compute_accelerations(), domain_decompose(), read_file(), and restart(). |
counts total number of force computations Definition at line 291 of file allvars.h. Referenced by gravity_tree(), and init(). |
total particle numbers (global value) Definition at line 248 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), domain_Decomposition(), gravity_forcetest(), gravity_tree(), init(), move_particles(), pmforce_periodic(), pmpotential_periodic(), read_file(), read_ic(), restart(), and savepositions(). |
Each processor allocates a number of nodes which is TreeAllocFactor times the maximum(!) number of particles. Note: A typical local tree for N particles needs usually about ~0.65*N nodes. Definition at line 274 of file allvars.h. Referenced by gravity_tree(), init(), pmforce_periodic(), pmpotential_periodic(), read_parameter_file(), and restart(). |
controls frequency of domain decompositions Definition at line 427 of file allvars.h. Referenced by advance_and_find_timesteps(), begrun(), domain_Decomposition(), init(), move_particles(), pmforce_periodic(), pmpotential_periodic(), read_parameter_file(), and savepositions(). |
determines tree cell-opening criterion: 0 for Barnes-Hut, 1 for relative criterion Definition at line 326 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), compute_accelerations(), gravity_tree(), and read_parameter_file(). |
gives type of timestep criterion (only 0 supported right now - unlike gadget-1.1) Definition at line 327 of file allvars.h. Referenced by begrun(), and read_parameter_file(). |
factor to convert internal cooling rate to cgs units Definition at line 304 of file allvars.h. Referenced by set_units(). |
factor to convert internal length unit to g/cm^3*h^2 Definition at line 303 of file allvars.h. Referenced by set_units(). |
factor to convert internal energy to cgs units Definition at line 305 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_ic(), and set_units(). |
factor to convert internal length unit to cm/h Definition at line 301 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_units(). |
factor to convert internal mass unit to grams/h Definition at line 299 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_ic(), read_parameter_file(), and set_units(). |
factor to convert internal pressure unit to cgs units (little 'h' still around!) Definition at line 302 of file allvars.h. Referenced by set_units(). |
factor to convert internal time to megayears/h Definition at line 306 of file allvars.h. Referenced by set_units(). |
factor to convert internal time unit to seconds/h Definition at line 298 of file allvars.h. Referenced by set_units(). |
factor to convert intqernal velocity unit to cm/sec Definition at line 300 of file allvars.h. Referenced by read_parameter_file(), and set_units(). |
upper right corner of coarse and high-res PM-mesh |
maximum particle coordinates both for coarse and high-res PM-mesh |
minimum particle coordinates both for coarse and high-res PM-mesh |