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Theory and simulations both predict that the highly rare, luminous quasars
discovered at z~6 (roughly one billion years after the Big Bang) are
powered by supermassive black holes in the nuclei of massive galaxies that
formed deep inside the gravitational potential wells of the densest
regions. Therefore, it has been a longstanding prediction - and
widely-used assumption - that the quasars be surrounded by vast numbers of
smaller galaxies that trace these dense regions. This prediction is
consistent with the fact that the most massive and oldest galaxies and the
largest (dormant) black holes in the present-day Universe are found at the
centers of massive galaxy clusters. If, however, the prediction is proven
to be false, theories of the formation of quasars in the early Universe
may have to be revised.
In order to test the theory, attempts have been made to detect faint
star-forming galaxies using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on-board
the HST, with mixed results. While the fields surrounding some quasars
show a possible excess of galaxies, most quasar fields do not appear any
different from random sightlines observed to a similar depth. Also, some
studies have found arbitrary regions in the sky that contain structures of
galaxies at z~6 that substantially outnumber regions near quasars. Thus,
it appears that crucial observational evidence relating quasars and
overdense regions in the early Universe is currently lacking. A recent
study led by Roderik Overzier (MPA) gives a possible explanation for this
unexpected result.
Using the Millennium Run N-body simulations coupled with semi-analytic
models of galaxy formation developed at the MPA in Garching
( Research Highlights August 2004 and
June 2007),
the team has simulated a very large
region of the early Universe to show what it would look like through the
eyes of our largest telescopes. This simulated survey shown in Fig. 1
predicts the locations and magnitudes of galaxies and shows how the
Universe obtained its characteristic web-like shape as early as z~6. This
pattern on the sky is analogous to a system of long highways (”filaments“)
inter-connecting large cities of galaxies between vast open regions
(”voids“). Quasars are expected to be hosted by the densest regions seen
in Fig. 1. However, several important effects combine to explain why the
hunt for faint galaxies surrounding quasars is so challenging. First,
although current surveys are quite successful at identifying relatively
bright galaxies lying roughly at z~6, we are not yet able to determine the
exact redshifts of these galaxies very efficiently. In order to prove a
physical association between galaxies and the target quasars (of which the
redshifts are known), much more precise redshift information would be
required. Second, the simulations suggest that the sensitivity and covered
area of the surveys performed to date may not be optimal for finding
structures of galaxies associated with the quasars. In Fig. 2 we show
some examples of high density regions found in the simulations. The large
black circles indicate the faintest galaxies that can currently be
detected in quasar fields. The red bar at the top left corresponds to the
diameter of the HST/ACS field-of-view (3.4 arcmin). Because the number of
bright galaxies is relatively small and they scatter over an area
typically two or three times larger, it is easy to miss any structures, if
present, in the observations. By observing fainter galaxies (small dots in
Fig. 2) the large-scale environments stand out much more clearly making
them more easy to detect. Third, the team analysed the number of companion
galaxies as a function of the mass of dark matter halos assumed to be
hosting the quasars, finding that the two quantities are only mildly
correlated (Fig. 3). This implies that even if it can be shown through
observations that quasars are preferably located in overdense regions, it
will be very difficult to determine the exact mass of the quasar halo from
the number of companion galaxies observed.
Thanks to the success of the recent NASA HST Servicing Mission
the newly repaired ACS will be able to perform new surveys that could
target regions around the z~6 quasars. Alternatively, ground based
telescopes should be used in order to determine the exact redshifts of
faint galaxies near quasars by targeting the Lya emission line. Such
studies are best performed by targeting quasars at z~5.7, corresponding to
a good atmospheric transmission window. In the next decade, the James Webb
Space Telescope (JWST), with its sensitive near-infrared camera and
spectrograph able to detect extremely faint galaxies, should be able to
provide a definitive answer to the question of whether the luminous
quasars formed inside the densest regions in the early Universe.
Roderik Overzier
For further information see:
Overzier, R.A., Guo, Q., Kauffmann, G., De Lucia, G., Bouwens, R., Lemson,G.,
"LCDM predictions for galaxy protoclusters - I.
The relation between galaxies, protoclusters and quasars at z~6",
2009, MNRAS, 394, 577