MPA Scientific Preprints issued in 1996:
available under the URL: http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de
MPA-Number with "e" = available only as electronic file and with "p" = printed as greenreport
MPA 914
- "Maximum-likelihood cluster reconstruction", M. Bartelmann,
R. Narayan, S. Seitz, P. Schneider
- MPA 915
- "Overtures to the pulsational instability of ZZ Ceti variables",
Gautschy, A., H.-G. Ludwig and B. Freytag
- MPA 916
- "Very close pairs of quasi-stellar objects",
Burbidge, G., F. Hoyle and P. Schneider
- MPA 917
- "Detection of (dark) matter concentrations via weak gravitational lensing",
Schneider, P.
- MPA 918
- "An implicit Lagrangian code for spherically symmetric general relativistic
hydrodynamics with an approximate Riemann solver",
Yamada, S.
- MPA 919
- "The mass distribution of CL0939+4713 obtained from a `weak' lensing
analysis of a WFPC2 Image",
Seitz, C., J.-P. Kneib, P. Schneider and S. Seitz
- MPA 920
- "Deep radio observation of the gravitational lens candidate QSO~3245+007",
Patnaik, A.R., P. Schneider, R. Narayan
- MPA 921
- "Steps towards nonlinear cluster inversion through gravitational distortions:
III. Including a redshift distribution of the sources",
Seitz, C. and P. Schneider
MPA 922
- "Reanalysis of the association of high-redshift 1-Jansky
quasars with IRAS galaxies", A. Bartsch, P. Schneider, M. Bartelmann
MPA 923
- "Arcs from a universal dark-matter halo profile",
M. Bartelmann
- MPA 924
- "The mixing-length parameter for solar-type convection zones inferred
from hydrodynamical models of the surface layer",
Ludwig, H.-G., B. Freytag, M. Steffen and J. Wagenhuber
- MPA 925
- "Hot luminous stars in nearby galaxies",
Kudritzki, R.-P., D.J. Lennon, S.M. Haser, J. Puls, A.W.A. Pauldrach
and K. Venn
- MPA 926
- "The lightcurve reconstruction method for measuring the time delay of
gravitational lens systems",
Geiger, B. and P. Schneider
MPA 927
- "Gravitational radiation from convective instabilities in type II supernova
explosions", Müller, E. and H.-Th. Janka
- MPA 928
- "Quantitative analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing",
Schneider, P. and H.-W. Rix
MPA 929
- "Magnetohydrodynamic Jets and winds from accretion disks",
H.C. Spruit
- MPA 930
- "Violent relaxation in hierarchical clustering",
White, S.D.M.
- MPA 931
- "The far-infrared continuum spectrum of the Milky Way explained by a dust
and gas model",
Schäfer, J.
MPA 932
- "The level of agreement between theoretical and observed globular cluster
luminosity functions", Degl'Innocenti, S., A. Weiss and L. Leone
- MPA 933
- "A revised period-luminosity relation for carbon Miras",
Groenewegen, M.A.T.
- MPA 934
- "The correlation function of clusters of galaxies and the amplitude of mass
fluctuations in the universe",
Mo, H.J., Y.P. Jing and S.D.M. White
MPA 935
- "Boron in main sequence B stars: a critical test for rotational mixing",
Fliegner, J., N. Langer and K.A. Venn
MPA 936
- "Supernovae and their progenitors",
Langer, N. and S.W. Woosley
MPA 937
- "A comparison of X-ray and strong-lensing properties of
simulated X-ray clusters", M. Bartelmann, M. Steinmetz
- MPA 938
- "High-order correlations of peaks and halos: a step toward understanding
galaxy biasing",
Mo, H.J., Y.P. Jing and S.D.M. White
MPA 939
- "Global analysis of mass transfer cycles in cataclysmic variables",
A.R. King, J. Frank, U. Kolb and H. Ritter
- MPA 940
- "Pulsar recoil due to asymmetry of rotating supernova explosion",
Imshennik, V.S., D.V. Popov
MPA 941
- "Could intermediate-mass AGB stars produce star-to-star abundance
variations in globular-cluster red giants?
Denissenkov, P.A., J. Wagenhuber and A. Weiss
MPA 942
- "The structure and dynamical evolution of dark matter halos",
Tormen, G., F.R. Bouchet, S.D.M. White
- MPA 943
- "Equation of state of a Fermi gas: Approximations for various degrees
of relativism and degeneracy",
Blinnikov, S.I., N.V. Dunina-Barkovskaya and D.K. Nadyozhin
MPA 944
- "Stationary hydrodynamic models of Wolf-Rayet stars with optically
thick winds",
Heger, A. and N. Langer
MPA 945
- "Coalescing neutron stars - gravitational waves from polytropic models",
Ruffert, M., M. Rampp and H.-Th.\ Janka
- MPA 946
- "Is 1E1740.7-2942 inside the dense molecular cloud? Constraints from
ASCA Data",
Churazov, E., M. Gilfanov and R. Sunyaev
- MPA 947
- "Gaseous galactic halos and QSO absorption line systems",
Mo, H.J. and J. Miralda-Escud\'e
- MPA 948
- "Supernova theory: An overview",
W. Hillebrandt
- "Type Ia supernovae: Flame physics and models",
Woosley, S.E.
- "Turbulence and thermonuclear burning",
Hillebrandt, W. and J.C. Niemeyer
"Microscopic and macroscopic modeling of thermonuclear burning fronts",
- Niemeyer, J.C., and W. Hillebrandt
- "The late emission of thermonuclear supernovae",
Ruiz-Lapuente, P.
MPA 949
- "An analytic study of Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion",
Foglizzo, T., and M. Ruffert
- MPA 950
- "Dwarf nova outbursts in truncated accretion discs: Down with low alphas",
Warner, B., M. Livio and C.A. Tout
MPA 951
- "Convection in stellar envelopes: a changing paradigm",
Spruit, H.C.
- MPA 952
- "Revised spectral types for 64 B-supergiants in the small Magellanic Cloud:
Metallicity effects",
Lennon, D.J.
- MPA 953
- "The effects of a photoionizing UV background on the formation of disk
Navarro, J.F. and M. Steinmetz
- MPA 954
- "The chemical composition near the galactic centre - a study of four
blue supergiants",
Smartt, S.J., P.L. Dufton and D.J. Lennon
MPA 955
- "Non-axisymmetric wind-accretion simulations. I. Velocity gradients of 3%
and 20% over one accretion radius", Ruffert, M.
- MPA 956
- "Analytic description of five-minute oscillations of the sun",
Inogamov, N.A.
MPA 957
- "Coalescing neutron stars - a step towards physical models.
II. Neutrino emission, neutron tori, and gamma-ray bursts",
Ruffert, M., H.-Th. Janka, K. Takahashi, G. Schäfer
- MPA 958
- "The nature and observability of protogalaxies",
White, S.D.M.
- MPA 959
- "On the microlensing optical depth of the galactic bar",
Zhao, H., S. Mao
- MPA 960
- "IRC+10~210 revisited I: the circumstellar dust shell",
Groenewegen, M.A.T.
MPA 961
- "Lectures on gravitational lensing", R. Narayan, M. Bartelmann
- MPA 962
- "Constraints on the cosmic structure formation models from early formation
of giant galaxies",
Mo, H.J., M. Fukugita
- MPA 963
- "A consistent microlensing model for the galactic bar",
Zhao, H., R.M. Rich, D.N. Spergel
- MPA 964
- "UV observations of dwarf novae in quiescence - effects of evaporation?",
La Dous, C., F. Meyer, E. Meyer-Hofmeister
- MPA 965
- "I. X-ray sources $<$ 1 degree from Seyfert galaxies",
Radecke, H.D.
- "II. Identification of X-ray sources $< 1^\circ$ from Seyfert galaxies",
Arp, H.
MPA 966
- "Off-center deflagration in Chandrasekhar mass SN Ia models",
Niemeyer, J., W. Hillebrandt, and S.E. Woosley
- MPA 967
- "Detection of strong evolution in the population of early-type galaxies",
Kauffmann, G. S. Charlot, S.D.M. White
MPA 968
- "The thermonuclear explosion of Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs",
J.C. Niemeyer, S.E. Woosley
MPA 968
- "Neutron-rich nucleosynthesis in carbon deflagration supernovae",
S.E. Woosley
MPA 969
- "Type Ib and Ic supernovae: Models and spectra",
S.E. Woosley, S.E., R.G. Eastman
MPA 970
- "The age of cataclysmic variables",
U. Kolb, R. Stehle
MPA 971
- "Ledoux convection in protoneutron stars - a clue to supernova
nucleosynthesis?", Keil, W., H.-Th. Janka, E. Müller
- MPA 972
- "Scattering of X-ray Emission Lines by the Neutral and Molecular
Hydrogen in the Sun's Atmosphere and in the Vicinity of
Active Galactic Nuclei and Compact Sources",
Sunyaev, R., E. Churazov
MPA 973
- "Aperture multipole moments from weak gravitational lensing",
P. Schneider, M. Bartelmann
- MPA 974
- "A Critical Investigation on the Discrepancy between the Observational
and Theoretical Red Giant Luminosity Function `Bump'",
Cassisi, S., M. Salaris
- MPA 975
- "The Cooling of C-O White Dwarfs: Influence of the internal chemical
Salaris, M., I. Dominguez, E. Garcia-Berro, M. Hernanz, J. Isern,
R. Mochkovitch
MPA 976
- "Dynamics and Gravitational Wave Signature of Axisymmetric Rotational Core Collapse", Zwerger, T., E. Müller
MPA 977
- "Oxygen Isotopes from Massive Stars",
Langer, N.
MPA 978
- "Nucleosynthesis in Rotating Massive Stars",
Langer, N., J. Fliegner, A. Heger, S.W. Woosley
- MPA 979
- "The Structure of the Accretion Disk Rim - Supersoft X-ray sources",
Meyer-Hofmeister, E., S. Schandl, F. Meyer
MPA 980
- "Non-Equilibrium Effects on Line-of Sight Size Estimates of QSO
Absorption Systems",
Haehnelt, M.G., M. Rauch, M. Steinmetz
MPA 981
- "Modelling Population II Cataclysmic Variables", R. Stehle, U. Kolb, H. Ritter
MPA 982
- "The stream impact region in the disk of WZ Sge",
Spruit, H.C., R.G.M. Rutten
- "Numerical models of protoneutron stars and type-II supernovae -
recent developments", Janka, H.-Th.
- MPA 984
- "Two-body heating in numerical galaxy formation experiments",
Steinmetz, M., S.D.M. White
- MPA 985
- "The X-ray Emission from Shock Cooling Zones in O-Star Winds",
Feldmeier, A., R.-P. Kudritzki, R. Palsa, A.W.A. Pauldrach, J. Puls
- MPA 986
- "Torques and Instabilities in Intermediate Polars",
Warner, B.
MPA 987
- "New theoretical yields of intermediate mass stars",
van den Hoek, L.B., M.A.T. Groenewegen
- MPA 988
- "Illumination in Binaries", Hameury, J.-M., H. Ritter
- MPA 989
- "SNe Ia: On the Binary Progenitors and expected Statistics",
Ruis-Lapuente, P., A. Burkert, R. Canal
- "Dormant Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Deactivated by Type Ia Supernovae",
Burkert, A., P. Ruiz-Lapuente
MPA 990
- "A solar model with improved subatmospheric stratification",
Schlattl, H., A. Weiss, H.-G. Ludwig
MPA 991
- "The rise and fall of satellites in galaxy clusters", Tormen, G.
- MPA 992
- "Analytical approximations to the low-order statistics of dark matter distributions",
Mo, H.J., Y.P. Jing, G. Börner
- MPA 993
- "Spectral diagnostics of luminous blue supergiants", Kudritzki, R.P.
- MPA 994
- "Dark halo mergers and the formation of a universal profile",
Syer, D., S.D.M. White
- MPA 995
- "Search for correlations between COBE DMR and ROSAT PSPC all-sky survey DATA",
Kneissl, R., R. Egger, G. Hasinger, A.M. Soltan, J. Trümper
- MPA 996
- "Winds in the atmospheres of central stars of planetary nebulae",
Kudritzki, R.P., R.H. Mendez, J. Puls, J.K. McCarthy
- MPA 997
- "A universal density profile from hierarchial clustering", Navarro, J.,
C.S. Frenk, S.D.M. White
- MPA 998
- "Anisotropies in the distribution of satellite galaxies", Zaritsky, ?., R. Smith,
C.S. Frenk, S.D.M. White
MPA 999
- "Primordial nucleosynthesis with massive $\tau$ neutrinos",
J.B. Rehm, G.G. Raffelt, A. Weiss
MPA 1000
- The age of the oldest globular clusters",
Salaris, M., S. Degl'Innocenti and A. Weiss
- MPA 1001
- "More satellites of spiral galaxies",
Zaritsky, D., R. Smith, C.S. Frenk and S.D.M. White
- MPA 1002
- "Cosmological model predictions for weak
lensing: linear and nonlinear regimes", Jain, B. and U. Seljak
- MPA 1003
- "Clustering of
galaxies in the Hubble deep field", Villumsen, J.V., W. Freudling and L.N. da Costa
MPA 1004
- "Formation of the outer ring of SN 1987A", Meyer, F.