What's New in 2024


December 28–January 4

Urlaub in Japan. Keine Arbeit, Keine E-mail!

  • 12/28-29: MUC(10:15)-HND(6:55)
  • 12/30-1/2: Fukushima
  • 1/3: Move to HND
  • 1/4: HND(10:45)-MUC(17:10)

December 9,10


  • 12/9: MUC(9:30)-CDG(11:10)
  • 12/10: CDG(18:10)-MUC(19:35)

November 25,26

Perspektivenkommission (MPIfR, Bonn)

  • 11/25: MUC(16:00)-CGN(17:10)
  • 11/26: CGN(17:55)-MUC(19:00)

November 18–21

Excellence Cluster ORIGINS Science Week, Kloster Seeon

November 12

Virtual EuCAPT colloquium on "Parity Violation in Cosmology: Does the Universe distinguish between left and right?" [video]

October 31

DLR, Bonn

  • 10/30: MUC(8:50)-CGN(10:00)
  • 10/30: CGN(18:55)-MUC(20:00)

October 30

ORIGINS Colloquium on "Parity Violation in Cosmology: Does the Universe distinguish between left and right?" (online) video

October 23–25

Sektionssitzung, Harnack-Haus, Berlin

  • 10/23: München Hbf(11:56, Gl.23)-Berlin Südkreuz(15:33)
  • 10/25: Berlin Südkreuz(11:11, Gl.4)-München Hbf(15:08)

October 18

第3回ドイツ研究者ネットワーク交流会@Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik

October 11

MPI f. Kernphysik, Heidelberg

  • München Hbf(9:47, Gl15)-Heidelberg Hbf(12:44)
  • Heidelberg Hbf(18:03, Gl2, S1)-Mannheim Hbf(18:19, Gl1); Mannheim Hbf(18:30, Gl5)-München Hbf(21:13)

August 26–September 30


July 17–19

Universität Heidelberg

  • 7/17: München Hbf(11:48)-Heidelberg Hbf(14:44)
  • 7/18: Give a talk at Teilchentee on "Parity Violation in Cosmology" (45+15)
    • Abstract: Parity symmetry is known to be violated in the weak interaction. Do the physical laws behind the unsolved problems of modern cosmology – cosmic inflation, dark matter, and dark energy – also violate parity symmetry? In this talk, we will discuss theoretical and observational possibilities of parity violation in cosmology, a topic that has received much attention in recent years.
  • 7/19: Heidelberg Hbf(11:13)-München Hbf(14:10)

July 15–19

(remote participation) LiteBIRD Collaboration Meeting, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

July 12

Perspektivenkommission, München

June 26–28

(remote participation) The 5th CCAT Collaboration Meeting, University of Toronto

June 11–13

Jahresversammlung, Berlin

  • 6/11: München Hbf(11:56, Gl.19)-Berlin Hbf(15:42)
  • 6/13: Berlin Hbf(12:04, Gl.2)-München Hbf(16:01)

May 26–June 1

IFPU Focus Week Program, "Parity Violation through CMB Observations", Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU), Trieste

May 21

Perspektivenkommission, München

May 14–18

HETDEX Collaboration Meeting@Penn State University

  • 5/14: MUC(9:50)-ORD-SCE(17:04)
  • 5/17-18: SCE(17:04)-EWR-MUC(10:25)

April 28,29

RDS Community Meeting Denkschrift (4/29-30), Telegrafenberg, Potsdam

  • 4/28: München Hbf(12:52)-Berlin Hbf(16:57)-Potsdam Hbf(17:42)
  • 4/29: Bus 691 to Potsdam Hbf; Potsdam Hbf(17:31)-Berlin Hbf(17:56)-München Hbf(22:01)

April 17

Remote talk on "Parity Violation in Cosmology" for the CMB Bharat Seminar series [video].

April 9–13

UK again

April 3,4

Presentation of the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope at Wessel GmbH in Xanten

  • 4/3: MUC(18:30)-DUS(19:40); Stay in Duisburg
  • 4/4: DUS(15:30)-MUC(16:40)

April 2

Perspektivenkommission (remote)

March 29–April 1

Urlaub in Hamburg! Keine Arbeit, kein Laptop, keine E-Mail.

  • 3/29: MUC(13:10)-HAM(14:30)
  • 4/1: HAM(12:15)-MUC(13:30)

March 10–15


  • 3/10: MUC(14:00)-FRA-LGW(17:10); Taxi to Cambridge
  • 3/11: Give a cosmology lunch seminar on "Parity Violation in Cosmology" at DAMTP, Univ. of Cambridge
  • 3/12: Move to Portsmouth. Cambridge(11:44)-London Kings Cross(12:34); London Waterloo(15:09)-Portsmouth&Southsea(17:11)
  • 3/14: Give a colloquium "Parity Violation in Cosmology" at ICG, Univ. of Portsmouth
  • 3/15: Portsmouth&Southsea(8:14)-Gatwick Airport(9:39); LGW(11:15)-FRA-MUC(16:10)

March 7,8

(remote participation) 学術変革シンポジウム「ダークマター」, 京都大学基礎物理学研究所

February 28–March 1

Sektionssitzung, Harnack-Haus, Berlin

  • 2/28: München Hbf(9:36)-Berlin Südkreuz(14:15)
  • 3/1: Berlin Südkreuz(16:19)-München Hbf(20:02)

February 23


February 7

Perspektivenkommission (remote)

February 5–7

IMPRS Workshop, Garching

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