December 24–January 3
Urlaub. Kein Laptop, keine E-Mail, keine Arbeit!
December 4–8
Visiting Kavli IPMU (Kashiwa).
- 12/4-5: MUC(12:35)-HND(9:05); Move to Kashiwanoha-Campus.
- 12/6: 仁科記念賞授賞式@学士会館
- 12/8: HND(9:55)-FRA-MUC(22:10)
November 29–December 1
November 24
Perspektivenkommission (online)
November 14
MPA Institute Seminar on “Cosmic Birefringence: A New Probe of Dark Matter and Dark Energy”
November 4
(remote) 推薦書講習@東京大学大学院物理学専攻会議
November 2
Mini-workshop on “Parity Violation in Cosmology”, hosted by Cosmology Talks (Shaun Hotchkiss and Matthijs van der Wild), 19:00-21:00 (CET)
October 24–27
- 10/24: München Hbf(8:55)-Berlin Südkreuz(13:21)
- 10/24-26: Seminar für Geschäftsführende Director*innen und Verwaltungsleitungen at Harnack Haus
- 10/27: Berlin Südkreuz(10:37)-München Hbf(15:01)
October 17–22
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 10/17: MUC(8:00)-FRA-DTW(13:50)
- 10/19: Ta-You Wu Distinguished Lecture on “Finding Cosmic Inflation” [video]
- Abstract: The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) gives a photographic image of the Universe when it was still an “infant”, and its detailed measurements have given us a wealth of information such as the composition and history of the Universe. The CMB research told us a remarkable story: the structure we see in our Universe such as galaxies, stars, planets, and eventually ourselves originated from tiny quantum fluctuations in the early Universe. But is this picture true? In this lecture I will review the physics of CMB and key results from recent experiments, and discuss future prospects for quest to find out about our origins.
- 10/21-22: DTW(15:40)-FRA-MUC(8:10)
October 10
Perspektivenkommission (online)
October 5
Workshop “Lyman-X Day”, ESO Auditorium, Garching
September 13
Perspektivenkommission (online)
August 19–September 10
Visiting Kavli IPMU (Kashiwa) and KEK (Tsukuba).
- 8/19-20: MUC(12:50)-HND(8:20); Move to Kashiwanoha-Campus.
- 8/23: Public talk for Space Cafe Tokyo@Good Heavens British Bar, Shimokitazawa [poster 1] [poster 2]
- Title: “Global Warming” of Hot Gas in the Universe over the Last 8 Billion Years
- Abstract: How hot is the Universe? Recently, it has been observed that the temperature of gas in the Universe has increased over the last 8 billion years. Dr. Eiichiro Komatsu will show the results and explain the cause of this “global warming” of gas in the Universe.
- 8/25: Visit ISAS/JAXA
- 9/9: Visit KEK
- 9/10: HND(9:50)-MUC(17:30)
July 20
Perspektivenkommission, München
July 19
Mini-workshop on Axion, MPA, Garching
June 1–30
Visiting Kavli IPMU (Kashiwa) and KEK (Tsukuba) for the secondment of CMB-INFLATE.
- 6/1-2: MUC(12:50)-HND(8:20); Move to Kashiwanoha-Campus.
- 6/8: 聖光学院中学校・高等学校で講演。
- 6/13: Give a talk on “Cosmic Birefringence” at the University of Tokyo.
- Abstract: Polarised light of the cosmic microwave background is sensitive to physics violating parity symmetry under inversion of spatial coordinates. In this presentation we report on a measurement of parity violation from polarisation data of two satellite missions, WMAP and Planck. The statistical significance of the measured signal is 3.6 sigma. If confirmed with higher statistical significance in the future, it would have important implications for the elusive nature of dark matter and dark energy.
- 6/28: Visit QUP (new WPI) at KEK.
- 6/29: Give a talk on “Cosmic Birefringence” at Kavli IPMU.
- 6/30: HND(9:40)-MUC(17:20)
June 1
The MPA Monthly Highlight for June: “New analysis strengthens the hint of new physics in polarized radiation from the early Universe”. Let’s find new physics!
May 18–23
Inaugural conference of the Illinois Center for Advanced Studies of the Universe (ICASU).
- 5/18: MUC(11:30)-ORD(14:15); Take a bus or a train to reach Urbana-Champaign
- 5/19: Give a talk on “Cosmic Birefringence: A New Probe of Dark Matter and Dark Energy” (40+5)
- 5/22-23: ORD(15:45)-MUC(7:20)
May 6
Workshop “Neutrino Cosmology Day”, MPA, Garching
March 31–April 23May 1
Urlaub in Japan
- 3/31-4/1: MUC(10:00)-FRA-HND(9:15)
- 4/2-4: 3-day quarantine period
- 4/5-13: Fukushima
- 4/14-23: Takarazuka
4/23: HND(11:05)-FRA-MUC(19:10)canceled due to the complication of the war- 4/24: Osaka
- 4/25-30: Visiting Kavli IPMU
- 5/1: HND(10:50)-FRA-MUC(22:10)
March 29,30
March 22–24
(on-line) 13th PFS Collaboration Meeting [14:00-]
March 4–6
- 3/4: MUC(15:45)-CDG(17:20)
- 3/6: CDG(13:30)-MUC(14:55)
March 1
Remote Theory Seminar@Columbia University on “Cosmic Birefringence” [video]
February 24,25
(on-line) CPTS Sektionssitzung
February 17
Workshop “Axion Day”, Munich
February 14–18
“Gravity - The Next Generation”, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto
- 2/14: Give a remote talk on “Cosmic Birefringence” [9:00-9:50 CET] video
February 10–12
Paris. First international travel since the pandemic!
- 2/10: MUC(15:45)-CDG(17:20)
- 2/11: Séminaire de l’Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris on “Cosmic Birefringence” [11:00] video
- 2/12: CDG(13:30)-MUC(14:55)
February 4
(on-line) 井上学術賞授賞式
February 2
GGI Tea Breaks’ Seminar on “Cosmic Birefringence” [video]
- Abstract: Polarised light of the cosmic microwave background, the remnant light of the Big Bang, is sensitive to parity-violating physics. In this presentation we report on new measurements of parity violation, called “cosmic birefringence”, from polarisation data of the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Planck satellite. The statistical significance of the measured signal is about 3 sigma. If confirmed with higher statistical significance in future, it would have profound implications for the elusive nature of dark matter and dark energy.
January 28
(on-line) 第6回ドイツ物理学・応用物理学セミナー
January 26
(on-line) Perspektivenkommission
Canceled because of the rapidly increasing number of new infections in Germany...
January 25–27
1/25: München Hbf()-Berlin Hbf()1/26: Perspektivenkommission at Harnack-Haus1/27: Berlin Hbf()-München Hbf()
January 24
Give a remote seminar on “Hunting for Parity-violating Physics in Polarisation of the Cosmic Microwave Background” for the Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (LeCosPA), Taipei [video]
- Abstract: Polarised light of the cosmic microwave background, the remnant light of the Big Bang, is sensitive to parity-violating physics. In this presentation we report on a measurement of parity violation from polarisation data of the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Planck satellite. The statistical significance of the measured signal is 2.4 sigma. If confirmed with higher statistical significance in future, it would have important implications for the elusive nature of dark matter and dark energy. We also report on a new measurement from the latest Planck public data release 4.
This will be the first seminar talk to accounce our latest result on cosmic birefringence from Planck data release 4 (to appear in Physical Review Letters), along with a 25+5 min talk at the Recontres de Moriond delivered by Patricia Diego-Palazuelos (Univ. Cantabria) on Tuesday, January 25.
January 17
On-line guest lecture on “New Physics from Polarised Light of the Cosmic Microwave Background” at Uni Bonn.
January 11
Reluctantly coming back to the normal life...
December 23–January 10
Urlaub. Keine E-mail, keine Arbeit!
- 1/4: München Hbf(9:55; Gl.22)-Berlin Hbf(14:25). Kushinoya@18:00
- 1/6: Berlin Hbf(11:42)-München Hbf(16:11)