January 31

Place: MPA New Seminar Room

11:00-11:20: “Welcome, Logistics, and the Aim of This Workshop”, Eiichiro Komatsu [20]

11:20-12:00: “Why CMB now?”, Rashid Sunyaev (ill) -> Eiichiro Komatsu [40]

12:00–12:30: “Towards a European Coordination for Orbital and Sub-orbital CMB Experiments”, Nicola Vittorio [30]

12:30-13:30: Lunch at Canteen [60]

13:30–14:00: “CMB-S4”, John Carlstrom [30]

14:00–14:30: “CCAT-prime”, Frank Bertoldi [30]

14:30–15:00: “Submillimeter Science and Technology at the MPIfR”, Karl Menten [30]

15:00–15:30: “Probe CMB Anisotropies at High-Resolution”, Tony Mroczkowski [30]

15:30-16:00: Break [30]

16:00–16:30: “Probing Dark Matter with CMB-S4”, David Marsh [30]

16:30–17:00: “Tensor Non-Gaussianity from Axion-Gauge-Fields Dynamics”, Aniket Agrawal [30]

17:00–17:30: “CMB Anomalies - Can we learn more?”, Dominik Schwarz [30]

17:30–18:00: “CMB and Foreground Analysis via Information Field Theory”, Torsten Enßlin [30]

18:30 Reception at MPA