- Shape of the cosmic microwave background (thermal) spectrum by Rishi Khatri (MPA), January 16
- Gravitational lensing 1: Basics by Stefan Hilbert (MPA), February 20
- Gravitational lensing 2: Applications by Xun Shi (MPA), March 27
- Large-scale structure of the universe: Excursion-set formalism by Tsz Yan Lam (MPA), May 15
- Neutrinos in cosmology by Christian Wagner (MPA), June 19
- Information Field Theory by Torsten Enßlin (MPA), July 10
- Information Field Theory (Tutorial) by Marclo Selig (MPA), July 11
- Galaxy clustering: halo bias, relativistic corrections, and connection to inflation by Fabian Schmidt (MPA), November 28