Farewell party for Shun Saito, who will build a new astrophysics group as faculty at the Department of Physics at Missouri University of Science and Technology. We also welcome new members: Elisa Ferreira [Left in the middle row], Linda Blot [Center], and Sam Young [who could not be here]. With them our group will have 13 members from 11 countries: Brazil (E. Ferreira), Bulgaria (K. Lozanov), France (L. Blot[1/2]), Germany (C. Byrohl, F. Schmidt), Italy (L. Blot[1/2], G. Cabass), Iran (A. Maleknejad, L. Mirzagholi), Ireland (A. Boyle), Japan (E. Komatsu), Portugal (A. Barreira), UK (S. Young), and Vietnam (M. Nguyen).