

  1. Detecting Galaxy Groups and AGNs populating the local Universe in the eROSITA era
    Marini et al. (incl Dolag, Biffi & Vladudescu-Zopp): submitted

  2. The Physalis system: Discovery of ORC-like radio shells around a massive pair of interacting early-type galaxies with offset X-ray emission
    Koribalski, Khabibullin, Dolag et al.: submitted

  3. Galaxy shapes in Magneticum. I. Connecting stellar and dark matter shapes to dynamical and morphological galaxy properties and the large-scale structure
    Valenzuela, Remus, Dolag & Sedel: submitted

  4. Velocity recostruction with graph neural networks
    Tanimura, Bonnefous, Liu & Ganguly: submitted

  5. The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Using Tidal Streams and Shells to Trace the Dynamical Evolution of Massive Galaxies
    Rutherford et al. (incl. Remus/Valenzuela): MNRAS, in press

  6. Deciphering baryonic feedback with galaxy clusters
    Chun-Hao et al. : JCAP, submitted

  7. The SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey: Constraints on AGN Feedback in Galaxy Groups
    Bahar et al. (incl. Dolag): submitted to A&A

  8. Why Cosmic Voids Matter: Mitigation of Baryonic Physics
    Schuster, Hamus, Dolag & Weller: accepted

  9. Preparing for low surface brightness science with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory: A Comparison of Observable and Simulated Intracluster Light Fractions
    Brought et al. (incl Kimmig & Remus): accepted

  10. Euclid preparation TBD. The effect of baryons on the Halo Mass Function
    Castro et al. (incl Dolag): submitted

  11. Relight the Candle: What happens to High Redshift Massive Quenched Galaxies
    Remus & Kimmig: submitted

  12. Blowing out the Candle: How to Quench Galaxies at High Redshift -- an Ensemble of Rapid Starbursts, AGN Feedback and Environment
    Kimmig, Remus, Seidel, Valenzuela, Dolag & Burkert: submitted

  13. KiDS-1000 cosmology: Combined second- and third-order shear statistics
    Burger et al. (incl Dolag): submitted

  14. Statistics of thermal gas pressure as a probe of cosmology and galaxy formation
    Ziyang et al. (incl. Dolag): accepted

  15. Environmental dependence of AGN activity and star formation in galaxy clusters from Magneticum simulations
    Rihtarsic, Biffi, Fabjan & Dolag: submitted

  16. Cosmology with Galaxy Cluster Properties using Machine Learning
    Qui et al. (incl. Dolag, Remus): submitted

  17. Prospects of detecting soft X-ray emission from typical WHIM filaments around massive clusters and the Coma cluster soft excess
    Churazov, Khabibullin, Dolag, Lyskova & Sunyaev: submitted

  18. On the Decline of Star Formation during the Evolution of Galaxies
    Teklu, Kudritzki, Dolag, Remus & Kimmig: submitted

  19. Circumgalactic Medium on the Largest Scales: Detecting X-ray Absorption Lines with Large-area Microcalorimeters
    Bogdan, Khabibullin, et al. (incl. Dolag, Vladutescu-Zopp): submitted

  20. On the redshift evolution of the baryon and gas fraction in simulated groups and clusters of galaxies
    Angelinelli, Ettori, Dolag, Vazza & Ragagnin: submitted

  21. Effects of Multiphase Gas and Projection on X-ray Observables in Simulated Galaxy Clusters as Seen by eROSITA
    ZuHone, Bahar, Biffi, Dolag, Sanders, Bulbul, Liu, Dauser, König, Zhang & Ghirardini: submitted

  22. Offset between X-ray and optical centers in clusters of galaxies: connecting eROSITA data and simulations
    Seppi, Comparat, Nandra, Dolag, Biffi, Bulbul, Liu, Ghirardini & Ider-Chitham: in press

  23. Hydrostatic Mass Profiles of Galaxy Clusters in the eROSITA Survey
    Scheck, Sanders, Biffi, Dolag, Bulbul & Liu: in press

  24. Exploring the cosmological synergy between galaxy cluster and cosmic void number counts
    Pelliciari, Contarini, Marulli, Moscardini, Giocoli, Lesci & Dolag: submitted

  25. Why Cosmic Voids Matter: Nonlinear Structure & Linear Dynamics
    Schuster, Hamaus, Dolag & Weller: submitted

  26. The Hateful Eight: Connecting Massive Substructures in Galaxy Clusters like Abell 2744 to their Dynamical Assembly State using the Magneticum Simulations
    Kimmig, Remus, Dolag & Biffi: submitted

  27. Insights on the origin of ORCs from cosmological simulations
    Dolag, Böss, Koribalski, Steinwandel & Valentini: submitted

  28. A Stream Come True: Connecting tidal tails, shells, streams, and planes with galaxy kinematics and formation history
    Valenzuela and Remus: submitted

  29. Decomposition of galactic X-ray emission with Phox: Contributions from hot gas and XRBs
    Vladutescu-Zopp, Dolag and Biffi: submitted

  30. Simulation view of galaxy clusters with low X-ray surface brightness
    Ragagnin, Andreon and Puddu: submitted

  31. A Machine Learning Approach to Enhancing eROSITA Observations
    Soltis, Ntampaka, Wu, ZuHone, Evrard, Farahi, Ho and Nagai: submitted

  32. The Young and the Wild: What happens to Protoclusters forming at z~4?
    Remus, Dolag & Dannerbauer: APJ, submitted

  33. A multi-simulation study of relativistic SZ temperature scalings in galaxy clusters and groups
    Lee, Anbajagane, Singh, Chluba, Nagai, Kay, Cui, Dolag and Yepes: MNRAS, submitted

  34. Mapping "out-of-the-box" the properties of the baryons in massive halos
    Angelinelli, Ettori, Dolag, Vazza & Ragagnin: A&A, submitted

  35. LCDM with baryons vs. MOND: the time evolution of the universal acceleration scale in the Magneticum simulations
    Mayer, Teklu, Dolag & Remus: MNRAS, submitted

  36. Intrinsic shapes of Brightest Cluster Galaxies
    de Nicola et al. (incl Remus):2022, ApJ, accepted

  37. Improving the accuracy of estimators for the two-point correlationfunction
    Kerscher:2022, A&A, 666, 181

  38. Persistent homology in cosmic shear II: A tomographic analysis of DES-Y1
    Heydenreich et al. (incl Dolag):2022, submitted

  39. Tracing the environmental history of observed galaxies via extended fast action minimization method
    Sarpa, Longobardi, Kraljic, Veropalumbo & Schimd:2022, submitted

  40. Massive quiescent galaxies at z~3: a comparison of selection, stellar population and structural properties with simulation predictions
    Lustig et al. (incl. Remus, Dolag):2022, MNRAS, submitted

  41. Effects of boosting on extragalactic components: methods and statistical studies
    Coulton, Feldman, Maamari, Pierpaoli, Yasini & Dolag:2021, MNRAS, submitted

  42. Convolutional Neural Network-reconstructed velocity for kinetic SZ detection
    Tanimura, Aghanim, Bonjean & Zaroubi:2022, submitted

  43. The Importance of Being Interpretable: Toward An Understandable Machine Learning Encoder for Galaxy Cluster Cosmology
    Ntampaka & Vikhlinin:2021, MNRAS, submitted

  44. Satellite galaxy abundance dependency on cosmology in Magneticum simulations
    Ragagnin, Fumagalli, Castro, Dolag, Saro, Costanzi & Bocquet:2021, MNRAS, submitted

  45. Galaxy Velocity Bias in Cosmological Simulations: Towards Percent-level Calibration
    Anbajagane, Aung, Evrard, Farahi, Nagai, Barnes, Cui, Dolag, McCarthy, Rasia, Elena & Yepes:2021, MNRAS, submitted

  46. Total mass density slopes of early-type galaxies using Jeans dynamical modelling at redshifts 0.29<z<0.55
    Derkenne, McDermid, Poci, Remus, Jorgensen & Emsellem:2021, MNRAS, in press

  47. The eROSITA view of the Abell 3391/95 field: a case study from the Magneticum cosmological simulation
    Biffi, Dolag, Reiprich, Veronica, Ramos-Ceja, Bulbul, Ota & Ghirardini:2021, A&A submitted

  48. The eROSITA View of the Abell 3391/95 Field: The Northern Clump. The Largest Infalling Structure in the Longest Known Gas Filament Observed with eROSITA. XMM-Newton, Chandra
    Veronica et al. (incl Biffi & Dolag): 2021, A&A submitted

  49. Extended fast action minimization method: application to SDSS-DR12 combined sample
    Sarpa, Veropalumbo, Schimd, Branchini, Matarrese: 2021, MNRAS, 503, 1

  50. Do galaxies die? Different views from simulations and observations in the Local Universe
    Corcho-Caballero, Ascasibar, Scannapieco: MNRAS, submitted

  51. Thermodynamic evolution of the z=1.75 galaxy cluster IDCS J1426.5+3508
    Andreon et al. (incl Ragagnin): MNRAS, in press

  52. Testing the SZ-based tomographic approach to the thermal history of the universe with pressure-density cross-correlations: Insights from the Magneticum simulation
    Young, Komatsu & Dolag: submitted

  53. Calibration of bias and scatter involved in cluster mass measurements using optical weak gravitational lensing
    Grandis, Bocquet, Mohr, Klein & Dolag: MNRAS, submitted

  54. Accreted or Not Accreted? The Fraction of Accreted Mass in Galaxies from Simulations and Observations
    Remus & Forbes: MNRAS, submitted

  55. Impact of baryons in cosmic shear analyses with tomographic aperture mass statistics
    Martinet1, Castro, Harnois-Déraps, Jullo1, Giocoli & Dolag10: A&A, submitted

  56. The Abell 3391/95 galaxy cluster system: A 15 Mpc intergalactic medium emission filament, a warm gas bridge, infalling matter clumps, and (re-) accelerated plasma discovered by combining SRG/eROSITA data with ASKAP/EMU and DECam data
    Reiprich et al. (incl. Biffi/Dolag): A&A, in press

  57. Cosmic Shear Cosmology Beyond 2-Point Statistics: A Combined Peak Count and Correlation Function Analysis of DES-Y1
    Harnois-Déraps et al. (incl. Dolag): MNRAS, submitted

  58. Galaxy Lookback Evolution Models - a Comparison with Magneticum Cosmological Simulations and Observations
    Kudritzki, Teklu, Schulze, Remus, Dolag, Burkert & Zahid: ApJ, submitted

  59. The MAGPI Survey -- science goals, design, observing strategy and early results
    Foster et al (incl. Schulze & Remus): MNRAS, submitted

  60. The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Towards an Optimal Classification of Galaxy Stellar Kinematics
    van de Sande et al (incl. Remus & Schulze): MNRAS, submitted

  61. Rise and fall of (post-)starburst galaxies in Magneticum Pathfinder
    Lotz, Dolag, Remus & Burkert: MNRAS, submitted

  62. Measuring Dark Matter in Galaxies: The Mass Fraction Within 5 Effective Radii
    Harris, Remus, Harris & Babyk: ApJ, in press

  63. Peculiar Velocity Estimation from Kinetic SZ Effect using Deep Neural Networks
    Wang, Ramachandra, Salazar-Canizales, Feldman, Watkins & Dolag: MNRAS, submitted

  64. On the impact of baryons on the halo mass function, bias, and cluster cosmology
    Castro, Borgani, Dolag, Marra, Quartin, Saro & Sefusatti: MNRAS, submitted

  65. Properties of the CGM and IGM: constraints on galaxy formation models from the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
    Lim, Barnes, Vogelsberger, Mo, Nelson, Pillepich, Dolag & Marinacci: MNRAS, submitted

  66. Direct detection of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in galaxy clusters
    Tanimura, Zaroubi & Aghanim: A&A, submitted

  67. Mass Estimation of Galaxy Clusters with Deep Learning II: CMB Cluster Lensing
    Gupta & Reichardt: submitted

  68. Mass Estimation of Galaxy Clusters with Deep Learning I: Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
    Gupta & Reichardt: submitted

  69. Cosmology dependency of halo masses and concentrations in hydrodynamic simulations
    Ragagnin, Saro, Singh & Dolag: MNRAS, in press

  70. Probing the azimuthal environment of galaxies around clusters. From cluster core to cosmic filaments
    Gouin, Aghanim, Bonjean & Douspis: A&A, in press

  71. Stellar Property Statistics of Massive Halos from Cosmological Hydrodynamics Simulations: Common Kernel Shapes
    Anbajagane, Evrard, Farahi, Barnes, Dolag, McCarthy, Nelson & Pillepich: MNRAS, submitted

  72. Kinematics of Simulated Galaxies II: Probing the StellarKinematics of Galaxies out to Large Radii
    Schulze, Remus, Dolag, Bellstedt,Burkert & Forbes: MNRAS, submitted

  73. Populations of filaments from the distribution of galaxies in numerical simulations
    Galárraga-Espinosa, Aghanim, Langer, Gouin, Malavasi 2020, A&A, 641, 173

  74. Cosmology dependence of galaxy cluster scaling relations
    Singh, Saro, Costanzi & Dolag: MNRAS 2020, 494, 3728

  75. Using X-ray morphological parameters to strengthen galaxy cluster mass estimates via machine learning
    Green, Ntampaka, Nagai, Lovisari, Dolag, Eckert & ZuHone: ApJ submitted

  76. Joint cluster reconstructions: Combining free-form lensing and X-rays
    Huber, Tchernin, Merten, Hilbert & Bartelmann: A&A 2019, 627, 143

  77. The SAMI Galaxy Survey: comparing 3D spectroscopic observations with galaxies from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
    van de Sande et al. (incl. Remus & Schulze): MNRAS 2019, 484, 869

  78. Dependency of halo concentration on mass, redshift and fossilness in Magneticum hydrodynamic simulations
    Ragagnin, Dolag, Moscardini, Biviano & D'Onofrio: MNRAS 2019, 486, 4001

  79. Gone after one orbit: How cluster environments quench galaxies
    Lotz, Remus, Dolag, Biviano & Burkert: MNRAS 2019, in press

  80. X-ray emission from warm-hot intergalactic medium: the role of resonantly scattered cosmic X-ray background
    Khabibullin & Churazov: MNRAS 2019, 482, 4972

  81. Metallicity gradients in the globular cluster systems of early-type galaxies: In-situ and accreted components?
    Forbes & Remus: MNRAS, 2018, 479, 4760

  82. The SLUGGS survey: a comparison of total-mass profiles of early-type galaxies from observations and cosmological simulations, to ~4 effective radii
    Bellstedt, Forbes, Romanowsky, Remus et al.: MNRAS 2018, 476, 4543

  83. On the relative bias of void tracers in the Dark Energy Survey
    Pollina et al. (incl. Dolag): MNRAS 2019, 487, 2836

  84. Cosmological simulations of black hole growth II: how (in)significant are merger events for fuelling nuclear activity?
    Steinborn, Hirschmann, Dolag, Shankar, Juneau, Krumpe, Remus & Teklu: MNRAS 2018, 481, 341

  85. AGN X-ray emission in galaxy clusters: contamination to the ICM X-ray luminosity
    Biffi, Dolag & Merloni : MNRAS 2018, 481, 2213

  86. Chandra centers for COSMOS X-ray galaxy groups: Differences in stellar properties between central dominant and offset brightest group galaxies
    Gozaliasl et al. (incl. Dolag): MNRAS 2019, 483, 3545

  87. Evolution of substructures in simulated galaxy clusters
    DeBoni, Boehringer, Chon & Dolag: MNRAS 2018, 478, 2086

  88. Kinematics of Simulated Galaxies I: Connecting Dynamical and Morphological Properties of Early-Type Galaxies at Different Redshifts
    Schulze, Remus, Dolag, Burkert, Emsellem & van de Ven: MNRAS 2018, 480, 4636

  89. Cosmology with the pairwise kinematic SZ effect: Calibration and validation using hydrodynamical simulations
    Soergel, Saro, Giannantonio, Efstathio & Dolag: MNRAS 2018, 478, 5320

  90. The effectof baryons in the cosmological lensing PDFs
    Castro, Quartin, Giocoli, Borgani & Dolag: MNRAS 2018, 478, 122

  91. Declining rotation curves at z=2: A natural phenomena in LCDM cosmology
    Teklu, Remus, Dolag, Arth, Burkert, Obreja & Schulze: ApJL 2018, 854, 28

  92. The Outer Halos of Very Massive Galaxies: BCGs and their DSC in the Magneticum Simulations
    Remus, Dolag & Hoffmann: The origin (and evolution) of baryonic galaxy halos, 2017

  93. Distribution and Evolution of Metals in the Magneticum simulations
    Dolag, Mevius & Remus: The origin (and evolution) of baryonic galaxy halos, 2017

  94. The Morphology-Density-Relation: Impact on Satellite Fraction
    Teklu, Remus, Dolag & Burkert: MNRAS 2017, 742, 4769-4785

  95. SZE Observables, Pressure Profiles and Center Offsets in Magneticum Simulation Galaxy Clusters
    Gupta, Saro, Mohr, Dolag & Liu: MNRAS 2017, 469, 3069-3087

  96. On the linearity of tracer bias around voids
    Pollina, Hamaus, Dolag, Weller, Baldi & Moscardini: MNRAS 2017, 469, 787-799

  97. A web interface for hydrodynamical, cosmological simulations
    Ragagnin, Dolag, Biffi, Cadolle Bel, Hammer, Krukau, Petkova & Seinborn: Journal of Astronomy and Computing 2017, 20, 52-67

  98. Constraining the halo mass function with observations
    Castro, Marra & Quartin: MNRAS 2017, 463, 1666-1677

  99. The Co-Evolution of Total Density Profiles and Central Dark Matter Fractions in Simulated Early-Type Galaxies
    Remus, Dolag, Naab, Burkert, Hirschmann, Hoffmann & Johansson: MNRAS 2017, 464, 3742-3756

  100. Origin and properties of dual and offset AGN in a cosmological simulation at z=2
    Steinborn, Dolag, Comerford, Hirschmann; Remus & Teklu: MNRAS 2016, 458, 1013

  101. SZ effects in the Magneticum Pathfinder Simulation: Comparison with the Planck, SPT, and ACT results
    Dolag, Komatsu & Sunyaev : MNRAS 2016, 463, 1797

  102. Redshift-space distortions of galaxies, clusters and AGN: testing how the accuracy of growth rate measurements depends on scales and sample selections
    Marulli, Veropalumbo, Moscardini, Cimatti & Dolag: A&A 2017, 599, 106

  103. Connecting Angular Momentum and Galactic Dynamics: The Complex Interplay between Spin, Mass, and Morphology
    Teklu, Remus, Dolag, Beck, Burkert, Schmidt, Schulze & Steinborn: ApJ 2015

  104. Baryon impact on the halo mass function: Fitting formulae and implications for cluster cosmology
    Bocquet, Saro, Dolag & Mohr: MNRAS 2016

  105. An improved SPH scheme for cosmological simulations
    Beck et al. : MNRAS 2016

  106. The cosmic growth of the active black hole population at 1<z<2 in zCOSMOS, VVDS and SDSS
    Schulze et al. (incl. Hirschmann): MNRAS 2015

  107. Constraints on the distribution and energetics of fast radio bursts using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations
    Dolag, Gaensler, Beck & Beck: MNRAS 2015

  108. A refined sub-grid model for black hole accretion and AGN feedback in large cosmological simulations
    Steinborn, Dolag, Hirschmann, Prieto & Remus: MNRAS 2015

  109. The Redshift Evolution of the Mean Temperature, Pressure, and Entropy Profiles in 80 SPT-Selected Galaxy Clusters
    McDonald et al., SPT team (incl. Saro): ApJ 2014

  110. Cosmological simulations of black hole growth: AGN luminosities and downsizing
    Hirschmann, Dolag, Saro, Bachmann, Borgani & Burkert: MNRAS 2014

  111. Constraints on the CMB Temperature Evolution using Multi-Band Measurements of the Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect with the South Pole Telescope
    Saro et al.: MNRAS 2014

  112. Simulated star formation rate functions at z~4-7, and the role of feedback in high-z galaxies
    Tescari, Katsianis, Wyithe, Dolag, Tornatore, Barai, Viel & Borgani: MNRAS 2014

  113. Investigating the velocity structure and X-ray observable properties of simulated galaxy clusters with PHOX
    Biffi, Dolag & Boehringer: MNRAS 2013

  114. Virial scaling of galaxies in clusters: bright to faint is cool to hot
    Wu, Hahn, Evrard, Wechsler & Dolag: MNRAS 2013

  115. Planck intermediate results. V. Pressure profiles of galaxy clusters from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
    Planck Collaboration (incl. Dolag): A&A 2013

  116. The Dark Halo-Spheroid Conspiracy and the Origin of Elliptical Galaxies
    Remus, Burkert, Dolag, Johansson, Naab, Oser & Thomas: ApJ 2013

  117. On the orbital and internal evolution of cluster galaxies
    Iannuzzi & Dolag: MNRAS 1012

Selected PhD Thesis

  1. A Dress Code for Galaxies: How the Interplay of Gas, Stars, Dark Matter and Environment Shapes Their Appearance in Simulations
    Adelheid Teklu, 2018

  2. From the mass-concentration relation of haloes to GPUs and into the web: A guide on fully utilizing super computers for the largest, cosmological hydrodynamic simulations
    Antonio Ragagnin, 2018

  3. Modelling active galactic nuclei in cosmological simulations: how sub-grid models help to reveal the driving mechanisms of nuclear activity
    Lisa Steinborn (geb. Bachmann), 2018

Selected Master Thesis

  1. Orbital Dynamics in Galaxy Clusters
    Marcel Lotz, 2017

  2. Simulating Chemical Enrichment in Galaxies
    Emilio Mevius, 2016

  3. Angular Momentum Distribution in Galactic Halos
    Adelheid Teklu, 2014

  4. Black Holes in the Magneticum Pathfinder Simulations
    Lisa Steinborn (geb. Bachmann), 2014

  5. The Kinematics of Elliptical Galaxies in The Magneticum Pathfinder Simulations
    Felix Schulze, 2014

Selected Bachelor Thesis

  1. Cool Core Clusters in the Magneticum Pathfinder Simulation
    Jennifer Hinz, 2018

  2. Probing The Richness Mass Proxy with Magneticum Simulation Galaxy Clusters
    Maximilian Kuehn, 2017

  3. Magneticum Superclusters
    Andreas Hofmann, 2017

  4. Spiral galaxies in cosmological simulations
    Felix Schulze, 2012

  5. Cold streams in high-z galaxies
    Adelheid Teklu, 2012

To be submitted

  1. Magneticum: A pathfinder simulation as counterpart for multi-wavelength surveys
    Dolag et al., Magneticum Core Team: to be submitted

  2. A universal stellar density profile of galaxies at large radii
    Remus et al.: in preparation

Conference Proceedings

  1. A `Universal' Density Profile for the Outer Stellar Halos of Galaxies
    Remus, Burkert & Dolag : IAU Symposium 321, 2016

  2. Dynamical Properties of Galaxies with Different Morphological Types at z=0 and z=2
    Teklu, Remus & Dolag: The Interplay between Local and Global Processes in Galaxies, 2016

  3. Connecting Small and Large Scales: The Role of Feedback in Establishing Global Galaxy Properties over Cosmic Times
    Remus & Dolag: The Interplay between Local and Global Processes in Galaxies, 2016

  4. The X-ray Universe as seen through a Super Computer
    Dolag & Biffi : IAU 2015, FM6

  5. From the Outskirts of Galaxies to Intra Cluster Light
    Dolag, Remus & Teklu: IAU 2015, S317

  6. The thermal SZ power spectrum
    Dolag, Komatsu & Sunyaev : IAU 2015, FM5

  7. Disk Galaxies in the Magneticum Pathfinder Simulations
    Remus, Dolag, Bachmann, Beck, Burkert, Hirschmann & Teklu: IAU Symposium 309, 2014

  8. The Angular Momentum Dichotomy
    Teklu, Remus, Dolag & Burkert: IAU Symposium 309, 2014

  9. The Dark Halo - Spheroid Conspiracy Reloaded: Evolution with Redshift
    Remus, Dolag & Burkert: IAU Symposium 311, 2014