Main results

In this page, you can find the predictions from THESAN concerning common physical quantities. For each of them, you can find a machine-readable file and a link to the relevant publication. All files have an header describing the content of each (white space-separated) column.

Note: all predictions found here refer to the flagship simulation THESAN-1.

Available quantities

Quantity Data file Relevant publication
Star-formation rate density sfrd_Thesan1.dat Kannan et al. 2022
Stellar-to-halo mass relation smhm_Thesan1.dat Kannan et al. 2022
Stellar mass function smf_Thesan1.dat Kannan et al. 2022
Galaxy main sequence gms_Thesan1.dat Garaldi et al. 2024
Mass-metallicity relation mzr_Thesan1.dat Garaldi et al. 2024
UV luminosity function uvlf_Thesan1.dat Kannan et al. 2022
Reionization history reion_history_Thesan1.dat Garaldi et al. 2022
HI photoionization rate Gamma_HI_Thesan1.dat Garaldi et al. 2022
Mean free path mfp_Thesan1.dat Garaldi et al. 2022
IGM temperature Tigm_Thesan1.dat Garaldi et al. 2022
Galaxy-IGM cross-correlation galacc_Thesan1.dat Garaldi et al. 2022