This page is meant to provide some additional material for the paper Stücker et al (2018) - like movies and high resolution images, which could hardly be presented in a plain pdf format.
Most readers of this paper will already have a background in cosmology and/or astrophysics. If you have landed on this page in any other way, you might be confused by many of the notions, and also generally what this is all about. In that case please check out the more detailled explanations under "What is This?"
All Images and Movies on this Webpage originate from a cosmological gravity-only cold dark matter simulation with a boxsize of 40 Mpc/h, periodic boundary conditions and 1024^3 particles. We created this simulation to check whether single stream regions are percolating. Allthough we find that this simulation is not large enough to provide a conclusive answer, it provides at least an interesting view on this "Dark Side of the Universe".
Density Field | High Resolution Images of the Density Field of the simulation and an illustration of difference between projections and slices. |
Single Stream Regions | An Explanation of the term "Single Stream Region" and a movie comparing the single stream field to the density field. |
Percolation | Movies which show connected single stream regions to visualize the percolation properties. |
What is this? | A section which is aimed at readers unfamiliar with many of the used notios. |