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-Pt. A Research Results
-Pt. B Comparison with project programme
-Pt. C Training
-Pt. D Sketches of the young researchers
TMR Research Network Contract No. ERBFMRX--CT96--0086
"Galaxy Formation"
A.1 Scientific Highlights
The work programme of this project is divided into six major areas. We
summarise the scientific highlights in these areas in turn, although in
some cases there are clear overlaps. Activity overall has been very high,
leading to 112 joint publications submitted to refereed journals and 39
contributions to conference proceedings.
1 Radio Galaxy Evolution
High redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs, z>2) are fundamental probes of
galaxy and cluster formation. There is strong evidence that they are amongst
the oldest and most massive galaxies in the early Universe and
located in dense cluster environments. As such they place important
constraints upon the epoch at which the first generation of stars was
During the last two years we have carried out fruitful multi-wavelength
imaging and spectroscopic campaigns. Scientific highlights include:
- Demonstrating, using powerful radio galaxies from a Cambridge survey,
that distant radio galaxies lie at the centre of the most massive structures
in the early Universe.
- A detection of powerful extended X-ray emission from a very distant
radio galaxy, indicating an extremely large mass of material.
- The use of the Westerbork radio survey to show that the comoving number
density of radio galaxies falls beyond a redshift of two, thus defining
the extent of the `quasar epoch'.
- Obtaining the first two solid detections of CO emission from distant
radio galaxies.
- Establishing, using sub-millimetre studies, that the most distant
radio galaxies contain more dust than their low redshift counterparts.
- Deep HST infrared imaging of the highest redshift radio galaxies showing
that they are not associated with well formed ellipticals, unlike their
lower redshift counterparts.
- Deep spectroscopy of powerful redshift one radio galaxies demonstrates
that the interstellar medium is dramatically affected by the passage
of the radio source shocks.
- The discovery of the most distant radio galaxy known known to date
at z=5.2.
Many of the most interesting targets uncovered by radio surveys are optically
faint, and as such, ESO's VLT (available from April 1999), with its huge
collecting area and diverse battery of instrumentation offers a great
opportunity for European astronomers. Therefore, we have concentrated
the last year on preparing samples of radio galaxies for VLT studies.
We have obtained and reduced completely data for half of the 92~cm ``Westerbork
survey In the Southern Hemisphere'' (WISH), the first deep large sky radio
survey at low frequencies in the southern hemisphere. In addition, spectroscopic
redshifts have been obtained for the first large complete sample of the
most powerful southern radio galaxies.
2 Evolution of Field and Cluster Evolution
A key objective in the network programme is the understanding of how
galaxies form and evolve in different environments, from low/average density
regions (`field') to dense groups and clusters. It is now understood that
the environment plays an essential role in galaxy evolution.
Our studies of galaxies in clusters have produced very significant progress
towards understanding how the morphologies, luminosities and star formation
histories of the galaxies evolve in dense environments.
- Comparing the morphological and stellar population properties
of cluster galaxies at high and low redshift, we have found a strong
morphological evolution for the S0 and spiral populations, as well as
for the morphology-density relation in irregular clusters.
- The colour-magnitude relation for early-type galaxies
in rich clusters up to redshifts $\simeq1$ indicates that the bulk of
the stellar populations of these galaxies are very old, and were formed
at redshifts greater than 2.
- The properties of the luminous ellipticals exhibit remarkably
small cluster-to-cluster variations, indicating that these galaxies
are highly homogeneous between cluster environments. However, at fainter
magnitudes we observe a marked increase in the range of mid-UV colours,
suggesting the presence of younger populations.
- We have found convincing evidence of evolutionary brightening
of the cluster elliptical galaxies consistent with the passive evolution
of stellar populations.
- The brightest cluster galaxies have increased their mass
in stars by factors $\simeq2$-$4$ in the last $\simeq8\,$billion years,
in accordance with the predictions of our semi-analytic galaxy formation
models built within the context of the hierarchical scenario of structure
- Using spectro-photometry of distant cluster galaxies,
we have carried out detailed studies of the star formation histories
of galaxies, quantifying how interactions with other galaxies and with
the cluster medium affect the starburst phenomenon.
- We have found that galaxies in high X-ray luminosity
clusters are affected by the properties of the intra-cluster gas: the
integrated luminosity of the redder cluster galaxies is well correlated
with the cluster's X-ray luminosity.
Our studies of field galaxies aim at understanding the strong evolution
found at high redshift, particularly in star-formation activity.
- We have set up the major programme in Europe to prepare
for and to follow-up the Hubble Space Telescope observation of a Southern
Deep Field. Five nights of successful observations were carried out
on ESO's NTT, leading to the first large set of publicly available redshifts
in the field. The group has also successfully proposed for VLT time
in 1999 for two follow-up programmes.
- In low redshift star-forming galaxies, we have found Lyman alpha to
be destroyed by multiple scattering. Lyman alpha photons can only escape
in the line wings. This finding solves the long-standing problem of
why Lyman-alpha emission is weak or absent in the UV spectrum of such
- Using the new SCUBA bolometer array at the James Clerk
Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), we have opened a new window on galaxy formation
and evolution by observing star formation hidden by dust in extremely
distant galaxies. The galaxies detected contribute significantly to
the global star formation history of the Universe.
- Interacting and disturbed galaxies constitute the largest
class amongst the sub-millimetre galaxies, suggesting that interactions
remain an important mechanism for triggering star formation and the
formation of ultraluminous galaxies in the distant Universe.
- Our team has also obtained the deepest sub-mm number
counts published so far.
- The evolution of elliptical galaxies in the field has
been studied using data from the Hubble Deep Field. Even at redshifts
as high as 2-3, these galaxies lie on the fundamental plane, in apparently
virial equilibrium. However, at such redshifts a significant deficiency
of large galaxies is observed, indicating that an important fraction
of the field ellipticals formed later.
- Our group has made the first unambiguous detection
of the host galaxy of a normal radio-quiet high-redshift QSO at 2.2
microns. The host emits about 35\% of the total luminosity, being about
100 times brighter than an unevolved L* galaxy placed at the QSO redshift
3 QSO Absorption Lines
An invaluable and complementary point of view on the processes governing
the formation and evolution of galaxies is provided by the study of the
gaseous component of the universe as seen in quasar absorption lines.
Their study has progressed in the direction of understanding the extent,
structure, metallicity and physical conditions of the absorbing structures
at high redshift.
In particular the following key results have been achieved:
- Studies of galaxies and identification of absorbers in the Hubble
Deep Field South. Spectroscopic observations of galaxies close to the
line of sight to the QSO J2233-606 in the HDF-S have been carried out.
Several are found to be coincident in redshift with absorption line
systems seen in the HST spectrum of the QSO. A new quasar with z=1.3351
at only 45'' angular separation from this QSO has been detected, an
ideal target for QSO environment studies.
- QSO pairs and groups. The observations of several closely separated
QSO pairs and gravitationally lensed QSOs, providing two or more adjacent
lines of sight, have made it possible to sample the size and clustering
of the absorbers.
- Simulations. Hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation in a cosmological
context have been used to investigate the nature of the physical structures
giving rise to damped Lyman-alpha absorption systems, the spatial distribution
and absorption properties of metal enriched gas in regions of ongoing
galaxy formation, the thermal history of the Intergalactic Medium and
the dependencies of QSO Lyman-alpha absorption line statistics on cosmological
- Reconstruction of density fields. Methods for the recovery of the
real space line-of-sight mass density field from Lyman absorption in
QSO spectra have been developed. The matter density is inferred from
the HI density assuming that the absorption is due to a photoionized
intergalactic medium which traces the mass distribution as suggested
by recent numerical simulations. Redshift distortions are corrected
iteratively from a simultaneous estimate of the peculiar velocity. This
approach is an excellent tool to study the density probability distribution
and clustering properties of the mass density in the (mildly) non-linear
Molecules dominate the cooling function of neutral metal-poor gas at
high density. Observation of molecules at high redshift provide thus an
important tool toward understanding the physical conditions prevailing
in collapsing gas.
4 Stellar Population Modelling
The primary objectives in this area are to expand population synthesis
models to the full observed ranges of wavelengths and metallicities. By
combining the models with dynamical prescriptions for galaxy evolution,
theories of galaxy formation can then be tested against observations.
- Stellar evolution models for a full range of metallicities developped
in Padova have been used to build new, metallicity-dependent synthesis
programmes by the Paris and Padova groups.
- The new synthesis programmes were implemented into the Munich and
Durham semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to compute the chemical
enrichment, colors, and line indices of galaxies as a function of redshift.
Comparisons with observations have revealed, for example, that the evolution
of the K-band luminosity function is a powerful way to constrain galaxy
formation theories (other main results are described in the section
on phenomenological galaxy formation models).
- The Padova and Paris groups have also developed new models of the
near- to mid-IR emission from galaxies including the emission from dust
in the interstellar medium and around evolved stars. These models have
been combined with the Durham models of galaxy formation to obtain predictions
of galaxy counts and redshift distributions at IR/submm wavelengths.
These agree well with available data. The Padova and Paris groups are
also developing a model of QSO and AGN formation in a hierarchical universe,
with particular attention to the modelling of the IR/submm emission.
The achievements so far in population synthesis modelling are extremely
encouraging, as the results more than match the milestones that were envisioned
at the beginning of the network. It is worthwhile to mention that the
state-of-the-art models developed within the network have already been
made available to the general astronomical community.
5 Semianalytic modelling
This work aims to produce phenomenological models which can be used to
interpret observational data directly in the context of the current theoretical
picture for the evolution of structure.
- Current data on the luminosities, colours and redshifts of faint galaxies
were shown to be inconsistent with the standard model in which massive
galaxies were assembled primarily at high redshift.
- The properties of the newly discovered high value of population of
Lyman Break galaxies were shown to be consistent with hierarchical assembly
- The clustering of these Lyman Break Galaxies was predicted to be strong,
a result later confirmed by observation.
- Semi-analytic models of galaxy formation in a hierarchical universe
were combined with new metallicity-dependent spectral synthesis models
to compute the chemical enrichment, colors, line indices and mass-to-light
ratios of early-type galaxies as a function of redshift. These models
reproduce the slope and scatter of the color-magnitude and Mg$_2-\sigma$
relations of elliptical galaxies, challenging the traditional view that
luminous early-type galaxies form in a single monolithic collapse at
high redshift.
- New models were made for the formation and evolution of galaxy disks.
In a Lambda CDM model, the predicted present-day distribution of disk
scalelengths agrees very well with the observational one derived by
De Jong \& Lacey (1998). The evolution z=1 is predicted to be quite
weak at given luminosity, in qualitative agreement with what is found
from the CFRS redshift survey. The same models give a good fit to the
present-day H-alpha luminosity function of galaxies and can reproduce
the observed evolution.
6 Simulations of Galaxies and Clusters
Numerical simulations are one of the most powerful tools for studying
galaxy formation and evolution. The network has access to some of the
best computing hardware and cosmological software in the world, since
it overlaps a broad collaboration known as the Virgo consortium which
includes colleagues in the US, Canada and non-network universities in
the UK. This collaboration is arguably the strongest numerical cosmology
group anywhere. Some of the simulations carried out within the network
have redefined the state-of-the art in the subject.
Activity in the simulation area took place at Durham, Munich, Paris and
Padova, resulting in 42 joint publications during the first two years
of the network involving researchers in the first two of these locations.
For the most part the milestones were achieved and, in several instances,
exceeded. Highlights include:
- The discovery that the radial density profiles of dark matter halos
formed in hierarchical clustering cosmologies have a universal form,
independent of mass and cosmological parameters. The characteristic
density (or radial scale) of a halo correlates with its total mass,
reflecting the later formation epochs of halos of increasing mass.
- The most accurate supercomputer simulations of the dark matter distribution
in representative volumes of the universe. These simulations were the
first to resolve individual galactic halos in volumes large enough to
follow their clustering properties reliably. They have led to the most
accurate studies to date of the clustering statistics and topology of
the dark matter distribution, and to detailed analyses of the internal
structure, velocity distributions, formation history, large-scale environment,
and gravitational lensing properties of galaxy cluster halos. Taken
together, these studies represent the most comprehensive analysis ever
of a high precision set of cold dark matter simulations.
- The execution of the 1-billion particle ``Hubble volume'' simulations,
the largest calculations ever done of the formation of structure in
the expanding Universe. These follow the growth of clusters and larger
scale structures over virtually the entire observable universe, allowing
study, for the first time, of a variety of fundamental statistical properties.
This work attracted considerable media attention in Europe and the USA.
- The first simulations of the formation of galaxies in cosmological
volumes. These include the effects both of the clustering evolution
of the dark matter and of the thermodynamic evolution of the gas which
eventually turns into stars. For the first time, it is now possible
to calculate numerically the formation histories of galaxies and their
spatial distribution.
A.2 Joint Publications and Patents
The following joint publications have resulted from Network Activities
to date. The names of network young researchers are printed bold-face
so that they can be identified. There are 112 articles published in or
submitted to refereed journals and 39 contributions to conference proceedings.
B.1 Research Objectives
The original objectives of our network remain relevant. Indeed, the level
of research in these areas has increased substantially since our proposal
was submitted as a result of new data from the Hubble Space Telescope
and the Keck Telescopes. This is probably the single most active and most
rapidly developing field in current astronomy. Certainly it is providing
much of the justification for future major programmes such as the Next
Generation Space Telescope and the Large Southern Array, as well as for
the second generation of instruments planned for the Very Large Telescope.
Theoretical work in these areas is also increasing rapidly, in significant
part as a result of work associated with the network.
B.2 Methodological Approach and Work Plan
Our methodology has not changed significantly from that described in the
contract. We are actively pursuing all six of the scientific areas in
which we proposed. Some parts of the detailed research plan have changed
in response to new discoveries and opportunities, but the basic structure
has been followed almost exactly.
Radio Galaxies
(C, L)
Aspects Evolution in
Cluster + Field
Quasar Absorbers
(C, P, Pd)
Galaxy Formation
and Evolution
Stellar Population Synthesis
(C, P, Pd)
Aspects Semi-analytic Modeling
(C, D, M, P, Pd)
Numerical Simulations
(D, M, P)
B.3 Schedule and Milestones
All milestones in the original contract with expected completion date
less than 2.5 years after beginning of the contract have been achieved
with the following exceptions:
Field Galaxy Evolution: Completion of the COHSI instrument has
been delayed by technical problems.
Evolution of Cluster Galaxies: Comparison of optical and X-ray
images to measure infall rates has been displaced by other related projects.
Phenomenological Models: The modelling of QSO absorbers by semi-analytic
methods has been replaced by simulation studies.
Additional Major activities added to the programme include:
Field Galaxy Evolution: Preparation and follow-up in the Hubble
Deep Field South.
Gas in Young Galaxies: Preparation and follow-up in the Hubble
Deep Field South.
Phenomenological Models: Modelling of the evolution of the quasar
Simulations: Very large-scale simulations of the evolution of galaxy
Substantial results are expected in all areas before the programme ends.
B.4 Research Effort of the Participants
Team Research effort from
internal and EC resources
1/10/96 - 31/1/99
in person-months total effort foreseen
in contract:
Garching 150 288
Cambridge 130 240
Durham 170 260
Leiden 170 188
Padova 136 216
Paris 80 300
B.5 Cohesion with Less Favoured Regions
There are no partners from less favoured regions
B.6 Network Organisation and Management
Network organisation and management follows very closely the model in
the contract.
The network is coordinated from Munich by S. White; all other partners
are associated contractors. The level of activity is, however, quite similar
in all six nodes.
In each node the Responsible Scientist is the point of contact for all
administrative matters. These are:
Cambridge: A. Aragon-Salamanca
Durham: C. Frenk
Leiden: G. Miley
Munich: S. White
Padova: A. Bressan
Paris: F. Bouchet
In addition, a Task Leader is responsible for monitoring, coordinating
and reporting on activity in each of our six primary areas. A seventh
Task Leader coordinates work associated with the Hubble Deep Field South.
These are:
Radio Galaxies: H. Rottgering (Leiden)
Galaxy Evolution: A. Aragon-Salamanca (Cambridge)
Quasar absorbers: S. Cristiani (Padova/Munich)
Stellar Populations: S. Charlot (Paris)
Semi-analytic Models: G. Kauffmann (Munich)
Simulations: C. Frenk (Durham)
HDF-South: M. Dennefeld (Paris)
In each of the two Network hiring exercises (end of 1995 and 1997) evaluation
of postdoctoral applications in the common pool was carried out on each
site by senior scientists involved in network programmes and was coordinated
by the Responsible Scientist. Conflicts among the choices were few and
were resolved by the Coordinator in discussion with the Responsible Scientists.
The major network meeting is held once per year: in Germany in 1997, in
Holland in 1998, and in Italy in 1999. The two meetings so far each lasted
4.5 days and attracted 60-70 people from the network sites. In addition
a substantial number of more specialised meetings have been held. Details,
including participant lists and programmes can be found on the network
B.7 Connections to Industry
There is no involvement of industry in network activities.
C.1 Employment of Young Researchers
Participants |
Young Researcher financed
by contract so far |
Contract deliverable of young
reseachers to be financed |
Pre-doc |
Post-doc |
Total |
Pre-doc |
Post-doc |
Total |
Garching |
3 |
28 |
31 |
0 |
48 |
48 |
Cambridge |
0 |
30.3 |
30.3 |
0 |
48 |
48 |
Durham |
0 |
24 |
24 |
0 |
48 |
48 |
Leiden |
0 |
26 |
26 |
0 |
48 |
48 |
Padova |
0 |
30 |
30 |
0 |
48 |
48 |
Paris |
0 |
22.5 |
22.5 |
0 |
48 |
48 |
C.2 Training Programme
The rationale of the network's training programme remains
as set out in the contract. Each young researcher is fully integrated
into all local activites connected with network research. In addition,
they all participate in (and speak at) each of the Annual Meetings, as
well as in smaller network workshops in areas close to their primary research
topic. The Responsible Scientists and Task Leaders at each node are responsible
for ensuring full integration of the local young scientists.
The training programme appears to have been successful so far. Of the
six young scientists employed in the first phase of the programme, five
have now moved on to permanent or long-term positions in astronomy, four
of those back in the young scientist's native country. The sixth remains
employed within the network and is collaborating very actively with several
other nodes.
Dr Herve Aussel:
I have completed a PhD at the "Service d'Astrophysique"
(Saclay, France) with L. Vigroux as thesis advisor. I have worked particularly
on deep mid-infrared surveys of galaxies. To analyse these data, I have
designed specific tools based on wavelet analysis. I have finally worked
on the interpretation of the counts of galaxies.
We find that a large amount of galaxy evolution is required to explain
the number counts at the faint flux levels that we probe (i.e. distant
[z=0.5 to 1] infrared galaxies undergo strong phases of star formation
with respect to the ones observed in the local universe). Moreover, I
have shown that this evolving population of galaxies is different from
the faint blue galaxies responsible for the evolution observed in deep
surveys in the visible. The behavior of the number counts observed in
the mid-infrared is therefore different from the one predicted by the
models at this wavelength.
The general target of my activities in Padova is the investigation of
distant high-redshift galaxies detected in the infrared, to provide a
complementary view on galaxy formation and evolution with respect to what
optical surveys have offered. Basic questions to be answered will be:
what is the nature of the strongly evolving IR galaxy population? Are
they starbursts or AGNs? What is the global energetics associated with
galaxy IR activity? How do spheroidal galaxies form?
More specifically, I am working with Alberto Franceschini who has already
produced models for the galaxies counts at infrared wavelength. We aim
together at improving the models and explain my results at 15 microns.
We plan to do a detailed study of the spectroscopic properties of these
galaxies in cooperation with Bianca Poggianti, formerly at Cambridge with
the TMR network. We also are working with the team of IAS (France) and
IAP (Paris) on the interpretation of galaxy counts at 175 microns. The
mid-infrared surveys provide a good sample of elliptical galaxies. With
Alessandro Bressan (Padova), we will compare the observed emission at
7 and 15 microns by these galaxies to the predictions of his model. Finally,
I am in charge for maintaining the web page of the TMR network at Padova
for which we have already made a brush-up.
Dr Philip Best:
From 1993 to 1996 I studied in Cambridge for my PhD in `Astrophysics and
Cosmology', specialising in the study of radio galaxies at very large
distances. A combination of imaging at infrared and optical (using the
Hubble Space Telescope) wavelengths together with interferometric mapping
at radio frequencies allowed a number of properties concerning the nature
and evolution of these objects to be discerned.
In November 1996 I was employed by the Sterrewacht Leiden as part of the
TMR Network. Here I have been able to continue my research into distant
radio galaxies working closely with the Leiden group who have a wealth
of expertise in this field. These collaborations have led to further discoveries
about the radio galaxy population, such as the fact that the most powerful
distant radio galaxies appear to lie at the centres of clusters of galaxies,
and have helped to connect these active galaxies to the evolution of the
more normal galaxy population. In addition to learning from those more
experienced than myself, I have also been given the opportunity to help
guide undergraduate and postgraduate students in their own research.
Frequent meetings at the different institutes within the Network have
enabled me to learn about other research fields related to my own, and
to meet and begin working with scientists from these fields on joint projects.
Following these network meetings I am now actively collaborating with
researchers in Cambridge, Paris and Munich.
My experience of the Network has been almost entirely positive. I have
gained experience of living and working in a foreign country, the opportunity
to work within one of the world's leading groups in my research field,
and the chance to come into contact with, and travel to continue working
with, other leading researchers. My only negative experience is that more
time has to be spent on Network- administrative matters than might be
Dr Malcolm Bremer:
(1) Distant radio galaxies. Main result: Showed that there is a decline
in the comoving number density of powerful radio galaxies at z>2, Links
evolution of radio sources with that of ordinary galaxies. Network collaboration
Paris, Leiden and Cambridge.
(2) Adaptive optics imaging of Quasars. Main result: Discovery of quasars
close to bright stars, ideal for follow-up with new generation of telescopes.
Will be able to study the effect of powerful AGN on their host galaxies
up to z=4.5, redshift of the highest object in the sample. Network collaboration
Paris and Leiden.
(3) Searching for high redshift structures. Main result: Ongoing, successful
search for groups/clus\-ters at z=1-3. Most efficient way of finding key
cosmological structures. Now poised to carry out multi-wavelength studies
with new generation of telescopes to give viral cosmological information.
Network collaboration Paris, Leiden and Cambridge.
(4) Searching for cool material in cooling flows. Main result: Discovery
of cool material out to 50 kpc from the centre of most cooling flows at
surface brightness levels not before achieved. Network collaboration Paris,
All of above are being continued and expanded as participants move from
network institutions to other posts. Network has proved invaluable at
fostering such collaborations.
Other points about network: As well as obvious benefits from collaborations,
the network has enabled me to think far more "internationally"
than I perhaps would have otherwise. This is especially apparent on my
return to the UK, I think in broader terms than my contemporaries who
have not left Britain. It is no coincidence that many of the young scientists
(myself included) who took part in the first 2~years of the network secured
tenure/good long term posts in their next job.
Dr Pierre-Alain Duc:
As a Ph-D student and then as a post-doctoral researcher, I have studied
the environmental effects on the formation and evolution of galaxies.
The main laboratories I have used for these studies are: 1) interacting
galaxies where collisions trigger in the nuclear regions strong starbursts
and where at the same time star-forming dwarf galaxies may form in the
outer regions out of debris of collisions expelled in the intergalactic
medium; 2) gas-rich dwarf galaxies in nearby clusters of galaxies that,
because of their low mass, should be largely affected by the cluster environment;
and 3) galaxies in distant clusters that host obscured dust-embedded starbursts
revealed by their infrared emission.
These studies are based on multi-wavelength observations and involve several
international collaborations in which the network plays a major role.
Just hired as a TMR young scientist, I have gathered a team of researchers
from Cambridge, Paris and Padova that will carry out the ground-based
follow-up of ISO space observations of strong infrared galaxies in clusters.
The team involves scientists with observational and theoretical backgrounds
whose skills will be especially useful for interpreting the data. From
my own experience, the TMR is particularly useful in triggering collaborations
among scientists working in a same field but having different technical
expertises. As an example, a direct result of our last TMR general meeting
in September is the beginning of a collaboration with a young theoretician
who will model with numerical simulations some of the interacting systems
I had studied so far. The TMR has offered to my research new perspectives
that I hope will last after the end of my contract.
Dr Fabio Governato:
The general thrust of my research work concerns the formation and evolution
of galaxies and galaxy clusters in a cosmological framework. Understanding
the formation and evolution of galaxies is a fundamental astrophysical
problem, with implications in almost all branches of astrophysics and
cosmology, being a necessary step to understand morphologies and properties
of galaxies and their relationship with the local environment. My primary
tool are numerical simulations and semi-analytical methods. Starting from
1990 I have used a variety of N-body techniques: direct, tree and cosmological
codes (both P3M and a treecode with periodic boundary conditions) on both
scalar and parallel machines. I have a good experience in using N-body
codes which include the description of a dissipative gaseous component
with smoothed particle hydrodynamics techniques (SPH). I'm also experienced
in using semi-analytical methods. My duties inside the network were to
carry independent research on the formation of galaxies and the structure
of dark matter halos. The two years appointment at Durham University as
a member of the TMR Network was a very positive experience. It helped
me to enlarge my scientific background and enabled me to start many fruitful
collaborations inside that will continue in the future. ``Durham's stamp
of approval'' gave me a much wider personal recognition in my field and
definitely helped me finding a permanent academic job (at the Osservatorio
Astronomico di Brera, Milan). My updated CV and research plan may be found
on my web page http://star-www.dur.ac.uk/~fabio/index.html.
Simone Marri:
Simone Marri was an undergraduate student at University of Florence (Italy)
where I acquired some general specialization skills on general theoretical
physics, cosmology and numerical calculation methods. Particularly, the
last part of my studies were dedicated to investigate some aspects, and
most of all the interconnections, between cosmological models of the hierarchical
clustering family, high energy astrophysical sources at high redshift
(Pop III SNe) and gravitational lensing. This work was done under the
supervision of Dr. Andrea Ferrara of the Astronomy Department of Arcetri,
in Florence. This activity ended with the discussion of my Laurea Thesis
in September 1997.
Since 1/11/1998 I am a PhD student at the Max-Plank-Institut fur Astrophysik
(MPA) in Garching where I work under the supervision of Prof. Simon D.M.
White. My task is to study the problem of Galaxy Formation mainly for
what concern the effects of SNe explosion: the so called feedback effect.
This problem requires an improved understanding of gas processes which
occur in the interstellar medium and are believed to be of great importance
not only in the steady state of a galaxy but also during its evolution,
as constrained by hierarchical cosmological models. In studying such problems,
I will collaborate also with Dr. Guinevere Kauffmann (MPA) and Dr. Andrea
Ferrara (Arcetri Dep.) contributing in this way to an effective collaboration
between two different European institutes.
My first experiences at MPA are quite positive. I have acquired a lot
of basic information, on topics relevant for my PhD projects, through
the Global ISM workshop (Garching 18-20 November, 1998) and I have started
to be more familiar with the important experiences and skills acquired
on the field of galaxy formation by the MPA galaxy formation sector both
for the theoretical part and for the numerical. I anticipate that interactions
with other network nodes, particularly Durham and Paris, will increase
as my project progresses.
Dr Yuen Keong Ng:
I started my Ph.D. research on the analysis of the photometric photometry
of a great many stars (>> 1 million **) in Field \#3 of the Palomar-
Groningen Survey. I continued with the development of a Galactic model
based on the Padova stellar population synthesis tool to study the formation,
structure and evolution of our Milky Way from star counts.
After my Ph.D. I did my first post-doc at the IAP. I dedicated about 50\%
of my time to the analysis of the quality of the data obtained by the
Denis survey. The remaining 50\% of my time was spent on the improvement
of the Galactic model and on studies with the stellar population synthesis
My second post-doc was done at Padova. I started with the study of population
boxes in order to link the stellar population synthesis tool with the
Padova spectro-photometric code. However, the integration required a more
rigorous and objective method to analyse data with both the stellar population
synthesis and the spectro-photometric tool. I started with the development
of an automated analysis tool AMORE (Auto-Matic Observation REndering)
for stellar applications which should be linked afterwards with the spectro-
photometric tool. The spectro-photometric information was subsequently
intended to be used as input for AMORE to obtain a self-consistent calibration.
In the mean time I tested the stellar evolutionary tracks with the F and
G stars in the local Solar neighbourhood. I further profitted from the
knowledge about galacto-chemical evolution and carbon star evolution.
This was applied to the so-called bulge carbon star mystery and I argued
that the bulge C-stars are actually related to the newly discovered Sagittarius
dwarf galaxy.
Dr Bianca Maria Poggianti:
My main field of research is the evolution of cluster and field galaxies
as a function of environment and redshift, both from the theoretical (spectrophotometric
modeling) and the observational point of view (acquisition and interpretation
of astronomical data). As part of my responsibilities in the Network,
I have contributed to the organization of the EU-TMR Meeting on ``Evolution
of Field and Cluster Galaxies'' in Cambridge (28/2-1/3 1997). I have presented
oral communications at two site meetings in Cambridge (28 Feb - 1 Mar
1997) and in Paris (7-8 Feb 1997) and at the two annual meetings in Ringberg
(19-24 May 1997) and in Leiden (31 Aug-4 Sep 1998). The fellowship in
Cambridge gave me the possibility to spend two years at one of the most
stimulating astronomical institutes in the world, and this period has
been very important for my professional and personal development and for
my next career steps. The Network experience offered me the possibility
to get in touch, through personal and regular contacts, with the forefront
research in different and complementary fields (Radio galaxies, Quasar
Absorption lines, Semi-analytic modelling, Numerical simulations\dots),
which helped me acquiring a more comprehensive view of my own research
field. At the end of September 1998 I have completed my EU-TMR fellowship
and I am now an established astronomer at the Osservatorio Astronomico
di Padova, Italy. I am still involved in various collaborations together
with researchers from different network sites and these collaborations
are likely to continue during the coming years.
Dr Tom Theuns:
Tom Theuns has been involved in high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations
of the Lyman-alpha forest. The motivation for this project is that the
physical picture of the forest is sufficiently simple that current state-of-the-art
simulation tools such as used by the Virgo consortium can hope to resolve
the structures producing the Lyman-alpha forest. These simulations are
then analysed in terms of Voigt profiles and comparison is made against
Voigt profile statistics of the Lyman-alpha forest as measured in observed
quasar spectra. The results so far are very promising. The simple physical
picture where the Lyman-alpha forest is produced by the neutral fraction
of the highly ionized gas that traces midly non-linear, filamentary structures,
describes remarkably well the observed evolution of the number of absorption
lines as a function of redshfit, from low redshifts, as observed by the
Hubble Space Telescope, to high redshifts, as obserbed by the Keck telescope.
The distribution of line widths is a probe of the temperature of the intergalactic
medium, and comparison with observations suggest the temperature is high.
Such high temperatures can be obtained in the standard model if the Universe
has a high baryon density but a low total matter density. A new method
based on the observed correlation of column density with line width turns
out to be extremely suited to measuring the temperature-density relation
of the intergalactic medium (work in progress).
This investigation is in close collaboration with people in Cambridge
(G. Efstathiou, J. Schaye \& B. Carswell), Durham (F. Pearce) and
Garching (M. Haehnelt). The travel funds provided by TMR have enabled
and facilitated necessary visits to collaborators as well as conferences.
Comments to: Naoki