mpi_utils Directory Reference


file [code]
 some routines for cross-checking the use of collective MPI routines
file [code]
 implementation of a reduction operation for sparsely populated data
file  generic_comm.h [code]
 defines a class with a generic communication pattern for parallel tree walks
file [code]
 routines for testing whether all compute nodes yield the full CPU and communication performance
file [code]
 a simple version of an Allgatherv implemented with a hypercube communication model
file [code]
 implements some user defined MPI types for collectives
file  mpi_utils.h [code]
 declares some numerical values for MPI tags and function prototypes for MPI helper functions
file [code]
 contains the global variables defined in the MPI helper functions
file [code]
 a simple wrapper around MPI_Alltoallv that can deal with data in individual sends that are very big
file  setcomm.h [code]
 implements a class providing basic information about the local MPI communicator
file [code]
 implements code for the shared-memory fetching of remote date through designated MPI handler ranks
file  shared_mem_handler.h [code]
 provides a class for accessing data of other MPI ranks via shared memory and designated MPI handler ranks
file [code]
 implements a wrapper around myMPI_Sendrecv that if needed transmits the data in smaller pieces than a prescribed maximum size
file [code]
 some simple extensions of MPI-collectives