gravity Directory Reference


file [code]
 Code for Ewald correction computations.
file  ewald.h [code]
 definition of class that implements the functionality needed for Ewald corrections
file [code]
 some unit test routines for the table look-up in the ewald correction
file  ewaldtensors.h [code]
 defines derivative tensors with cubic symmetry for Ewald correction
file [code]
 calculates forces through direct summation
file [code]
file [code]
 routines for testing the force accuracy though comparison with direct summation
file  grav_forcetest.h [code]
 declares a class needed for the force test calculations
file [code]
 main driver routines for computing the gravitational accelerations for all active particles
file [code]
 produce actual ICs from special 2nd order LPT ICs created by Adrian Jenkin's code