Hi Prem!
Am 19.12.2010 um 08:56 schrieb Prem Dhungel <premrd_at_hotmail.com>:
> Hi every one,
> I need to do the simulation for galaxy formation using Gadget2.
> But before doing the large full-fledged simulation, I want to do small ones in my MacBook and be familiar with gadget.
> I downloaded and installed/configured the necessary components:
> gadget 2.0.6
> gcc 4.0
> HDF5 1.6.10 (mac-intel-x86_64-static version)
> fftw-2.1.5
> lam-7.0.6 for MPI
> All these are in the directory \Users /prem
> When I type the command "mpirun -np 2 ./Gadget2 myparameterfile.param" in Terminal, the following error message comes:
> Failed to find or execute the following executable:
> Host: prems-macbook.local
> Executable: ./Gadget2
> Cannot continue.
> It seems that it very simple silly mistake, but I am not able to figure it out as I'm not so used to in Terminal.
> Can anybody help please?
I installed Gadget on a Macbook, too, but I don't think your problem is Macbook specific. It seems that the executable is not found...Have you actually generated the executale by typing "make"? If yes, is it in the current directory or somewhere else? Does it have a name different than Gadget2?
If these hints do not help, please describe your workflow in Terminal in more detail.
> Thank you.
> Prem
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Received on 2010-12-19 16:49:48