Registration and participants

As the main purpose for the workshop is to have lively discussions, we limit the number of registrations to around 60-70 on-site participants. If the number of registrants exceeds this limit, we will appoint an SOC who will select the participants from the registrations received.

The registration was closed on 15th March.

Science Organizing Committee

Aaron Smith, University of Texas at Dallas
Andrea Ferrara, Scuola Normale Superiore
Anne Verhamme, University of Geneva
Caryl Gronwall, Penn State University
Charlotte Mason, DAWN
Claudia Scarlata, University of Minnesota
Dan Stark, University Arizona
Eric Gawiser, Rutgers University
Ewald Puchwein, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
Gary Hill, University of Texas at Austin
Hsiao-Wen Chen, The University of Chicago
Jeff Cooke, Swinburne University
Jens Melinder, Stockholm University
Jeremy Blaizot, CRAL
Jorryt Matthee, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Kasper Heintz, Cosmic Dawn Center, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Koki Kakiichi, Cosmic Dawn Center, University of Copenhagen
Kwang-Il Seon, Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute
Laura pentericci, INAF- Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma
Leo Michel-Dansac, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
Lutz Wisotzki, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)
Matthew Hayes, Stockholm University
Maximilian Fabricius, MPE
Michael Rauch, Carnegie Observatories
Pascale Hibon, ESO
Robin Ciardullo, Penn State University
Shun Saito, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Taysun Kimm, Yonsei University
Zhen-Ya Zheng, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
Zheng Zheng, University of Utah

Local Organizing Committee

Seok-Jun Chang, MPA
Max Gronke, MPA
Silvia Almada Monter, MPA
Arghyadeep Basu, MPA
Aniket Bhagwat, MPA
Bo Peng, MPA
Caitlin Doughty, Universiteit Leiden