3D Visualization: VAPOR

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General information

VAPOR is the Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers – A visual data discovery environment tailored towards the specialized needs of the astro and geosciences CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) community, [and] a desktop solution capable of handling terascale size data sets.
(from http://www.vapor.ucar.edu/)

3D Visualization: Overview



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VAPOR can easily be installed from binary and requires no additional tools. It reads only VAPOR Data Files (VDF) and VAPOR Data Collections (VDC) respectively, but VAPOR comes along with a dozen command-line tools enabling data conversions. Once your data is loaded and set up in appropriate rendering tab (animation, viewpoint, region, 2D, probe, ISO, flow, direct volume rendering) the plot is drawn in the selected visualizer according to the edited transfer function. Due to the limited settings, apart from the transfer function, the final result will not be unalike the initial one, but quick at hand.
VAPOR uses a single computers graphics hardware (with hardware acceleration) by default. Its current version is 1.5.2 (in July 2010), but VAPOR is still under active development; Linux version 1.5.2 has been tested.


In the following a simple introduction is given covering the installation procedure, the data file conversion and a guideline towards the first plots.

How-to: Install

~> cd vaporTEMP/

~/vaporTEMP> tar -xf vapor-1.5.2-Linux_i386.tar.gz
~/vaporTEMP> cd vapor-1.5.2-Linux_i386/

~/vaporTEMP/vapor-1.5.2-Linux_i386> ./vapor-install.csh ~/INSTALLDIR/vapor/

~> source ~/INSTALLDIR/vapor/bin/vapor-setup.csh

~> . ~/INSTALLDIR/vapor/bin/vapor-setup.sh

~/vaporTEMP/vapor-1.5.2-Linux_i386> cd ~/INSTALLDIR/vapor/bin/
~/INSTALLDIR/vapor/bin> vaporgui

How-to: Data

This How-to is as from now on assuming you have data of one scalar field on a structured grid.

#include <fstream>

// Define your scalars DATA[x][y][z] and dimensions NX, NY and NZ here!

ofstream rawfile ("MYRAWFILE.raw", ios::out | ios::binary);

for (int z=0; z<N3; z++)
{  for (int y=0; y<N2; y++)
   {  for (int x=0; x<N1; x++)
      {  float value=D[x][y][z];
         rawfile.write ((char*)&value, sizeof (value));


~/INSTALLDIR/vapor/bin> cd ~/MYFILES/
~/MYFILES> ~/INSTALLDIR/vapor/bin/vdfcreate -dimension 64x64x64 -periodic 1:1:1 -numts 1 -vars3d scalars MYVDFFILE.vdf

~/MYFILES> ~/INSTALLDIR/vapor/bin/raw2vdf -varname scalars MYVDFFILE.vdf MYRAWFILE.raw

How-to: Use

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Congratulations! You can now call yourself a VAPOR user.

by Marco Selig 2010-07-19 14:36