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MPA/MPE CosmoClub - The LSS (and more) Journal Club


Wednesdays at 14:00 at MPA seminar room 005

Admins: Ivana Nikolac , Andrea Fiorilli .

Date Speaker Title Arxiv number
Sep. 25 Matteo Esposito Evolution Mapping II: Describing Statistics of the Non-Linear Cosmic Velocity Field arXiv:2406.08539
Wheel HOD-informed prior for EFT-based full-shape analyses of LSS arXiv:2409.12937
Oct. 2 Jeong-In Moon The Hubble Tension in our own Backyard: DESI and the Nearness of the Coma Cluster arXiv:2409.14546
Wheel DESI constraints on alpha-attractor inflationary models
Using dust to constrain dark matter models
Oct. 9 Luisa Lucie-Smith The causal effect of cosmic filaments on dark matter halos arXiv:2409.13010
Wheel 2D watershed void clustering for probing the cosmic large-scale structure
The Hubble Tension: Relativistic Dark Matter Production from Long-lived Particles
Oct. 16 Andrea Pezzotta DESI forecast for Dark Matter-Neutrino interactions using EFTofLSS arXiv:2410.08163
Wheel Mapping the galaxy-halo connection to the galaxy bias: implication to the HOD-informed prior arXiv:2410.08998
Oct. 23 Andrea Fiorilli Field-level cosmological model selection: field-level simulation-based inference for Stage IV cosmic shear can distinguish dynamical dark energy arXiv:2410.10616
Wheel The Affleck-Dine Curvaton arXiv:2410.13712
Oct. 30 Jiamin Hou Parity-breaking galaxy 4-point function from lensing by chiral gravitational waves arXiv:2408.03994
Wheel FLAMINGO: combining kinetic SZ effect and galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements to gauge the impact of feedback on large-scale structure
On the spatial distribution of the Large-Scale structure: An Unsupervised search for Parity Violation
Nov. 6 ** CANCELLED **
Nov. 13 Safak Celik FIMP Dark Matter in bulk viscous non-standard cosmologies arXiv:2411.05590
Nov. 20 Sofia Contarini A revisited Correction to the Halo Mass Function for local-type Primordial non-Gaussianity arXiv:2410.21457
Nov. 27 Fabian Schmidt Structure formation with primordial black holes: collisional dynamics, binaries, and gravitational waves arXiv:2410.01876
Wheel Cross-Correlating the Universe: The Gravitational Wave Background and Large-Scale Structure arXiv:2411.00532
Dec. 4 Sha Azyzy Kinetic Gauge Friction in Natural Inflation arXiv:2411.19892
Wheel Simulation-based inference has its own Dodelson-Schneider effect (but it knows that it does) arXiv:2412.02311
Dec. 11 Ivana Nikolac Constraining the phase shift of relativistic species in DESI BAOs arXiv:2412.05990
Wheel Multiprobe Cosmology from the Abundance of SPT Clusters and DES Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing arXiv:2412.07765
Dec. 18 ** We're on a break **
Jan. 1 ** HAPPY NEW YEAR **
Jan. 8 ** We're still on a break **
Jan. 15 Drew Jamieson Probing primordial non-Gaussianity by reconstructing the initial conditions arXiv:2412.00968
Wheel Cosmological Constraints using the Void Size Function Data from BOSS DR16 arXiv:2501.07817
Jan. 22 Noemi Anau Montel Tests for model misspecification in simulation-based inference: from local distortions to global model checks arXiv:2412.15100
Wheel Impact of particle production during inflation on the detection of CMB B-mode polarization
Boosting Supermassive Black Hole Growth in the Early Universe by Fuzzy Dark Matter Solitons
Jan. 29 Beatriz Tucci Refining local-type primordial non-Gaussianity: Sharpened bϕ constraints through bias expansion arXiv:2501.14873
Wheel Gamma-Ray Observations of Galaxy Clusters Strongly Constrain Dark Matter Annihilation in Prompt Cusps arXiv:2501.14865
Feb. 5 Alejandro Perez-Fernandez Boosting galaxy clustering analyses with non-perturbative modelling of redshift-space distortions arXiv:2501.18597
Feb. 12 Toshiki Kurita Selecting samples of galaxies with fewer Fingers-of-God arXiv:2501.10587
Wheel Cosmological Inference with Cosmic Voids and Neural Network Emulators arXiv:2502.05262
Feb. 19 Jed Homer Simulation-based inference has its own Dodelson-Schneider effect (but it knows that it does) arXiv:2412.02311
Feb. 26 Adri Duivenvoorden Learning the Universe: Learning to Optimize Cosmic Initial Conditions with Non-Differentiable Structure Formation Models arXiv:22502.13243
Wheel Learning the Universe: 3 h^-1 Gpc Tests of a Field Level N-body Simulation Emulator
SHAM-OT: Rapid Subhalo Abundance Matching with Optimal Transport
March 5 Matteo Esposito
March 12 Andrea Fiorilli
March 19 Jeongin Moon
March 26 Ivana Nikolac
April 2 Jiamin Hou
April 9 Harry (Hsiang-Ming) Huang
April 16 Andrea Pezzotta
April 23 Safak Celik
April 30 Sofia Contarini
May 7 Fabian Schmidt
May 14 Sha Azyzy

Previously discussed papers can be found here.

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