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MPA/MPE CosmoClub - The LSS (and more) Journal Club


Wednesdays at 14:00 at MPA seminar room 005

Admins: Ivana Nikolac , Andrea Fiorilli .

Date Speaker Title Arxiv number
Jan. 17 Ivana Nikolac Massive black hole binaries in LISA: constraining cosmological parameters at high redshifts arXiv:2312.04632
Wheel Bayesian Inference of Initial Conditions from Non-Linear Cosmic Structures using Field-Level Emulators arXiv:2312.09271
Jan. 24 Sofia Contarini Towards cosmology with Void Lensing: how to find voids sensitive to weak-lensing and numerically interpret them arXiv:2311.14586
Jan. 31 Matteo Esposito SPT Clusters with DES and HST Weak Lensing. II. Cosmological Constraints from the Abundance of Massive Halos arXiv:2401.02075
Feb. 07 Toshiki Kurita Analysis of BOSS Galaxy Data with Weighted Skew-Spectra arXiv:2401.13036
Feb. 14 Julia Stadler A point cloud approach to generative modeling for galaxy surveys at the field level arXiv:2311.17141
Wheel The SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey: Cosmology Constraints from Cluster Abundances in the Western Galactic Hemisphere arXiv:2402.08458
Feb. 21 Alejandro Perez-Fernandez CLASS-OneLoop: Accurate and Unbiased Inference from Spectroscopic Galaxy Surveys arXiv:2402.09778
Wheel Cosmological constraints from the Chandra-Planck galaxy cluster sample arXiv:2402.04006v1
Feb. 28 Andrea Fiorilli The universal multiplicity function: counting halos and voids arXiv:2401.14451
Mar. 06 Vittorio Ghirardini The SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey: Cosmology Constraints from Cluster Abundances in the Western Galactic Hemisphere arXiv:2402.08458
Mar. 13 Beatriz Tucci Full-shape analysis with simulation-based priors: constraints on single field inflation from BOSS arXiv:2402.13310
Mar. 20 Jeong-In Moon Examining Lyman-alpha Emitters through MillenniumTNG in anticipation of DESI-II arXiv:2403.02414
Mar. 27 - ** No Journal club **
Apr. 3 Luisa Lucie-Smith Exploring the baryonic effect signature in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Year 3 cosmic shear two-point correlations on small scales: the S8 tension remains present arXiv:2403.20323
Apr. 10 Ivana Babic DESI 2024 VI: Cosmological Constraints from the Measurements of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations arXiv:2404.03002
Wheel Weak lensing combined with the kinetic Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect: A study of baryonic feedback
Cosmic Web Classification through Stochastic Topological Ranking
Apr. 17 Drew Jamieson Bounds on galaxy stochasticity from halo occupation distribution modeling arXiv:2404.04252v1
Wheel Does DESI 2024 Confirm ΛCDM?
Deep Learning for Cosmological Parameter Inference from Dark Matter Halo Density Field
Apr. 24 Safak Celik Minimal decaying dark matter: from cosmological tensions to neutrino signatures arXiv:2403.15543
May 01 - ** No Journal Club: Public Holiday **
May 08 Fabian Schmidt A Parameter-Masked Mock Data Challenge for Beyond-Two-Point Galaxy Clustering Statistics arXiv:2405.02252
May 15 Andrea Pezzotta Power spectrum multipoles and clustering wedges during the Epoch of Reionization arXiv:2405.05414
May 22 - ** CANCELLED **
May 29 Ivana Nikolac DESI constraints on varying electron mass model and axion-like early dark energy arXiv:2405.11869
Jun. 05 Sofia Contarini Fast simulation mapping: from standard to modified gravity cosmologies using the bias assignment method arXiv:2405.10319
Wheel Improving cosmological analyses of HI clustering by reducing stochastic noise
Dwarf galaxies imply dark matter is heavier than 2.2x10^-21eV
Jun. 12 Toshiki Kurita The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR6 Gravitational Lensing and SDSS BOSS cross-correlation measurement and constraints on gravity with the EG statistic arXiv:2405.12795
Wheel The New Worlds Simulations: Large-scale Simulations across Three Cosmologies arXiv:2406.07276v1
Jun. 19 Julia Stadler
Jun. 26 ** CANCELLED **
July 3 ** CANCELLED **
July 10 Ivana Babic Straightening the Ruler: Field-Level Inference of the BAO Scale with LEFTfield arXiv:2407.01524

Previously discussed papers can be found here.

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