General Relativistic Simulations of Rotational Supernova Core Collapse in Axisymmetry with Microphysics

  MPA Homepage > Scientific Research > Research Groups > Relativistic Hydrodynamics > Axisymmetric Core Collapse with Microphysics > JPG Figures

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-Models A1Bx
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-Models A3Bx

linkPfeilExtern.gifAxisymmetric Core Collapse with Microphysics
linkPfeilExtern.gifRelativistic Hydrodynamics
linkPfeilExtern.gifWaveform Catalog

H. Dimmelmeier
C.D. Ott (linkPfeilExtern.gifDepartment of Astronomy and Steward Observatory, linkPfeilExtern.gifUniversity of Arizona, U.S.A.)
H.-T. Janka
A. Marek
E. Müller

Figures of the waveforms in JPG format:

These figures contain the time evolution of the maximum density and the signal amplitude for all 54 simulated models.

The vertical dotted lines mark the time of peak maximum density (time of bounce).

(JavaScript must be enabled to see these figures.)

topComments to: Harald Dimmelmeier