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From the Big Bang to the future fate of the Universe
The exhibition takes the visitor on a journey through time, starting
13.7 billion years ago and ending with a glimpse of the future fate of
the Universe. Along the way, the visitor finds out how space, time,
matter and the largest structures of the Universe have formed. An
excursion into today's Universe explains the life cycle of stars,
galaxy formation and evolution - and the role black holes play in the
The exhibition takes advantage of insights from astronomy, astro-,
nuclear-, and particle physics to explain the evolutionary history of
the Universe from different vantage points. Graphical media such as
video clips and posters are used to descriptively depict the current
status of modern fundamental research.
Experiments that encourage the participation of the visitor explain
what we can learn from the cosmic microwave background radiation, how
important dark matter is, and why there is any oxygen, iron, and gold
on Earth.
The exhibition "Evolution of the Universe" was initiated and
implemented by local research institutes in Munich and Garching:
Opening hours
The Deutsche Museum opens daily from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Museumsinsel 1
80538 München
Phone: (089) 2179 1
Fax: (089) 2179 324
Automatic phone service: (089) 2179 433