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KEPLER's mission is quite different from other space activities: The
satellite flies in an Earth-trailing orbit with a period of 372.5 days
and will observe the same star field in the constellation of Cygnus (Fig. 2)
for the next 3.5 years continuously. This
field is exceptionally large, 105 square degrees, and contains over
100.000 stars. The telescope has a mirror of 1.4 m diameter and a CCD
camera with 95 million pixels, consisting of a mosaic of 42 CCDs. On
May 12, after the successful commissioning of the satellite and the
completed readiness review the first image of the target field was
taken (Fig. 3).
The planet search is done with the transit method: When a planet's
orbit is in the line of sight to a star, the planet will periodically
transit in front of that star, thereby reducing its brightness by a
tiny fraction. This reduction in brightness is extremely small (of
order milli-magnitudes) and can be detected only with high-precision
photometry from space. It is hoped that over the 3.5 years mission
duration several hundreds of planets will be found, up to 50 of them
could be similar to Earth.
As a secondary science goal, small brightness variations of stars will
also be observed. These are due to thousands of oscillations which
take place in a star at the same time. They allow to determine
stellar properties of stars, such as its mass, its age and its
internal structure. This method of asteroseismology has already been
used successfully to learn about our Sun and several other bright
stars. With KEPLER more accurate measurements for stars of very
different types will allow to deepen our knowledge about stellar
struture. Scientists interested in this part of the mission are
organized in the
KEPLER Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC),
a US-European group of specialists in asteroseismology.
At the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik Martin Asplund, Achim
Weiss, Aldo Serenelli and PhD student Victor Silva are members of
KASC. Together with Jerome Ballot (Toulouse, formerly MPA) they have
successfully submitted a plan for observing stars in two stellar
clusters within KEPLER's field of observation. From the analysis of
the oscillations the team, and in particular V. Silva, want to learn
more about the properties of convective energy transport at the center
of stars. Since the Sun does not have such a core, more massive stars
have to be observed. Because the stars in a cluster are all of the
same age and chemical composition, analyzing many of them allows to
determine how convective core properties change with mass, and it is
hoped that this will lead to better theoretical models, as they are
computed at MPA. Convection is one of the biggest uncertainties
in stellar evolution theory.
On June 18 the first science data are expected. Then the work of
analyzing and modelling begins.
The interested public can help to support young scientists involved in
the mission. There is a
non-profit organization,
where everybody can "adopt" a star
of the KEPLER field for a small donation. The
KEPLER target list
is available in Google Sky.
The donor receives a
personalized "certificate of adoption" by email, and the entries for
the star they selected are updated with an "Adopted by" tag in both
Google Sky and a text version of the target list. After planets begin
to be discovered, those who adopted a planet-hosting star will be
notified by email with information about where they can learn more
about the discovery (making this an effective public outreach
program), and featured on a special section of the website. The
donations will be used, for example, to allow young scientists to
attend scientific workshops and meetings concerned with KEPLER
Kepler is a NASA Discovery mission. NASA's Ames Research Center is the
home organization of the Science Principal Investigator and is
responsible for the ground system development, mission operations and
science data analysis. Kepler mission development is managed by
JPL. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colo., is
responsible for developing the Kepler flight system and supporting
mission operations.
More information about the Kepler mission is at
For more information, please, contact:
Dr. Achim Weiss
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
Phone: +49 89 30000-2213
Fax: +49 89 30000-3569
Email: aweiss mpa-garching.mpg.de