Bluedisk HI Data

Here you can download Bluedisk HI data cubes, maps and source catalogs. The form below allow you to download data for each galaxy or the whole sample. If you use the data products presented here, we would appreciate an acknowledgement of the publications. Thanks!

You might want to READ ME for reduction information of the data, or a shorter version to get an idea about which files to use.

DOWNLOAD the HI data


(Galaxy 41 is un-observed so the data is missing, by now)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Weighting scheme

  • r0.0_t00
  • r0.4_t00
  • r0.0_t30
  • r0.4_t30

    HI products

    all all the HI products, including cubes, total intensity maps and velocity maps.
    cube cubes
    mom-0 [Jy km/s /beam] total intensity map.
    mom-0 [10^20 atoms cm^-2] total intensity map.
    mom-0 [Jy km/s /beam] (PBC) total intensity map, primary beam correted.
    mom-0 [10^20 atoms cm^-2] (PBC) total intensity map. primary beam correted
    velocity (mom-1) intensity-weighted mean velocity field.
    velociy (GH fit) velocity field resulting from Gaussian-Hermite fit (to be come).
    mask the detection mask of the cube.
    sigma map the error estimation for total intensity maps (10^20 atoms cm^-2). (!!!At the present only maps of r0.4_t00 resolution are provided)
    cata a source catalogue.

    Downloading method

    http links input file for wget (wget -i [file]).

  • Other products

    Jing Wang
    Last modified: Dec 24 2013