Years: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- The growth of clusters and its cosmological context: Carnegie Symposium on Galaxy Clusters, Pasadena
- The formation and evolution of galaxy clusters: Sackler Lecture, Princeton
- The ESO Distant Cluster Survey -- EDisCS: ESO Large Programme Workshop, Garching
- Use and abuse of satellite galaxies: Satellite Galaxies and Tidal Streams, ING-IAC Joint Conference, La Palma
- Structure and substructure in dark matter halos: Satellite Galaxies and Tidal Streams, ING-IAC Joint Conference, La Palma
- Theoretical input to a Global Virtual Observatory: IAU Joint Discussion 8, Sydney
- The formation and evolution of galaxy clusters: IAU Joint Discussion 10, Sydney
- Dark matter in galaxies -- a theoretical overview: IAU Symposium 220, Sydney
- The Local Group as a cosmological training set: Second Thinkshop, Potsdam
- Nature versus nurture -- the evolution of dense environments: Star and Structure Formation, Zurich
- The (virtual) Creation of the World -- dark matter and structure formation: Basel/Tuebingen Physics Graduate School, Blaubeuren
- The formation of galaxies -- connecting theory to observation: ESO Workshop on Multiwavelength Mapping of Galaxy Formation, Venice
- Die Einrichtung der Welt -- dunkle Materie und Strukturbildung: Vortrag zum Tag der offenen Tuer, MPA, Garching
- The properties of galaxies and AGN in the SDSS: Jerusalem Winter School in Physics
- Structure formation and its impact on the CMB: Planck Consortium Meeting, Orsay
- Echoes of Creation: the origin and evolution of structure in our Universe: Public lecture, Shanghai
- Formation of galaxies and other cosmic structures: Colloquium, Lindau
- Out of the Big Bang: simulating the Growth of Structure in our Universe: International Supercomputing 2004, Heidelberg
- Dark matter annihilation in the Milky Way's halo: Dark Universe Workshop, Garching
- Numerical Simulations: the nonlinear Dark Matter and Galaxy Distributions: Review IAU Symp. 225, Lausanne
- Feedback Processes in Numerical Simulations: Review, KITP Workshop on Galaxy-IGM Interactions, Santa Barbara
- Large-scale Simulation of the Galaxy Distribution: Colloquium, IAA Granada and IoA Cambridge
- Summary Talk: IAU Colloquium 199: Probing Galaxies with Quasar Absorption Lines, Shanghai
- The Formation of the first Structures: slides presented at the annual CIAR meeting, Mont Tremblant
- Gas Accretion during Galaxy Assembly: Review, ICTP Conference on Computational Cosmology, Trieste
- The Assembly History of LCDM Halos: IAP Colloquium, Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures, Paris
- LCDM Dark Halos and the Structure of the Local Group: Mass and Mystery in the Local Group, IoA, Cambridge
- Large-scale Simulation of the Galaxy and AGN Distribution: Nearly Normal Galaxies in an LCDM Universe, Santa Cruz
- Open Questions in Cosmology?: summary talk for the conference "Open Questions in Cosmology: the First Billion Years", Garching
- The assembly history and substructure of LCDM halos: MIT Kavli workshop on Dark Matter Substructure, Cambridge MA
- Alles aus Nichts: der Ursprung des Universums: Tag der offenen Tuer, Garching
- The Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Clusters: Introduction, Ringberg workshop on distant clusters
- Heineman Prize Lecture: AAS meeting, Washington
- Simulation effort in support of TRR33: The Dark Universe, Presentation to the final project review, Heidelberg
- The Millennium Simulation and the Local Group: Aspen winter workshop
- The Millennium Simulation - cosmic evolution in a supercomputer: Physics colloquium, DESY Hamburg, Zeuthen
- Numerical cosmology - recreating the Universe in a supercomputer: Lectures presented at the Bibliotheka Alexandrina, Egypt
- Nonlinear Structure Formation: the growth of galaxies and larger scale structures: Lectures to the IAGUSP/LENAC Summer School, Foz do Iguacu, Brasil
- Presentation of Astrophysics within the proposed Excellence Cluster: Origin and Structure of the Universe -- Bonn
- Large-scale Structure: Insights from the Millennium Simulation: Review at "Cosmic Frontiers" -- Durham
- Feedback and Galaxy Formation: Review at "Heating versus Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies" -- Garching
- Galaxy growth rates and mass profiles of halos and galaxies -- presented to the COSMOS consortium, Ringberg
- Large-scale modelling of the evolution of galaxies: From Stars to Galaxies -- conference in honour of Cesare Chiosi, Venice
- Galaxy Growth in a LCDM Universe: Massive Galaxies over Cosmic Time II, Tucson
- Simulating the Dark Universe: Symposium of TR33, The Dark Universe, Heidelberg
- Physics and Evolution of Galaxies: Review for "Towards the European ELT", Marseille
- Serving the New Millennium: Seminaire du Campus parisien, Paris
- Clusters in the new Millennium: Talk for the XEUS planning workshop, Imperial College, London
- Simulations of the Dark Matter Distribution: Review for the symposium "The Hunt for Dark Matter", Fermilab, Illinois
- Structure Formation in the Concordance Cosmology: Review for the symposium "Structure Formation in the Universe", Chamonix
- Simulations and Mock Catalogues: Presentation to the Cosmos Collaboration, New York
- From giant arcs to CMB lensing: 20 years of cosmic distortion: Summary Talk, IAP Colloquium # XXIII, Paris
- Large-scale Structure from High to Low Redshift: Review for Planck/Herschel Conference in honour of M. Rowan-Robinson, London
- The Dynamics of Cold Dark Matter: Invited talk at "The Dynamics of Galaxies", St Petersburg
- How do Galaxies get their Gas? (Theory): Invited talk at "Gas Accretion and Star Formation in Galaxies", Garching
- What is interesting? Invited talk at "Spectroscopy in Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution: 2005 -- 2015", Granada
- Structure growth in the dark universe: Invited talk at the Astronomische Gesellschaft annual meeting, Wuerzburg
- Galaxy halos at (very) high resolution: Seminar at CITA, Toronto
- The Dark Energy Smackdown: a debate with Rocky Kolb at the University of Toronto
- The Aquarius Project: Cold Dark Matter under a numerical microscope: interim report to the Leibniz Rechenzentrum
- The Millennium Simulation and its use for interpreting LSS: Surveys and Simulations, Berkeley
- Do close pairs always merge? How long does it take? Calibrating observational estimates of galaxy merger rates: MPA house seminar
- The Final Talk (of the Meeting): Aspen Winter meeting 2008 on The First 2 Billion years of Galaxy Formation
- Cosmic Structure Formation: Opening Symposium, the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Tokyo
- Evolution of fine-scale structure in galaxy halos: Galactic Structure and the Structure of Galaxies, Ensenada
- Galaxy halos at (very) high resolution: 2008 Brouwer Prize Lecture, Boulder, Colorado
- Simulations of disk galaxy formation in their cosmological context: IAU Symposium #254, Copenhagen
- Introduction to the standard cosmological model, SPIE Annual Conference, Marseille
- The (very) small-scale structure of dark matter halos: Putting Gravity to Work, Cambridge
- Cosmic Structure Formation: SDSS Symposium, From Asteroids to Cosmology, Chicago
- European Latsis Prize 2008: Astrophysics: Stockholm
- Dark Matter Halos: the Los Cabos lectures, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
- Galaxy Halo Assembly: Galileo Galilei Institute workshop on Dark Matter, Florence
- Theoretical perspectives on luminosity functions: RAS Specialist Discussion on Luminosity Functions, Liverpool
- Outstanding Issues in Galaxy Formation: RAS/EAS Meeting, European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Hatfield
- The Masses of Galaxy Halos: Unveiling the Mass, a conference to honor Vera Rubin's 80th birthday, Kingston, Ontario
- Dark Matter Astronomy: The Unity of the Universe, Portsmouth, UK
- Dark Matters: A public talk given in Aspen, Colorado, USA
- Cluster and Group Formation in LCDM: JD 2, Diffuse Light in Galaxy Clusters, IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- The Evolution of Cosmic Structure: Invited Discourse, IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Creative Thought in the Era of Big Science: SpS 5, Accelerating the Rate of Astronomical Discovery, IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Understanding our Universe; Ideas and Opportunities in Modern Astrophysics: public lecture, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei
- The fine-scale structure of dark matter halos: seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- Streams and caustics: the fine-scale structure of LCDM halos: CIFAR Annual Meeting, Lake Louise, Canada
- Dark Matters: Festvortrag to the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft in association with the Max Born Prize 2010
- Summary talk: Dynamics from the Galactic Center to the Milky Way halo, Sackler conference, Harvard
- Presentation at CITA@25/Bond@60, Toronto
- Modelling the Galaxy Population: talk at the Ringberg conference on Galaxy Evolution
- Streams and caustics: the fine-scale structure of LCDM halos: workshop presentation at the Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence
- Summary talk: A Universe of Dwarf Galaxies, Lyon
- Lectures given at the LAMOST summer school, KIAA, Beijing
- Galaxy clusters in an evolving universe: introductory review, Galaxy Clusters, Garching
- Structure in our Universe: Kavli Prize Symposium in Astrophysics, Oslo
- Millennium Simulations and Beyond: Evolution of galaxies, Potsdam
- Die Dunkle Welt; Abend-Vortag in der Urania, Berlin
- Das kosmologische Orchester: Musik am Anfang der Welt; Vortag im Cuvillies-Theater der Muenchener Residenz
- Dark Matter: a debate; Bethe Colloquium in Theoretical Physics at the University of Bonn, a debate with Pavel Kroupa
- Modelling the galaxy population: IAU Symposium 277, Ouagadougou
- The cosmology dependence of galaxy formation: 2011 CIFAR meeting, Whistler
- The structure of the dark matter distribution on laboratory scales: Dark Matter, the STScI May Symposium 2011
- The baryon budget of galaxies: Gas in Galaxies Workshop, Kloster Seeon, Bavaria
- Modelling galaxy cluster evolution: Fornax, Virgo, Coma et al, an ESO workshop on nearby clusters
- Simulating the galaxy population: Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Durham, UK
- Regularity or diversity? The expected properties of the cluster population, 1st eROSITA conference, Garmisch
- Presentation by DEFW at the ceremony awarding them the Gruber Cosmology Prize for 2011
- Comments for discussion at "Watching Galaxies Grow Up", Ringberg
- The Millennium-XXL Simulation: resolving the Planck SZ cluster stacking puzzle: 2012 CIFAR meeting, Whistler; La Cristalera Large-scale Structure workshop, Madrid
- Kosmische Evolution: der Ursprung unseres Universums, Marsilius Vorlesung, University of Heidelberg
- The influence of halo evolution on galaxy structure: SPS3 The secular evolution of galaxies, IAU/GA, Beijing
- Current status of the LCDM structure formation model: Dark Matter Universe, On the Threshold of Discovery, Irvine CA
- Cluster scaling relations: the SZ signal -- cluster mass relation, Ringberg Castle
- The Millennium Simulations -- The GALFORMOD Project: talks presented at the MPA workshop on the MS databases
- Presentation at the press conference announcing cosmological results from the Planck satellite, ESA Headquarters, Paris, 21/3/2013
- Planck and wide-field galaxy surveys: 47th ESLAB Symposium, The Universe as seen by Planck, Katwijk
- Planck results on the baryon content of Dark Matter halos: seminar at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- Cosmological results from Planck: Physics Colloquium at the University of Bonn
- Lichtspur des Urknalls: public talk at the Deutsches Museum
- Halos as clues to the galaxy formation process, Halo2013, Joint Astrophysics Conference, Garching
- Revisit of the state-of-the-art in simulating galaxy formation, Mind the Gap, Cambridge
- Simulation constraints on the nature of Dark Matter, Cosmo13, Cambridge
- The formation and evolution of the galaxy population, Joint Astronomy Colloquium, Garching
- Dark Energy: still bad for astronomy six years later?, After de Sitter II, Garching
- Galaxy Population Simulations: Aspen winter astrophysics workshop, Massive Galaxies
- The distribution of satellites around bright isolated galaxies: MPA seminar
- Formation and growth of galaxies in the young Universe: progress and challenges: Obergurgl Workshop 2014
- Realistic spirals?: Ringberg workshop on gas in and around galaxies
- Galaxy properties and the cosmic web: CIFAR AGM, Quebec
- Insights from simulations into the Dark Matter problem: Symposium on the history and future of Dark matter, Amsterdam
- Kosmische Strukturbildung im Grossrechner: Gutenberg Vorlesung, Mainz
- Galaxy masses -- galaxy formation: IAU Symposium 311, Oxford
- Insights into galaxy formation from dwarf galaxies: Thinkshop 11, Potsdam
- Dark matter from cosmological probes: Planck2014, Ferrara
- The gas content of dark halos: Aspen winter astrophysics workshop, Cosmology on the slopes
- All from Nothing - the structuring of our Universe: public talk at Tsinghua University, Beijing
- Simulating the large-scale galaxy distribution: Olympian Symposium, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Non-linear structure formation and LCDM, CMB@50, Princeton
- Theoretical and observational progress on large-scale structure: summary, Joint MPA/MPE/ESO/EC Conference, Garching
- Scales in the cosmic clustering of dark and baryonic matter: IAU General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawaii
- The gas content of dark halos: a Planck view: IAU General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Putting your foot on the gas: the quickest way to find what was never lost: GPE@60, Cambridge
- Cluster cosmology: a theoretical view: RAS Discussion Meeting, London
- The Munich galaxy formation model: origins and raison d'etre, L-Galaxies workshop, Garching
- Overview of cosmology, IMRS Student Symposium, March 2016
- A provocation on small scale structure in the DM distribution: Lorentz Centre workshop on DM halo structure
- A lensing recalibration of the gas content of dark halos: CIFAR16, Whistler
- Introduction to Ringberg workshop: Computational Galaxy Formation
- The baryon content of dark halos: MPA House Seminar
- Assembly bias, splashback and subhalo disruption in SDSS/RedMaPPer and Millennium clusters: KICC, Cambridge
- Assembly bias and splashback in galaxy clusters, CIFAR C+G program annual meeting, Lake Louise
- Assembly bias, The Halo-Galaxy Connection, KITP Santa Barbara
- Dark halos, galaxies and large-scale structure: lectures given at the Varenna Summer School
- The baryon cycle: open questions. ESO-Excellenzcluster workshop "The galaxy ecosystem", Garching
- The Auriga galaxies, TDE+/MJR@75, IoA Cambridge
- Computer reconsruction of cosmic history, the 2017 Shaw Prize lecture
- Nonlinear structure in the DM distribution: Dark Matters, Joe Silk at 75, IAP Paris
- Characteristic masses in the galaxy distribution: talk for the MPA galaxy retreat in Fischen
- Cusp or core in the Sculptor dSph? : CIFAR G+EU program annual meeting, Banff
- Cores or cusps in dwarf galaxies? : seminar, Geneva Observatory
- The imprint of initial conditions on large-scale structure: Stars, planets & galaxies, Berlin
- A Millennium Hausseminar: MPA
- Dark matter halo profiles over 20 orders of magnitude in halo mass: talk at the CIFAR G+EU Annual Meeting, Kelowna
- Nonlinear structure in the dark matter distribution: talk at Dark Side of the Universe 2019, Buenos Aires
- Nonlinear structure in the dark matter distribution: talk at the MIAPP workshop, the dynamics of large-scale structure, Garching
- Wrap-up talk: Matera Oscura -- Cosmology and Dark Matter within galaxies and clusters, Matera, Basilicata, Italy
- Outstanding problems in galaxy formation: KICC 10th Anniversary Symposium, Cambridge
- Cosmic controversies: boon or bane?: Opening talk for Cosmic Controversies, KICP, Chicago
- Questions answered since 2016 in Computational Structure Formation: presentation to the MPA Fachbeirat, November 2019
- VVV at Virgo: talk given at the Durham Virgo meeting on behalf of the VVV consortium
- The smallest dark matter halos: Munich Joint Astronomy Colloquium, April 23, 2020
- LCDM and Galaxy Formation: talk given at a (virtual) Jim's Top Ten meeting of the CIFAR G+EU program
- Dark Matter, an introduction: talk given at another (virtual) Jim's Top Ten meeting of the CIFAR G+EU program
- LCDM and Galaxy Formation: is the problem solved?: Invited talk at the 2020 meeting of the Sociedad Chilena de Astronomia
- Contribution as panel member to debate on "How to study galaxy morphology?": Machine Learning Club for Astronomy
- The structure of the invisible - does dark matter shine?: MPA Hausseminar
- The smallest dark matter halos; their abundance, structure and annihilation luminosity: seminar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Ellipsoidal collapse: talk at the MPA Retreat, Ringberg Castle
- Ellipsoidal collapse and the environment of low-mass halos: seminar at the DIPC, Donostia
- The smallest dark matter halos and their annihilation radiation: Heraeus Seminar, "Astrophysical Windows on Dark Matter", Royal Society, London
- Simulations of structure formation: Lecture given as one of the II NAT Lectures on Astrophysics, "When Simulations meet the Data"
- Reading cosmic history from the sky: a talk given holographically at "Masterminds, Masterclasses", the Hong Kong Laureate Forum
- Dark matter annihilation radiation from the Milky Way, its satellites and beyond: Rencontres de Moriond: cosmologie 2022
- Summary presentation, Rencontres de Moriond: cosmologie 2022
- From large surveys to scientific understanding: at "From galaxies to cosmology with deep spectroscopic surveys, a tribute to Olivier Le Fevre", Marseille
- Comment on the use of Machine Learning to gain scientific insight: CNRS Workshop on Machine Learning in astrophysics, IAP, Paris
- Prompt cusps and the dark matter annihilation signal: talk associated with the CNRS Workshop on Machine Learning in astrophysics, IAP, Paris
- Galaxy formation in the LCDM paradigm: Opening talk, IAU Symposium 377, Kuala Lumpur
- Video of the formation of an Earth-mass prompt cusp: presented at the Nicolaus Copernicus World Congress, Torun
- Prompt cusps and the dark matter annihilation signal: Nicolaus Copernicus World Congress, Torun
- Prompt cusps: CIFAR G+EU program Annual General Meeting
- Prompt cusps: From the Galaxy to the Big Bang, Banyuls-sur-Mer
- The Origin of NFW: Fiat Lux, JFN@60, Castel Gandolfo
- A universal profile from hierarchical clustering: CIRM workshop on kinetic and fluid equations, Marseilles
- The smallest dark matter structures: Inaugural Shaw Laureate Forum, Hong Kong
- Small-scale dark matter structures: Colloquium at the National Observatories of China, Beijing
- Cosmic structure and the nature of dark matter: Plenary talk at the 32nd Texas Meeting on Relativistic Astrophysics, Shanghai
- Short contribution to the celebration of H-W Rix's 60th birthday: MPIA, Heidelberg
- The mass distribution in and around the Local Group: DIPC seminar, Donostia, and Galactic Ecosystems conference, Hangzhou
- Computer reconstruction of cosmic history, public talk, Hangzhou
- The mass distribution in and around the Local Group: CIFAR G+EU Annual General Meeting, Whitehorse
- The mass distribution in the (very) local supercluster, solving an old puzzle: NFW@30, Zhangjiajie
- The cosmic web revisited: NFW@30, Zhangjiajie
- Final discussion, Deciphering the cosmic code for galaxy formation, Puerto Varas