Simon D. M. White

Emeritus Director at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik
Postfach 1523
85740 Garching, Germany

Office: 0049-89-30000-2211
Fax:    0049-89-30000-2899

Secretary: Cornelia Rickl
Office: 0049-89-30000-2201
Fax:    0049-89-30000-2899

Research Interests:

  • Galactic structure
  • Extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology
  • Structure, formation and evolution of galaxies
  • Galaxy clusters and the large-scale distribution of galaxies
  • Nature and distribution of dark matter
  • Numerical simulations of the formation of galaxies and larger structures


Talks since 2003


Curriculum Vitae

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