X-Ray astronomy
- Nature of the Optical Variability of HZ Herculis (Her X-1) and BD + 34°3815 (Cyg X-1)
Lyutyi, V. M.; Syunyaev, R. A.;
Cherepashchuk, A. M. Soviet Astronomy, 17, 1, 1973
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- Hard X-ray spectrum of Cyg X-1
Sunyaev, R. A.; Truemper, J.;
Nature, 279, 506-508, 1979
- Discovery of hard X-ray emission from supernova 1987A,
Sunyaev, R. et al,
Nature, vol. 330, p. 227-229 (1987)
- Detection of a Hard Component in the Spectrum of the Vulpecula X-Ray Nova - Preliminary KVANT Results:
Syunyaev, R. A.; Lapshov, I. Y.; Grebenev, S. A.; Efremov, V. V.;
Kaniovskii, A. S.; Stepanov, D. K.; Yunin, S. N.; Gavrilova, E. A.;
Loznikov, V. M.; Prudkoglyad, A. V.; Rodin, V. G.; Babushkina, O. P.;
Kiselev, S. V.; Kuznetsov, A. V.; Melioranskii, A. S.; Smith, A.;
Parmar, A. N.; Pietsch, W.; Dobereiner, S.; Engelhauser, J.; Reppin, C.;
Trumper, J.; Voges, W.; Kendziorra, E.; Maisack, M.; Mony, B.; Staubert, R.;
Soviet Astronomy Letters, 14, 327-333, 1988
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- Detection of Quasiperiodic Oscillations of X-Rays from the Black-Hole Candidate GX:339-4
Grebenev, S.; Syunyaev, R.; Pavlinskii, M.; Dekhanov, I.;
Soviet Astronomy Letters, 17, 413, 1991
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- Roentgen Observations of the X-Ray Nova GS:2023+338
Syunyaev, R. A.; Kaniovskii, A. S.; Efremov, V. V.; Arefev, V. A.;
Borozdin, K. N.; Gilfanov, M. R.; Churazov, E. M.; Kuznetsov, A. V.;
Melioranskii, A. S.; Yamburenko, N. S.; Pietsch, W.; Dobereiner, S.;
Englhauser, Y.; Reppin, C.; Trumper, J.; Voges, W.; Kendziorra, E.;
Maisack, M.; Mony, B.; Staubert, R.; Skinner, G. K.; Nottingham, M. R.;
Pan, H.; Willmore, A. P.; Brinkman, A. C.; Heise, J.; Int-Zand, J. M.;
Jager, R.;
Soviet Astronomy Letters, 17, 123, 1991
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- Two hard X-ray sources in 100 square degrees around the Galactic Center
Sunyaev, R.; Churazov, E.; Gilfanov, M.; Pavlinsky, M.; Grebenev, S.;
Babalyan, G.; Dekhanov, I.; Yamburenko, N.; Bouchet, L.; Niel, M.;
Roques, J. P.; Mandrou, P.; Goldwurm, A.; Cordier, B.; Laurent, Ph.;
Paul, J.;
Astronomy and Astrophysics 247, L29-L32, 1991
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- The center of the Galaxy in the recent past - A view from GRANAT
Sunyaev, R.; Markevitch, M.; Pavlinsky, M.,
Astrophysical Journal, 407, 606-610, 1993
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- Deuterium synthesis in the solar flare on 24 May 1990: observations of delayed emission in the 2.2 MeV γ-ray line by the GRANAT satellite
Terekhov, O. V.; Syunyaev, R. A.; Kuznetsov, A. V.; Barat, C.; Talon,
R.; Trottet, G.; Vilmer, N.;
Astronomy Letters, 19, 65-68, 1993
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- Observations of black hole candidates with GRANAT
Grebenev, S.; Sunyaev, R.; Pavlinsky, M.; Churazov, E.; Gilfanov, M.;
Dyachkov, A.; Khavenson, N.; Sukhanov, K.; Laurent, P.; Ballet, J.;
Claret, A.; Cordier, B.; Jourdain, E.; Niel, M.; Pelaez, F.;
Schmitz-Fraysse, M. C.,
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 97, 281-287, 1993
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- Broad-band X-ray observations of the GRO J0422+32 X-ray nova by the 'Mir-Kvant' observatory
Sunyaev, R. A.; Kaniovsky, A. S.; Borozdin, K. N.; Efremov, V. V.;
Aref'ev, V. A.; Melioransky, A. S.; Skinner, G. K.; Pan, H. C.;
Kendziorra, E.; Maisack, M.; Doebereiner, S.; Pietsch, W.,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 280, L1-L4, 1993
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- X-ray images of the Galactic Center obtained with ART-P/GRANAT: Discovery of new sources, variability of persistent sources, and localization of X-ray bursters
Pavlinsky, M. N.; Grebenev, S. A.; Sunyaev, R. A.;
ApJ 425, 110-121, 1994
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- Observations of X-ray novae in Vela (1993), Ophiuchus (1993), and Perseus (1992) using the instruments of the Mir-Kvant module
Syunyaev, R. A.; Borozdin, K. N.; Aleksandrovich, N. L.; Arefev, V. A.;
Kaniovskii, A. S.; Efremov, V. V.; Maisack, M.; Reppin, C.; Skinner, J. K.;
Astronomy Letters, 20, 777-786, 1994
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- Near-infrared jets in the galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105
Sams, B. J.; Eckart, A.; Sunyaev, R.,
Nature, 382, 47-49, 1996
- Fourier power spectra at high frequencies: a way to distinguish a neutron star from a black hole
Sunyaev, R.; Revnivtsev, M.,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 358, 617-623, 2000.
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- High-mass X-ray binaries as a star formation rate indicator in distant galaxies"
Grimm, H.-J.; Gilfanov, M.; Sunyaev, R.,
Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 339, p. 793-809 (2003)
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- An apparently normal γ-ray burst with an unusually low luminosity
Sazonov, S. Yu.; Lutovinov, A. A.; Sunyaev, R. A.;
Nature, 430, 646-648, 2004
- Positron annihilation spectrum from the Galactic Centre region observed by SPI/INTEGRAL
Churazov, E.; Sunyaev, R.; Sazonov, S.; Revnivtsev, M.;
Varshalovich, D.,,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 357, p. 1377-1386 (2005)
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