Interaction of matter and radiation

Interaction of matter and radiation under astrophysical conditions

  1. Estimate of Energy Density of Subcosmic Rays from Measurement of Ultraviolet Background
    Kurt, V. G.; Syunyaev, R. A.
    JETP Letters-USSR, 7, 164, 1968

  2. Dielectronic Recombination
    Beigman, I.; Vainshtein, L.; Syunyaev, R;
    Soviet Physics-Uspekhi, 11, 411-423, 1968
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  3. The Evolution of Massive Stars and Stroemgren Zones.
    Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.; Syunyaev, R.;
    Soviet Astronomy, 14, 351-352 , 1970
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  4. Physical Processes in a Low-Density Relativistic Plasma
    Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.; Zeldovich, Ya. B.; Syunyaev, R.;
    Soviet Astronomy, 15, 17-22, 1971
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  5. Luminosity of thermal X-ray sources with a strong magnetic field
    Gnedin, Yu.; Sunyaev, R.;
    Monthly Notices RAS, 162, 53-59, 1973
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  6. Nature of the High Velocities of H2O Sources in W49
    Strelnitskii, V.; Syunyaev, R.;
    Soviet Astronomy, 16, 579-584, 1973
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  7. Reflection and reprocessing of X-ray source radiation by the atmosphere of the normal star in a binary system.
    Basko, M.; Sunyaev, R..; Titarchuk, L.;
    Astron. and Astrophys., 31, 249-263 (1974)
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  8. Radiation of photospheres with scattering-dominated opacity
    Syunyaev, R.; Shakura, N.;
    Soviet Astronomy, 18, 60-61, 1974
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  9. Polarization of optical and X-radiation from compact thermal sources with magnetic field
    Gnedin, Yu.; Sunyaev, R.;
    Astronomy and Astrophysics, 36, 379-394, 1974
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  10. Radiative transfer in a strong magnetic field and accreting X-ray pulsars
    Basko, M.; Sunyaev, R.;
    Astronomy and Astrophysics, 42, 311-321, 1975
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  11. Stellar wind flow around an X-ray source
    Krasnobaev, K.; Syunyaev, R.;
    Soviet Astronomy Letters, 64-66, 1977
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  12. Evaporative winds in X-ray binaries
    Basko, M.; Sunyaev, R.; Hatchett, S.; McCray, R.;
    ApJ, 215, 276-284, 1977
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  13. The K-Alpha Lines in the Background X-Ray Spectrum and the Interstellar Gas in Galaxies
    Vainshtein, L.; Syunyaev, R.; Soviet Astronomy Letters, 6, 353-356, 1980
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  14. Gamma-ray line emission, nuclear destruction and neutron production in hot astrophysical plasmas - The deuterium boiler as a gamma-ray source
    Agaronian, F. A.; Sunyaev, R. A.;
    Monthly Notices RAS, 210, 257-277, 1984
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  15. Scattering of X-ray emission lines by neutral and molecular hydrogen in the solar atmosphere and in the vicinity of active galactic nuclei and compact X-ray sources
    Sunyaev, R.; Churazov, E.;
    Astronomy Letters, 22, 648-663, 1996
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  16. Equivalent width, shape and proper motion of the iron fluorescent line emission from molecular clouds as an indicator of the illuminating source X-ray flux history
    Sunyaev, R.; Churazov, E.;
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 297, 1279-1291, 1998
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  17. Cosmic rays from microquasars: A narrow component to the CR spectrum?
    Heinz, S.; Sunyaev, R.;
    Astronomy and Astrophysics, 390, 751-766, 2002
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  18. The non-linear dependence of flux on black hole mass and accretion rate in core-dominated jets
    Heinz, S.; Sunyaev, R.;
    Monthly Notice RAS,  343, L59-L64, 2003
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